path: root/tools/testing/selftests/net/forwarding/lib.sh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/testing/selftests/net/forwarding/lib.sh')
1 files changed, 251 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/net/forwarding/lib.sh b/tools/testing/selftests/net/forwarding/lib.sh
index 7b18a53aa556..ca53b539aa2d 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/net/forwarding/lib.sh
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/net/forwarding/lib.sh
@@ -8,14 +8,21 @@
-if [[ -f forwarding.config ]]; then
- source forwarding.config
+if [[ "$relative_path" == "${BASH_SOURCE}" ]]; then
+ relative_path="."
+if [[ -f $relative_path/forwarding.config ]]; then
+ source "$relative_path/forwarding.config"
@@ -28,7 +35,10 @@ check_tc_version()
echo "SKIP: iproute2 too old; tc is missing JSON support"
exit 1
tc filter help 2>&1 | grep block &> /dev/null
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "SKIP: iproute2 too old; tc is missing shared block support"
@@ -36,6 +46,15 @@ check_tc_version()
+ tc help 2>&1|grep chain &> /dev/null
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
+ echo "SKIP: iproute2 too old; tc is missing chain support"
+ exit 1
+ fi
if [[ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "SKIP: need root privileges"
exit 0
@@ -45,15 +64,18 @@ if [[ "$CHECK_TC" = "yes" ]]; then
-if [[ ! -x "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then
- echo "SKIP: jq not installed"
- exit 1
+ local cmd=$1; shift
-if [[ ! -x "$(command -v $MZ)" ]]; then
- echo "SKIP: $MZ not installed"
- exit 1
+ if [[ ! -x "$(command -v "$cmd")" ]]; then
+ echo "SKIP: $cmd not installed"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+require_command jq
+require_command $MZ
if [[ ! -v NUM_NETIFS ]]; then
echo "SKIP: importer does not define \"NUM_NETIFS\""
@@ -151,6 +173,19 @@ check_fail()
+ local should_fail=$1; shift
+ local err=$1; shift
+ local what=$1; shift
+ if ((should_fail)); then
+ check_fail $err "$what succeeded, but should have failed"
+ else
+ check_err $err "$what failed"
+ fi
local test_name=$1
@@ -185,24 +220,54 @@ log_info()
echo "INFO: $msg"
+ local dev=$1; shift
+ while true; do
+ ip link show dev $dev up \
+ | grep 'state UP' &> /dev/null
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
+ sleep 1
+ else
+ break
+ fi
+ done
- for i in $(eval echo {1..$NUM_NETIFS}); do
- while true; do
- ip link show dev ${NETIFS[p$i]} up \
- | grep 'state UP' &> /dev/null
- if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
- sleep 1
- else
- break
- fi
- done
+ local num_netifs=${1:-$NUM_NETIFS}
+ for ((i = 1; i <= num_netifs; ++i)); do
+ setup_wait_dev ${NETIFS[p$i]}
# Make sure links are ready.
sleep $WAIT_TIME
+ local dev=$1; shift
+ while lldptool -t -i $dev -V APP -c app | grep -q pending; do
+ echo "$dev: waiting for lldpad to push pending APP updates"
+ sleep 5
+ done
+ # Give lldpad a chance to push down the changes. If the device is downed
+ # too soon, the updates will be left pending. However, they will have
+ # been struck off the lldpad's DB already, so we won't be able to tell
+ # they are pending. Then on next test iteration this would cause
+ # weirdness as newly-added APP rules conflict with the old ones,
+ # sometimes getting stuck in an "unknown" state.
+ sleep 5
if [ "${PAUSE_ON_CLEANUP}" = "yes" ]; then
@@ -287,6 +352,29 @@ __addr_add_del()
+ local if_name=$1; shift
+ local vrf_name=$1; shift
+ local addrs=("${@}")
+ ip link set dev $if_name master $vrf_name
+ ip link set dev $if_name up
+ __addr_add_del $if_name add "${addrs[@]}"
+ local if_name=$1; shift
+ local addrs=("${@}")
+ __addr_add_del $if_name del "${addrs[@]}"
+ ip link set dev $if_name down
+ ip link set dev $if_name nomaster
local if_name=$1
@@ -298,11 +386,8 @@ simple_if_init()
vrf_create $vrf_name
- ip link set dev $if_name master $vrf_name
ip link set dev $vrf_name up
- ip link set dev $if_name up
- __addr_add_del $if_name add "${array[@]}"
+ __simple_if_init $if_name $vrf_name "${array[@]}"
@@ -315,9 +400,7 @@ simple_if_fini()
- __addr_add_del $if_name del "${array[@]}"
- ip link set dev $if_name down
+ __simple_if_fini $if_name "${array[@]}"
vrf_destroy $vrf_name
@@ -365,6 +448,28 @@ vlan_destroy()
ip link del dev $name
+ local if_name=$1; shift
+ local mode=$1; shift
+ require_command $TEAMD
+ $TEAMD -t $if_name -d -c '{"runner": {"name": "'$mode'"}}'
+ for slave in "$@"; do
+ ip link set dev $slave down
+ ip link set dev $slave master $if_name
+ ip link set dev $slave up
+ done
+ ip link set dev $if_name up
+ local if_name=$1; shift
+ $TEAMD -t $if_name -k
local if_name=$1
@@ -383,9 +488,10 @@ tc_rule_stats_get()
local dev=$1; shift
local pref=$1; shift
+ local dir=$1; shift
- tc -j -s filter show dev $dev ingress pref $pref |
- jq '.[1].options.actions[].stats.packets'
+ tc -j -s filter show dev $dev ${dir:-ingress} pref $pref \
+ | jq '.[1].options.actions[].stats.packets'
@@ -437,7 +543,9 @@ forwarding_restore()
- for i in $(eval echo {1..$NUM_NETIFS}); do
+ local num_netifs=${1:-$NUM_NETIFS}
+ for ((i = 1; i <= num_netifs; ++i)); do
ethtool -k ${NETIFS[p$i]} \
| grep "hw-tc-offload: on" &> /dev/null
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
@@ -453,9 +561,15 @@ trap_install()
local dev=$1; shift
local direction=$1; shift
- # For slow-path testing, we need to install a trap to get to
- # slow path the packets that would otherwise be switched in HW.
- tc filter add dev $dev $direction pref 1 flower skip_sw action trap
+ # Some devices may not support or need in-hardware trapping of traffic
+ # (e.g. the veth pairs that this library creates for non-existent
+ # loopbacks). Use continue instead, so that there is a filter in there
+ # (some tests check counters), and so that other filters are still
+ # processed.
+ tc filter add dev $dev $direction pref 1 \
+ flower skip_sw action trap 2>/dev/null \
+ || tc filter add dev $dev $direction pref 1 \
+ flower action continue
@@ -463,11 +577,13 @@ trap_uninstall()
local dev=$1; shift
local direction=$1; shift
- tc filter del dev $dev $direction pref 1 flower skip_sw
+ tc filter del dev $dev $direction pref 1 flower
+ # For slow-path testing, we need to install a trap to get to
+ # slow path the packets that would otherwise be switched in HW.
if [ "${tcflags/skip_hw}" != "$tcflags" ]; then
trap_install "$@"
@@ -537,6 +653,48 @@ vlan_capture_uninstall()
__vlan_capture_add_del del 100 "$@"
+ local add_del=$1; shift
+ local dev=$1; shift
+ local base=$1; shift
+ local dscp;
+ for prio in {0..7}; do
+ dscp=$((base + prio))
+ __icmp_capture_add_del $add_del $((dscp + 100)) "" $dev \
+ "skip_hw ip_tos $((dscp << 2))"
+ done
+ local dev=$1; shift
+ local base=$1; shift
+ __dscp_capture_add_del add $dev $base
+ local dev=$1; shift
+ local base=$1; shift
+ __dscp_capture_add_del del $dev $base
+ local dev=$1; shift
+ local base=$1; shift
+ for prio in {0..7}; do
+ local dscp=$((base + prio))
+ local t=$(tc_rule_stats_get $dev $((dscp + 100)))
+ echo "[$dscp]=$t "
+ done
local dev=$1; shift
@@ -557,33 +715,86 @@ tests_run()
+ local desc="$1"
+ local weight_rp12=$2
+ local weight_rp13=$3
+ local packets_rp12=$4
+ local packets_rp13=$5
+ local weights_ratio packets_ratio diff
+ RET=0
+ if [[ "$weight_rp12" -gt "$weight_rp13" ]]; then
+ weights_ratio=$(echo "scale=2; $weight_rp12 / $weight_rp13" \
+ | bc -l)
+ else
+ weights_ratio=$(echo "scale=2; $weight_rp13 / $weight_rp12" \
+ | bc -l)
+ fi
+ if [[ "$packets_rp12" -eq "0" || "$packets_rp13" -eq "0" ]]; then
+ check_err 1 "Packet difference is 0"
+ log_test "Multipath"
+ log_info "Expected ratio $weights_ratio"
+ return
+ fi
+ if [[ "$weight_rp12" -gt "$weight_rp13" ]]; then
+ packets_ratio=$(echo "scale=2; $packets_rp12 / $packets_rp13" \
+ | bc -l)
+ else
+ packets_ratio=$(echo "scale=2; $packets_rp13 / $packets_rp12" \
+ | bc -l)
+ fi
+ diff=$(echo $weights_ratio - $packets_ratio | bc -l)
+ diff=${diff#-}
+ test "$(echo "$diff / $weights_ratio > 0.15" | bc -l)" -eq 0
+ check_err $? "Too large discrepancy between expected and measured ratios"
+ log_test "$desc"
+ log_info "Expected ratio $weights_ratio Measured ratio $packets_ratio"
# Tests
local if_name=$1
local dip=$2
local vrf_name
- RET=0
vrf_name=$(master_name_get $if_name)
ip vrf exec $vrf_name $PING $dip -c 10 -i 0.1 -w 2 &> /dev/null
+ RET=0
+ ping_do $1 $2
check_err $?
log_test "ping"
local if_name=$1
local dip=$2
local vrf_name
- RET=0
vrf_name=$(master_name_get $if_name)
ip vrf exec $vrf_name $PING6 $dip -c 10 -i 0.1 -w 2 &> /dev/null
+ RET=0
+ ping6_do $1 $2
check_err $?
log_test "ping6"