path: root/arch/frv/kernel/gdb-stub.c
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2149 deletions
diff --git a/arch/frv/kernel/gdb-stub.c b/arch/frv/kernel/gdb-stub.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bbe78b0bffec..000000000000
--- a/arch/frv/kernel/gdb-stub.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2149 +0,0 @@
-/* gdb-stub.c: FRV GDB stub
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2003,4 Red Hat, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- * Written by David Howells (dhowells@redhat.com)
- * - Derived from Linux/MIPS version, Copyright (C) 1995 Andreas Busse
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
- * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- */
- * To enable debugger support, two things need to happen. One, a
- * call to set_debug_traps() is necessary in order to allow any breakpoints
- * or error conditions to be properly intercepted and reported to gdb.
- * Two, a breakpoint needs to be generated to begin communication. This
- * is most easily accomplished by a call to breakpoint(). Breakpoint()
- * simulates a breakpoint by executing a BREAK instruction.
- *
- *
- * The following gdb commands are supported:
- *
- * command function Return value
- *
- * g return the value of the CPU registers hex data or ENN
- * G set the value of the CPU registers OK or ENN
- *
- * mAA..AA,LLLL Read LLLL bytes at address AA..AA hex data or ENN
- * MAA..AA,LLLL: Write LLLL bytes at address AA.AA OK or ENN
- *
- * c Resume at current address SNN ( signal NN)
- * cAA..AA Continue at address AA..AA SNN
- *
- * s Step one instruction SNN
- * sAA..AA Step one instruction from AA..AA SNN
- *
- * k kill
- *
- * ? What was the last sigval ? SNN (signal NN)
- *
- * bBB..BB Set baud rate to BB..BB OK or BNN, then sets
- * baud rate
- *
- * All commands and responses are sent with a packet which includes a
- * checksum. A packet consists of
- *
- * $<packet info>#<checksum>.
- *
- * where
- * <packet info> :: <characters representing the command or response>
- * <checksum> :: < two hex digits computed as modulo 256 sum of <packetinfo>>
- *
- * When a packet is received, it is first acknowledged with either '+' or '-'.
- * '+' indicates a successful transfer. '-' indicates a failed transfer.
- *
- * Example:
- *
- * Host: Reply:
- * $m0,10#2a +$00010203040506070809101112131415#42
- *
- *
- * ==============
- * ==============
- *
- * For reference -- the following are the steps that one
- * company took (RidgeRun Inc) to get remote gdb debugging
- * going. In this scenario the host machine was a PC and the
- * target platform was a Galileo EVB64120A MIPS evaluation
- * board.
- *
- * Step 1:
- * First download gdb-5.0.tar.gz from the internet.
- * and then build/install the package.
- *
- * Example:
- * $ tar zxf gdb-5.0.tar.gz
- * $ cd gdb-5.0
- * $ ./configure --target=frv-elf-gdb
- * $ make
- * $ frv-elf-gdb
- *
- * Step 2:
- * Configure linux for remote debugging and build it.
- *
- * Example:
- * $ cd ~/linux
- * $ make menuconfig <go to "Kernel Hacking" and turn on remote debugging>
- * $ make vmlinux
- *
- * Step 3:
- * Download the kernel to the remote target and start
- * the kernel running. It will promptly halt and wait
- * for the host gdb session to connect. It does this
- * since the "Kernel Hacking" option has defined
- * CONFIG_REMOTE_DEBUG which in turn enables your calls
- * to:
- * set_debug_traps();
- * breakpoint();
- *
- * Step 4:
- * Start the gdb session on the host.
- *
- * Example:
- * $ frv-elf-gdb vmlinux
- * (gdb) set remotebaud 115200
- * (gdb) target remote /dev/ttyS1
- * ...at this point you are connected to
- * the remote target and can use gdb
- * in the normal fasion. Setting
- * breakpoints, single stepping,
- * printing variables, etc.
- *
- */
-#include <linux/string.h>
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/signal.h>
-#include <linux/sched.h>
-#include <linux/mm.h>
-#include <linux/console.h>
-#include <linux/init.h>
-#include <linux/slab.h>
-#include <linux/nmi.h>
-#include <asm/asm-offsets.h>
-#include <asm/pgtable.h>
-#include <asm/gdb-stub.h>
-#define LEDS(x) do { /* *(u32*)0xe1200004 = ~(x); mb(); */ } while(0)
-extern void debug_to_serial(const char *p, int n);
-extern void gdbstub_console_write(struct console *co, const char *p, unsigned n);
-extern volatile uint32_t __break_error_detect[3]; /* ESFR1, ESR15, EAR15 */
-struct __debug_amr {
- unsigned long L, P;
-} __attribute__((aligned(8)));
-struct __debug_mmu {
- struct {
- unsigned long hsr0, pcsr, esr0, ear0, epcr0;
-#ifdef CONFIG_MMU
- unsigned long tplr, tppr, tpxr, cxnr;
- } regs;
- struct __debug_amr iamr[16];
- struct __debug_amr damr[16];
-#ifdef CONFIG_MMU
- struct __debug_amr tlb[64*2];
-static struct __debug_mmu __debug_mmu;
- * BUFMAX defines the maximum number of characters in inbound/outbound buffers
- * at least NUMREGBYTES*2 are needed for register packets
- */
-#define BUFMAX 2048
-#define BREAK_INSN 0x801000c0 /* use "break" as bkpt */
-static const char gdbstub_banner[] = "Linux/FR-V GDB Stub (c) RedHat 2003\n";
-volatile u8 gdbstub_rx_buffer[PAGE_SIZE] __attribute__((aligned(PAGE_SIZE)));
-volatile u32 gdbstub_rx_inp = 0;
-volatile u32 gdbstub_rx_outp = 0;
-volatile u8 gdbstub_rx_overflow = 0;
-u8 gdbstub_rx_unget = 0;
-/* set with GDB whilst running to permit step through exceptions */
-extern volatile u32 __attribute__((section(".bss"))) gdbstub_trace_through_exceptions;
-static char input_buffer[BUFMAX];
-static char output_buffer[BUFMAX];
-static const char *regnames[] = {
- "PSR ", "ISR ", "CCR ", "CCCR",
- "LR ", "LCR ", "PC ", "_stt",
- "sys ", "GR8*", "GNE0", "GNE1",
- "IACH", "IACL",
- "TBR ", "SP ", "FP ", "GR3 ",
- "GR4 ", "GR5 ", "GR6 ", "GR7 ",
- "GR8 ", "GR9 ", "GR10", "GR11",
- "GR12", "GR13", "GR14", "GR15",
- "GR16", "GR17", "GR18", "GR19",
- "GR20", "GR21", "GR22", "GR23",
- "GR24", "GR25", "GR26", "GR27",
- "EFRM", "CURR", "GR30", "BFRM"
-struct gdbstub_bkpt {
- unsigned long addr; /* address of breakpoint */
- unsigned len; /* size of breakpoint */
- uint32_t originsns[7]; /* original instructions */
-static struct gdbstub_bkpt gdbstub_bkpts[256];
- * local prototypes
- */
-static void gdbstub_recv_packet(char *buffer);
-static int gdbstub_send_packet(char *buffer);
-static int gdbstub_compute_signal(unsigned long tbr);
-static int hex(unsigned char ch);
-static int hexToInt(char **ptr, unsigned long *intValue);
-static unsigned char *mem2hex(const void *mem, char *buf, int count, int may_fault);
-static char *hex2mem(const char *buf, void *_mem, int count);
- * Convert ch from a hex digit to an int
- */
-static int hex(unsigned char ch)
- if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f')
- return ch-'a'+10;
- if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')
- return ch-'0';
- if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F')
- return ch-'A'+10;
- return -1;
-void gdbstub_printk(const char *fmt, ...)
- static char buf[1024];
- va_list args;
- int len;
- /* Emit the output into the temporary buffer */
- va_start(args, fmt);
- len = vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, args);
- va_end(args);
- debug_to_serial(buf, len);
-static inline char *gdbstub_strcpy(char *dst, const char *src)
- int loop = 0;
- while ((dst[loop] = src[loop]))
- loop++;
- return dst;
-static void gdbstub_purge_cache(void)
- asm volatile(" dcef @(gr0,gr0),#1 \n"
- " icei @(gr0,gr0),#1 \n"
- " membar \n"
- " bar \n"
- );
- * scan for the sequence $<data>#<checksum>
- */
-static void gdbstub_recv_packet(char *buffer)
- unsigned char checksum;
- unsigned char xmitcsum;
- unsigned char ch;
- int count, i, ret, error;
- for (;;) {
- /* wait around for the start character, ignore all other characters */
- do {
- gdbstub_rx_char(&ch, 0);
- } while (ch != '$');
- checksum = 0;
- xmitcsum = -1;
- count = 0;
- error = 0;
- /* now, read until a # or end of buffer is found */
- while (count < BUFMAX) {
- ret = gdbstub_rx_char(&ch, 0);
- if (ret < 0)
- error = ret;
- if (ch == '#')
- break;
- checksum += ch;
- buffer[count] = ch;
- count++;
- }
- if (error == -EIO) {
- gdbstub_proto("### GDB Rx Error - Skipping packet ###\n");
- gdbstub_proto("### GDB Tx NAK\n");
- gdbstub_tx_char('-');
- continue;
- }
- if (count >= BUFMAX || error)
- continue;
- buffer[count] = 0;
- /* read the checksum */
- ret = gdbstub_rx_char(&ch, 0);
- if (ret < 0)
- error = ret;
- xmitcsum = hex(ch) << 4;
- ret = gdbstub_rx_char(&ch, 0);
- if (ret < 0)
- error = ret;
- xmitcsum |= hex(ch);
- if (error) {
- if (error == -EIO)
- gdbstub_proto("### GDB Rx Error - Skipping packet\n");
- gdbstub_proto("### GDB Tx NAK\n");
- gdbstub_tx_char('-');
- continue;
- }
- /* check the checksum */
- if (checksum != xmitcsum) {
- gdbstub_proto("### GDB Tx NAK\n");
- gdbstub_tx_char('-'); /* failed checksum */
- continue;
- }
- gdbstub_proto("### GDB Rx '$%s#%02x' ###\n", buffer, checksum);
- gdbstub_proto("### GDB Tx ACK\n");
- gdbstub_tx_char('+'); /* successful transfer */
- /* if a sequence char is present, reply the sequence ID */
- if (buffer[2] == ':') {
- gdbstub_tx_char(buffer[0]);
- gdbstub_tx_char(buffer[1]);
- /* remove sequence chars from buffer */
- count = 0;
- while (buffer[count]) count++;
- for (i=3; i <= count; i++)
- buffer[i - 3] = buffer[i];
- }
- break;
- }
-} /* end gdbstub_recv_packet() */
- * send the packet in buffer.
- * - return 0 if successfully ACK'd
- * - return 1 if abandoned due to new incoming packet
- */
-static int gdbstub_send_packet(char *buffer)
- unsigned char checksum;
- int count;
- unsigned char ch;
- /* $<packet info>#<checksum> */
- gdbstub_proto("### GDB Tx '%s' ###\n", buffer);
- do {
- gdbstub_tx_char('$');
- checksum = 0;
- count = 0;
- while ((ch = buffer[count]) != 0) {
- gdbstub_tx_char(ch);
- checksum += ch;
- count += 1;
- }
- gdbstub_tx_char('#');
- gdbstub_tx_char(hex_asc_hi(checksum));
- gdbstub_tx_char(hex_asc_lo(checksum));
- } while (gdbstub_rx_char(&ch,0),
- ch=='-' && (gdbstub_proto("### GDB Rx NAK\n"),0),
- ch!='-' && ch!='+' && (gdbstub_proto("### GDB Rx ??? %02x\n",ch),0),
- ch!='+' && ch!='$');
- if (ch=='+') {
- gdbstub_proto("### GDB Rx ACK\n");
- return 0;
- }
- gdbstub_proto("### GDB Tx Abandoned\n");
- gdbstub_rx_unget = ch;
- return 1;
-} /* end gdbstub_send_packet() */
- * While we find nice hex chars, build an int.
- * Return number of chars processed.
- */
-static int hexToInt(char **ptr, unsigned long *_value)
- int count = 0, ch;
- *_value = 0;
- while (**ptr) {
- ch = hex(**ptr);
- if (ch < 0)
- break;
- *_value = (*_value << 4) | ((uint8_t) ch & 0xf);
- count++;
- (*ptr)++;
- }
- return count;
- * probe an address to see whether it maps to anything
- */
-static inline int gdbstub_addr_probe(const void *vaddr)
-#ifdef CONFIG_MMU
- unsigned long paddr;
- asm("lrad %1,%0,#1,#0,#0" : "=r"(paddr) : "r"(vaddr));
- if (!(paddr & xAMPRx_V))
- return 0;
- return 1;
-} /* end gdbstub_addr_probe() */
-#ifdef CONFIG_MMU
-static unsigned long __saved_dampr, __saved_damlr;
-static inline unsigned long gdbstub_virt_to_pte(unsigned long vaddr)
- pgd_t *pgd;
- pud_t *pud;
- pmd_t *pmd;
- pte_t *pte;
- unsigned long val, dampr5;
- pgd = (pgd_t *) __get_DAMLR(3) + pgd_index(vaddr);
- pud = pud_offset(pgd, vaddr);
- pmd = pmd_offset(pud, vaddr);
- if (pmd_bad(*pmd) || !pmd_present(*pmd))
- return 0;
- /* make sure dampr5 maps to the correct pmd */
- dampr5 = __get_DAMPR(5);
- val = pmd_val(*pmd);
- __set_DAMPR(5, val | xAMPRx_L | xAMPRx_SS_16Kb | xAMPRx_S | xAMPRx_C | xAMPRx_V);
- /* now its safe to access pmd */
- pte = (pte_t *)__get_DAMLR(5) + __pte_index(vaddr);
- if (pte_present(*pte))
- val = pte_val(*pte);
- else
- val = 0;
- /* restore original dampr5 */
- __set_DAMPR(5, dampr5);
- return val;
-static inline int gdbstub_addr_map(const void *vaddr)
-#ifdef CONFIG_MMU
- unsigned long pte;
- __saved_dampr = __get_DAMPR(2);
- __saved_damlr = __get_DAMLR(2);
- if (gdbstub_addr_probe(vaddr))
- return 1;
-#ifdef CONFIG_MMU
- pte = gdbstub_virt_to_pte((unsigned long) vaddr);
- if (pte) {
- __set_DAMPR(2, pte);
- __set_DAMLR(2, (unsigned long) vaddr & PAGE_MASK);
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-static inline void gdbstub_addr_unmap(void)
-#ifdef CONFIG_MMU
- __set_DAMPR(2, __saved_dampr);
- __set_DAMLR(2, __saved_damlr);
- * access potentially dodgy memory through a potentially dodgy pointer
- */
-static inline int gdbstub_read_dword(const void *addr, uint32_t *_res)
- unsigned long brr;
- uint32_t res;
- if (!gdbstub_addr_map(addr))
- return 0;
- asm volatile(" movgs gr0,brr \n"
- " ld%I2 %M2,%0 \n"
- " movsg brr,%1 \n"
- : "=r"(res), "=r"(brr)
- : "m"(*(uint32_t *) addr));
- *_res = res;
- gdbstub_addr_unmap();
- return likely(!brr);
-static inline int gdbstub_write_dword(void *addr, uint32_t val)
- unsigned long brr;
- if (!gdbstub_addr_map(addr))
- return 0;
- asm volatile(" movgs gr0,brr \n"
- " st%I2 %1,%M2 \n"
- " movsg brr,%0 \n"
- : "=r"(brr)
- : "r"(val), "m"(*(uint32_t *) addr));
- gdbstub_addr_unmap();
- return likely(!brr);
-static inline int gdbstub_read_word(const void *addr, uint16_t *_res)
- unsigned long brr;
- uint16_t res;
- if (!gdbstub_addr_map(addr))
- return 0;
- asm volatile(" movgs gr0,brr \n"
- " lduh%I2 %M2,%0 \n"
- " movsg brr,%1 \n"
- : "=r"(res), "=r"(brr)
- : "m"(*(uint16_t *) addr));
- *_res = res;
- gdbstub_addr_unmap();
- return likely(!brr);
-static inline int gdbstub_write_word(void *addr, uint16_t val)
- unsigned long brr;
- if (!gdbstub_addr_map(addr))
- return 0;
- asm volatile(" movgs gr0,brr \n"
- " sth%I2 %1,%M2 \n"
- " movsg brr,%0 \n"
- : "=r"(brr)
- : "r"(val), "m"(*(uint16_t *) addr));
- gdbstub_addr_unmap();
- return likely(!brr);
-static inline int gdbstub_read_byte(const void *addr, uint8_t *_res)
- unsigned long brr;
- uint8_t res;
- if (!gdbstub_addr_map(addr))
- return 0;
- asm volatile(" movgs gr0,brr \n"
- " ldub%I2 %M2,%0 \n"
- " movsg brr,%1 \n"
- : "=r"(res), "=r"(brr)
- : "m"(*(uint8_t *) addr));
- *_res = res;
- gdbstub_addr_unmap();
- return likely(!brr);
-static inline int gdbstub_write_byte(void *addr, uint8_t val)
- unsigned long brr;
- if (!gdbstub_addr_map(addr))
- return 0;
- asm volatile(" movgs gr0,brr \n"
- " stb%I2 %1,%M2 \n"
- " movsg brr,%0 \n"
- : "=r"(brr)
- : "r"(val), "m"(*(uint8_t *) addr));
- gdbstub_addr_unmap();
- return likely(!brr);
-static void __gdbstub_console_write(struct console *co, const char *p, unsigned n)
- char outbuf[26];
- int qty;
- outbuf[0] = 'O';
- while (n > 0) {
- qty = 1;
- while (n > 0 && qty < 20) {
- mem2hex(p, outbuf + qty, 2, 0);
- qty += 2;
- if (*p == 0x0a) {
- outbuf[qty++] = '0';
- outbuf[qty++] = 'd';
- }
- p++;
- n--;
- }
- outbuf[qty] = 0;
- gdbstub_send_packet(outbuf);
- }
-#if 0
-void debug_to_serial(const char *p, int n)
- gdbstub_console_write(NULL,p,n);
-static struct console gdbstub_console = {
- .name = "gdb",
- .write = gdbstub_console_write, /* in break.S */
- .index = -1,
- * Convert the memory pointed to by mem into hex, placing result in buf.
- * - if successful, return a pointer to the last char put in buf (NUL)
- * - in case of mem fault, return NULL
- * may_fault is non-zero if we are reading from arbitrary memory, but is currently
- * not used.
- */
-static unsigned char *mem2hex(const void *_mem, char *buf, int count, int may_fault)
- const uint8_t *mem = _mem;
- uint8_t ch[4] __attribute__((aligned(4)));
- if ((uint32_t)mem&1 && count>=1) {
- if (!gdbstub_read_byte(mem,ch))
- return NULL;
- buf = hex_byte_pack(buf, ch[0]);
- mem++;
- count--;
- }
- if ((uint32_t)mem&3 && count>=2) {
- if (!gdbstub_read_word(mem,(uint16_t *)ch))
- return NULL;
- buf = hex_byte_pack(buf, ch[0]);
- buf = hex_byte_pack(buf, ch[1]);
- mem += 2;
- count -= 2;
- }
- while (count>=4) {
- if (!gdbstub_read_dword(mem,(uint32_t *)ch))
- return NULL;
- buf = hex_byte_pack(buf, ch[0]);
- buf = hex_byte_pack(buf, ch[1]);
- buf = hex_byte_pack(buf, ch[2]);
- buf = hex_byte_pack(buf, ch[3]);
- mem += 4;
- count -= 4;
- }
- if (count>=2) {
- if (!gdbstub_read_word(mem,(uint16_t *)ch))
- return NULL;
- buf = hex_byte_pack(buf, ch[0]);
- buf = hex_byte_pack(buf, ch[1]);
- mem += 2;
- count -= 2;
- }
- if (count>=1) {
- if (!gdbstub_read_byte(mem,ch))
- return NULL;
- buf = hex_byte_pack(buf, ch[0]);
- }
- *buf = 0;
- return buf;
-} /* end mem2hex() */
- * convert the hex array pointed to by buf into binary to be placed in mem
- * return a pointer to the character AFTER the last byte of buffer consumed
- */
-static char *hex2mem(const char *buf, void *_mem, int count)
- uint8_t *mem = _mem;
- union {
- uint32_t l;
- uint16_t w;
- uint8_t b[4];
- } ch;
- if ((u32)mem&1 && count>=1) {
- ch.b[0] = hex(*buf++) << 4;
- ch.b[0] |= hex(*buf++);
- if (!gdbstub_write_byte(mem,ch.b[0]))
- return NULL;
- mem++;
- count--;
- }
- if ((u32)mem&3 && count>=2) {
- ch.b[0] = hex(*buf++) << 4;
- ch.b[0] |= hex(*buf++);
- ch.b[1] = hex(*buf++) << 4;
- ch.b[1] |= hex(*buf++);
- if (!gdbstub_write_word(mem,ch.w))
- return NULL;
- mem += 2;
- count -= 2;
- }
- while (count>=4) {
- ch.b[0] = hex(*buf++) << 4;
- ch.b[0] |= hex(*buf++);
- ch.b[1] = hex(*buf++) << 4;
- ch.b[1] |= hex(*buf++);
- ch.b[2] = hex(*buf++) << 4;
- ch.b[2] |= hex(*buf++);
- ch.b[3] = hex(*buf++) << 4;
- ch.b[3] |= hex(*buf++);
- if (!gdbstub_write_dword(mem,ch.l))
- return NULL;
- mem += 4;
- count -= 4;
- }
- if (count>=2) {
- ch.b[0] = hex(*buf++) << 4;
- ch.b[0] |= hex(*buf++);
- ch.b[1] = hex(*buf++) << 4;
- ch.b[1] |= hex(*buf++);
- if (!gdbstub_write_word(mem,ch.w))
- return NULL;
- mem += 2;
- count -= 2;
- }
- if (count>=1) {
- ch.b[0] = hex(*buf++) << 4;
- ch.b[0] |= hex(*buf++);
- if (!gdbstub_write_byte(mem,ch.b[0]))
- return NULL;
- }
- return (char *) buf;
-} /* end hex2mem() */
- * This table contains the mapping between FRV TBR.TT exception codes,
- * and signals, which are primarily what GDB understands. It also
- * indicates which hardware traps we need to commandeer when
- * initializing the stub.
- */
-static const struct brr_to_sig_map {
- unsigned long brr_mask; /* BRR bitmask */
- unsigned long tbr_tt; /* TBR.TT code (in BRR.EBTT) */
- unsigned int signo; /* Signal that we map this into */
-} brr_to_sig_map[] = {
- { BRR_EB, TBR_TT_INTERRUPT_13, SIGALRM }, /* watchdog */
- { BRR_EB, TBR_TT_INTERRUPT_14, SIGINT }, /* GDB serial */
- { BRR_CB, 0, SIGUSR1 },
- { BRR_TB, 0, SIGUSR2 },
- { BRR_DBNEx, 0, SIGTRAP },
- { BRR_DBx, 0, SIGTRAP }, /* h/w watchpoint */
- { BRR_IBx, 0, SIGTRAP }, /* h/w breakpoint */
- { BRR_CBB, 0, SIGTRAP },
- { BRR_SB, 0, SIGTRAP },
- { BRR_ST, 0, SIGTRAP }, /* single step */
- { 0, 0, SIGHUP } /* default */
- * convert the FRV BRR register contents into a UNIX signal number
- */
-static inline int gdbstub_compute_signal(unsigned long brr)
- const struct brr_to_sig_map *map;
- unsigned long tbr = (brr & BRR_EBTT) >> 12;
- for (map = brr_to_sig_map; map->brr_mask; map++)
- if (map->brr_mask & brr)
- if (!map->tbr_tt || map->tbr_tt == tbr)
- break;
- return map->signo;
-} /* end gdbstub_compute_signal() */
- * set a software breakpoint or a hardware breakpoint or watchpoint
- */
-static int gdbstub_set_breakpoint(unsigned long type, unsigned long addr, unsigned long len)
- unsigned long tmp;
- int bkpt, loop, xloop;
- union {
- struct {
- unsigned long mask0, mask1;
- };
- uint8_t bytes[8];
- } dbmr;
- //gdbstub_printk("setbkpt(%ld,%08lx,%ld)\n", type, addr, len);
- switch (type) {
- /* set software breakpoint */
- case 0:
- if (addr & 3 || len > 7*4)
- return -EINVAL;
- for (bkpt = 255; bkpt >= 0; bkpt--)
- if (!gdbstub_bkpts[bkpt].addr)
- break;
- if (bkpt < 0)
- return -ENOSPC;
- for (loop = 0; loop < len/4; loop++)
- if (!gdbstub_read_dword(&((uint32_t *) addr)[loop],
- &gdbstub_bkpts[bkpt].originsns[loop]))
- return -EFAULT;
- for (loop = 0; loop < len/4; loop++)
- if (!gdbstub_write_dword(&((uint32_t *) addr)[loop],
- ) {
- /* need to undo the changes if possible */
- for (xloop = 0; xloop < loop; xloop++)
- gdbstub_write_dword(&((uint32_t *) addr)[xloop],
- gdbstub_bkpts[bkpt].originsns[xloop]);
- return -EFAULT;
- }
- gdbstub_bkpts[bkpt].addr = addr;
- gdbstub_bkpts[bkpt].len = len;
-#if 0
- gdbstub_printk("Set BKPT[%02x]: %08lx #%d {%04x, %04x} -> { %04x, %04x }\n",
- bkpt,
- gdbstub_bkpts[bkpt].addr,
- gdbstub_bkpts[bkpt].len,
- gdbstub_bkpts[bkpt].originsns[0],
- gdbstub_bkpts[bkpt].originsns[1],
- ((uint32_t *) addr)[0],
- ((uint32_t *) addr)[1]
- );
- return 0;
- /* set hardware breakpoint */
- case 1:
- if (addr & 3 || len != 4)
- return -EINVAL;
- if (!(__debug_regs->dcr & DCR_IBE0)) {
- //gdbstub_printk("set h/w break 0: %08lx\n", addr);
- __debug_regs->dcr |= DCR_IBE0;
- __debug_regs->ibar[0] = addr;
- asm volatile("movgs %0,ibar0" : : "r"(addr));
- return 0;
- }
- if (!(__debug_regs->dcr & DCR_IBE1)) {
- //gdbstub_printk("set h/w break 1: %08lx\n", addr);
- __debug_regs->dcr |= DCR_IBE1;
- __debug_regs->ibar[1] = addr;
- asm volatile("movgs %0,ibar1" : : "r"(addr));
- return 0;
- }
- if (!(__debug_regs->dcr & DCR_IBE2)) {
- //gdbstub_printk("set h/w break 2: %08lx\n", addr);
- __debug_regs->dcr |= DCR_IBE2;
- __debug_regs->ibar[2] = addr;
- asm volatile("movgs %0,ibar2" : : "r"(addr));
- return 0;
- }
- if (!(__debug_regs->dcr & DCR_IBE3)) {
- //gdbstub_printk("set h/w break 3: %08lx\n", addr);
- __debug_regs->dcr |= DCR_IBE3;
- __debug_regs->ibar[3] = addr;
- asm volatile("movgs %0,ibar3" : : "r"(addr));
- return 0;
- }
- return -ENOSPC;
- /* set data read/write/access watchpoint */
- case 2:
- case 3:
- case 4:
- if ((addr & ~7) != ((addr + len - 1) & ~7))
- return -EINVAL;
- tmp = addr & 7;
- memset(dbmr.bytes, 0xff, sizeof(dbmr.bytes));
- for (loop = 0; loop < len; loop++)
- dbmr.bytes[tmp + loop] = 0;
- addr &= ~7;
- if (!(__debug_regs->dcr & (DCR_DRBE0|DCR_DWBE0))) {
- //gdbstub_printk("set h/w watchpoint 0 type %ld: %08lx\n", type, addr);
- tmp = type==2 ? DCR_DWBE0 : type==3 ? DCR_DRBE0 : DCR_DRBE0|DCR_DWBE0;
- __debug_regs->dcr |= tmp;
- __debug_regs->dbar[0] = addr;
- __debug_regs->dbmr[0][0] = dbmr.mask0;
- __debug_regs->dbmr[0][1] = dbmr.mask1;
- __debug_regs->dbdr[0][0] = 0;
- __debug_regs->dbdr[0][1] = 0;
- asm volatile(" movgs %0,dbar0 \n"
- " movgs %1,dbmr00 \n"
- " movgs %2,dbmr01 \n"
- " movgs gr0,dbdr00 \n"
- " movgs gr0,dbdr01 \n"
- : : "r"(addr), "r"(dbmr.mask0), "r"(dbmr.mask1));
- return 0;
- }
- if (!(__debug_regs->dcr & (DCR_DRBE1|DCR_DWBE1))) {
- //gdbstub_printk("set h/w watchpoint 1 type %ld: %08lx\n", type, addr);
- tmp = type==2 ? DCR_DWBE1 : type==3 ? DCR_DRBE1 : DCR_DRBE1|DCR_DWBE1;
- __debug_regs->dcr |= tmp;
- __debug_regs->dbar[1] = addr;
- __debug_regs->dbmr[1][0] = dbmr.mask0;
- __debug_regs->dbmr[1][1] = dbmr.mask1;
- __debug_regs->dbdr[1][0] = 0;
- __debug_regs->dbdr[1][1] = 0;
- asm volatile(" movgs %0,dbar1 \n"
- " movgs %1,dbmr10 \n"
- " movgs %2,dbmr11 \n"
- " movgs gr0,dbdr10 \n"
- " movgs gr0,dbdr11 \n"
- : : "r"(addr), "r"(dbmr.mask0), "r"(dbmr.mask1));
- return 0;
- }
- return -ENOSPC;
- default:
- return -EINVAL;
- }
-} /* end gdbstub_set_breakpoint() */
- * clear a breakpoint or watchpoint
- */
-int gdbstub_clear_breakpoint(unsigned long type, unsigned long addr, unsigned long len)
- unsigned long tmp;
- int bkpt, loop;
- union {
- struct {
- unsigned long mask0, mask1;
- };
- uint8_t bytes[8];
- } dbmr;
- //gdbstub_printk("clearbkpt(%ld,%08lx,%ld)\n", type, addr, len);
- switch (type) {
- /* clear software breakpoint */
- case 0:
- for (bkpt = 255; bkpt >= 0; bkpt--)
- if (gdbstub_bkpts[bkpt].addr == addr && gdbstub_bkpts[bkpt].len == len)
- break;
- if (bkpt < 0)
- return -ENOENT;
- gdbstub_bkpts[bkpt].addr = 0;
- for (loop = 0; loop < len/4; loop++)
- if (!gdbstub_write_dword(&((uint32_t *) addr)[loop],
- gdbstub_bkpts[bkpt].originsns[loop]))
- return -EFAULT;
- return 0;
- /* clear hardware breakpoint */
- case 1:
- if (addr & 3 || len != 4)
- return -EINVAL;
-#define __get_ibar(X) ({ unsigned long x; asm volatile("movsg ibar"#X",%0" : "=r"(x)); x; })
- if (__debug_regs->dcr & DCR_IBE0 && __get_ibar(0) == addr) {
- //gdbstub_printk("clear h/w break 0: %08lx\n", addr);
- __debug_regs->dcr &= ~DCR_IBE0;
- __debug_regs->ibar[0] = 0;
- asm volatile("movgs gr0,ibar0");
- return 0;
- }
- if (__debug_regs->dcr & DCR_IBE1 && __get_ibar(1) == addr) {
- //gdbstub_printk("clear h/w break 1: %08lx\n", addr);
- __debug_regs->dcr &= ~DCR_IBE1;
- __debug_regs->ibar[1] = 0;
- asm volatile("movgs gr0,ibar1");
- return 0;
- }
- if (__debug_regs->dcr & DCR_IBE2 && __get_ibar(2) == addr) {
- //gdbstub_printk("clear h/w break 2: %08lx\n", addr);
- __debug_regs->dcr &= ~DCR_IBE2;
- __debug_regs->ibar[2] = 0;
- asm volatile("movgs gr0,ibar2");
- return 0;
- }
- if (__debug_regs->dcr & DCR_IBE3 && __get_ibar(3) == addr) {
- //gdbstub_printk("clear h/w break 3: %08lx\n", addr);
- __debug_regs->dcr &= ~DCR_IBE3;
- __debug_regs->ibar[3] = 0;
- asm volatile("movgs gr0,ibar3");
- return 0;
- }
- return -EINVAL;
- /* clear data read/write/access watchpoint */
- case 2:
- case 3:
- case 4:
- if ((addr & ~7) != ((addr + len - 1) & ~7))
- return -EINVAL;
- tmp = addr & 7;
- memset(dbmr.bytes, 0xff, sizeof(dbmr.bytes));
- for (loop = 0; loop < len; loop++)
- dbmr.bytes[tmp + loop] = 0;
- addr &= ~7;
-#define __get_dbar(X) ({ unsigned long x; asm volatile("movsg dbar"#X",%0" : "=r"(x)); x; })
-#define __get_dbmr0(X) ({ unsigned long x; asm volatile("movsg dbmr"#X"0,%0" : "=r"(x)); x; })
-#define __get_dbmr1(X) ({ unsigned long x; asm volatile("movsg dbmr"#X"1,%0" : "=r"(x)); x; })
- /* consider DBAR 0 */
- tmp = type==2 ? DCR_DWBE0 : type==3 ? DCR_DRBE0 : DCR_DRBE0|DCR_DWBE0;
- if ((__debug_regs->dcr & (DCR_DRBE0|DCR_DWBE0)) != tmp ||
- __get_dbar(0) != addr ||
- __get_dbmr0(0) != dbmr.mask0 ||
- __get_dbmr1(0) != dbmr.mask1)
- goto skip_dbar0;
- //gdbstub_printk("clear h/w watchpoint 0 type %ld: %08lx\n", type, addr);
- __debug_regs->dcr &= ~(DCR_DRBE0|DCR_DWBE0);
- __debug_regs->dbar[0] = 0;
- __debug_regs->dbmr[0][0] = 0;
- __debug_regs->dbmr[0][1] = 0;
- __debug_regs->dbdr[0][0] = 0;
- __debug_regs->dbdr[0][1] = 0;
- asm volatile(" movgs gr0,dbar0 \n"
- " movgs gr0,dbmr00 \n"
- " movgs gr0,dbmr01 \n"
- " movgs gr0,dbdr00 \n"
- " movgs gr0,dbdr01 \n");
- return 0;
- skip_dbar0:
- /* consider DBAR 0 */
- tmp = type==2 ? DCR_DWBE1 : type==3 ? DCR_DRBE1 : DCR_DRBE1|DCR_DWBE1;
- if ((__debug_regs->dcr & (DCR_DRBE1|DCR_DWBE1)) != tmp ||
- __get_dbar(1) != addr ||
- __get_dbmr0(1) != dbmr.mask0 ||
- __get_dbmr1(1) != dbmr.mask1)
- goto skip_dbar1;
- //gdbstub_printk("clear h/w watchpoint 1 type %ld: %08lx\n", type, addr);
- __debug_regs->dcr &= ~(DCR_DRBE1|DCR_DWBE1);
- __debug_regs->dbar[1] = 0;
- __debug_regs->dbmr[1][0] = 0;
- __debug_regs->dbmr[1][1] = 0;
- __debug_regs->dbdr[1][0] = 0;
- __debug_regs->dbdr[1][1] = 0;
- asm volatile(" movgs gr0,dbar1 \n"
- " movgs gr0,dbmr10 \n"
- " movgs gr0,dbmr11 \n"
- " movgs gr0,dbdr10 \n"
- " movgs gr0,dbdr11 \n");
- return 0;
- skip_dbar1:
- return -ENOSPC;
- default:
- return -EINVAL;
- }
-} /* end gdbstub_clear_breakpoint() */
- * check a for an internal software breakpoint, and wind the PC back if necessary
- */
-static void gdbstub_check_breakpoint(void)
- unsigned long addr = __debug_frame->pc - 4;
- int bkpt;
- for (bkpt = 255; bkpt >= 0; bkpt--)
- if (gdbstub_bkpts[bkpt].addr == addr)
- break;
- if (bkpt >= 0)
- __debug_frame->pc = addr;
- //gdbstub_printk("alter pc [%d] %08lx\n", bkpt, __debug_frame->pc);
-} /* end gdbstub_check_breakpoint() */
- *
- */
-static void __maybe_unused gdbstub_show_regs(void)
- unsigned long *reg;
- int loop;
- gdbstub_printk("\n");
- gdbstub_printk("Frame: @%p [%s]\n",
- __debug_frame,
- __debug_frame->psr & PSR_S ? "kernel" : "user");
- reg = (unsigned long *) __debug_frame;
- for (loop = 0; loop < NR_PT_REGS; loop++) {
- printk("%s %08lx", regnames[loop + 0], reg[loop + 0]);
- if (loop == NR_PT_REGS - 1 || loop % 5 == 4)
- printk("\n");
- else
- printk(" | ");
- }
- gdbstub_printk("Process %s (pid: %d)\n", current->comm, current->pid);
-} /* end gdbstub_show_regs() */
- * dump debugging regs
- */
-static void __maybe_unused gdbstub_dump_debugregs(void)
- gdbstub_printk("DCR %08lx ", __debug_status.dcr);
- gdbstub_printk("BRR %08lx\n", __debug_status.brr);
- gdbstub_printk("IBAR0 %08lx ", __get_ibar(0));
- gdbstub_printk("IBAR1 %08lx ", __get_ibar(1));
- gdbstub_printk("IBAR2 %08lx ", __get_ibar(2));
- gdbstub_printk("IBAR3 %08lx\n", __get_ibar(3));
- gdbstub_printk("DBAR0 %08lx ", __get_dbar(0));
- gdbstub_printk("DBMR00 %08lx ", __get_dbmr0(0));
- gdbstub_printk("DBMR01 %08lx\n", __get_dbmr1(0));
- gdbstub_printk("DBAR1 %08lx ", __get_dbar(1));
- gdbstub_printk("DBMR10 %08lx ", __get_dbmr0(1));
- gdbstub_printk("DBMR11 %08lx\n", __get_dbmr1(1));
- gdbstub_printk("\n");
-} /* end gdbstub_dump_debugregs() */
- * dump the MMU state into a structure so that it can be accessed with GDB
- */
-void gdbstub_get_mmu_state(void)
- asm volatile("movsg hsr0,%0" : "=r"(__debug_mmu.regs.hsr0));
- asm volatile("movsg pcsr,%0" : "=r"(__debug_mmu.regs.pcsr));
- asm volatile("movsg esr0,%0" : "=r"(__debug_mmu.regs.esr0));
- asm volatile("movsg ear0,%0" : "=r"(__debug_mmu.regs.ear0));
- asm volatile("movsg epcr0,%0" : "=r"(__debug_mmu.regs.epcr0));
- /* read the protection / SAT registers */
- __debug_mmu.iamr[0].L = __get_IAMLR(0);
- __debug_mmu.iamr[0].P = __get_IAMPR(0);
- __debug_mmu.iamr[1].L = __get_IAMLR(1);
- __debug_mmu.iamr[1].P = __get_IAMPR(1);
- __debug_mmu.iamr[2].L = __get_IAMLR(2);
- __debug_mmu.iamr[2].P = __get_IAMPR(2);
- __debug_mmu.iamr[3].L = __get_IAMLR(3);
- __debug_mmu.iamr[3].P = __get_IAMPR(3);
- __debug_mmu.iamr[4].L = __get_IAMLR(4);
- __debug_mmu.iamr[4].P = __get_IAMPR(4);
- __debug_mmu.iamr[5].L = __get_IAMLR(5);
- __debug_mmu.iamr[5].P = __get_IAMPR(5);
- __debug_mmu.iamr[6].L = __get_IAMLR(6);
- __debug_mmu.iamr[6].P = __get_IAMPR(6);
- __debug_mmu.iamr[7].L = __get_IAMLR(7);
- __debug_mmu.iamr[7].P = __get_IAMPR(7);
- __debug_mmu.iamr[8].L = __get_IAMLR(8);
- __debug_mmu.iamr[8].P = __get_IAMPR(8);
- __debug_mmu.iamr[9].L = __get_IAMLR(9);
- __debug_mmu.iamr[9].P = __get_IAMPR(9);
- __debug_mmu.iamr[10].L = __get_IAMLR(10);
- __debug_mmu.iamr[10].P = __get_IAMPR(10);
- __debug_mmu.iamr[11].L = __get_IAMLR(11);
- __debug_mmu.iamr[11].P = __get_IAMPR(11);
- __debug_mmu.iamr[12].L = __get_IAMLR(12);
- __debug_mmu.iamr[12].P = __get_IAMPR(12);
- __debug_mmu.iamr[13].L = __get_IAMLR(13);
- __debug_mmu.iamr[13].P = __get_IAMPR(13);
- __debug_mmu.iamr[14].L = __get_IAMLR(14);
- __debug_mmu.iamr[14].P = __get_IAMPR(14);
- __debug_mmu.iamr[15].L = __get_IAMLR(15);
- __debug_mmu.iamr[15].P = __get_IAMPR(15);
- __debug_mmu.damr[0].L = __get_DAMLR(0);
- __debug_mmu.damr[0].P = __get_DAMPR(0);
- __debug_mmu.damr[1].L = __get_DAMLR(1);
- __debug_mmu.damr[1].P = __get_DAMPR(1);
- __debug_mmu.damr[2].L = __get_DAMLR(2);
- __debug_mmu.damr[2].P = __get_DAMPR(2);
- __debug_mmu.damr[3].L = __get_DAMLR(3);
- __debug_mmu.damr[3].P = __get_DAMPR(3);
- __debug_mmu.damr[4].L = __get_DAMLR(4);
- __debug_mmu.damr[4].P = __get_DAMPR(4);
- __debug_mmu.damr[5].L = __get_DAMLR(5);
- __debug_mmu.damr[5].P = __get_DAMPR(5);
- __debug_mmu.damr[6].L = __get_DAMLR(6);
- __debug_mmu.damr[6].P = __get_DAMPR(6);
- __debug_mmu.damr[7].L = __get_DAMLR(7);
- __debug_mmu.damr[7].P = __get_DAMPR(7);
- __debug_mmu.damr[8].L = __get_DAMLR(8);
- __debug_mmu.damr[8].P = __get_DAMPR(8);
- __debug_mmu.damr[9].L = __get_DAMLR(9);
- __debug_mmu.damr[9].P = __get_DAMPR(9);
- __debug_mmu.damr[10].L = __get_DAMLR(10);
- __debug_mmu.damr[10].P = __get_DAMPR(10);
- __debug_mmu.damr[11].L = __get_DAMLR(11);
- __debug_mmu.damr[11].P = __get_DAMPR(11);
- __debug_mmu.damr[12].L = __get_DAMLR(12);
- __debug_mmu.damr[12].P = __get_DAMPR(12);
- __debug_mmu.damr[13].L = __get_DAMLR(13);
- __debug_mmu.damr[13].P = __get_DAMPR(13);
- __debug_mmu.damr[14].L = __get_DAMLR(14);
- __debug_mmu.damr[14].P = __get_DAMPR(14);
- __debug_mmu.damr[15].L = __get_DAMLR(15);
- __debug_mmu.damr[15].P = __get_DAMPR(15);
-#ifdef CONFIG_MMU
- do {
- /* read the DAT entries from the TLB */
- struct __debug_amr *p;
- int loop;
- asm volatile("movsg tplr,%0" : "=r"(__debug_mmu.regs.tplr));
- asm volatile("movsg tppr,%0" : "=r"(__debug_mmu.regs.tppr));
- asm volatile("movsg tpxr,%0" : "=r"(__debug_mmu.regs.tpxr));
- asm volatile("movsg cxnr,%0" : "=r"(__debug_mmu.regs.cxnr));
- p = __debug_mmu.tlb;
- /* way 0 */
- asm volatile("movgs %0,tpxr" :: "r"(0 << TPXR_WAY_SHIFT));
- for (loop = 0; loop < 64; loop++) {
- asm volatile("tlbpr %0,gr0,#1,#0" :: "r"(loop << PAGE_SHIFT));
- asm volatile("movsg tplr,%0" : "=r"(p->L));
- asm volatile("movsg tppr,%0" : "=r"(p->P));
- p++;
- }
- /* way 1 */
- asm volatile("movgs %0,tpxr" :: "r"(1 << TPXR_WAY_SHIFT));
- for (loop = 0; loop < 64; loop++) {
- asm volatile("tlbpr %0,gr0,#1,#0" :: "r"(loop << PAGE_SHIFT));
- asm volatile("movsg tplr,%0" : "=r"(p->L));
- asm volatile("movsg tppr,%0" : "=r"(p->P));
- p++;
- }
- asm volatile("movgs %0,tplr" :: "r"(__debug_mmu.regs.tplr));
- asm volatile("movgs %0,tppr" :: "r"(__debug_mmu.regs.tppr));
- asm volatile("movgs %0,tpxr" :: "r"(__debug_mmu.regs.tpxr));
- } while(0);
-} /* end gdbstub_get_mmu_state() */
- * handle general query commands of the form 'qXXXXX'
- */
-static void gdbstub_handle_query(void)
- if (strcmp(input_buffer, "qAttached") == 0) {
- /* return current thread ID */
- sprintf(output_buffer, "1");
- return;
- }
- if (strcmp(input_buffer, "qC") == 0) {
- /* return current thread ID */
- sprintf(output_buffer, "QC 0");
- return;
- }
- if (strcmp(input_buffer, "qOffsets") == 0) {
- /* return relocation offset of text and data segments */
- sprintf(output_buffer, "Text=0;Data=0;Bss=0");
- return;
- }
- if (strcmp(input_buffer, "qSymbol::") == 0) {
- sprintf(output_buffer, "OK");
- return;
- }
- if (strcmp(input_buffer, "qSupported") == 0) {
- /* query of supported features */
- sprintf(output_buffer, "PacketSize=%u;ReverseContinue-;ReverseStep-",
- sizeof(input_buffer));
- return;
- }
- gdbstub_strcpy(output_buffer,"E01");
- * handle event interception and GDB remote protocol processing
- * - on entry:
- * PSR.ET==0, PSR.S==1 and the CPU is in debug mode
- * __debug_frame points to the saved registers
- * __frame points to the kernel mode exception frame, if it was in kernel
- * mode when the break happened
- */
-void gdbstub(int sigval)
- unsigned long addr, length, loop, dbar, temp, temp2, temp3;
- uint32_t zero;
- char *ptr;
- int flush_cache = 0;
- LEDS(0x5000);
- if (sigval < 0) {
- /* return immediately if GDB immediate activation option not set */
- return;
- sigval = SIGINT;
- }
- save_user_regs(&__debug_frame0->uc);
-#if 0
- gdbstub_printk("--> gdbstub() %08x %p %08x %08x\n",
- __debug_frame->pc,
- __debug_frame,
- __debug_regs->brr,
- __debug_regs->bpsr);
-// gdbstub_show_regs();
- LEDS(0x5001);
- /* if we were interrupted by input on the serial gdbstub serial port,
- * restore the context prior to the interrupt so that we return to that
- * directly
- */
- temp = (unsigned long) __entry_kerneltrap_table;
- temp2 = (unsigned long) __entry_usertrap_table;
- temp3 = __debug_frame->pc & ~15;
- if (temp3 == temp + TBR_TT_INTERRUPT_15 ||
- temp3 == temp2 + TBR_TT_INTERRUPT_15
- ) {
- asm volatile("movsg pcsr,%0" : "=r"(__debug_frame->pc));
- __debug_frame->psr |= PSR_ET;
- __debug_frame->psr &= ~PSR_S;
- if (__debug_frame->psr & PSR_PS)
- __debug_frame->psr |= PSR_S;
- __debug_status.brr = (__debug_frame->tbr & TBR_TT) << 12;
- __debug_status.brr |= BRR_EB;
- sigval = SIGINT;
- }
- /* handle the decrement timer going off (FR451 only) */
- if (temp3 == temp + TBR_TT_DECREMENT_TIMER ||
- temp3 == temp2 + TBR_TT_DECREMENT_TIMER
- ) {
- asm volatile("movgs %0,timerd" :: "r"(10000000));
- asm volatile("movsg pcsr,%0" : "=r"(__debug_frame->pc));
- __debug_frame->psr |= PSR_ET;
- __debug_frame->psr &= ~PSR_S;
- if (__debug_frame->psr & PSR_PS)
- __debug_frame->psr |= PSR_S;
- __debug_status.brr = (__debug_frame->tbr & TBR_TT) << 12;
- __debug_status.brr |= BRR_EB;
- sigval = SIGXCPU;
- }
- LEDS(0x5002);
- /* after a BREAK insn, the PC lands on the far side of it */
- if (__debug_status.brr & BRR_SB)
- gdbstub_check_breakpoint();
- LEDS(0x5003);
- /* handle attempts to write console data via GDB "O" commands */
- if (__debug_frame->pc == (unsigned long) gdbstub_console_write + 4) {
- __gdbstub_console_write((struct console *) __debug_frame->gr8,
- (const char *) __debug_frame->gr9,
- (unsigned) __debug_frame->gr10);
- goto done;
- }
- if (gdbstub_rx_unget) {
- sigval = SIGINT;
- goto packet_waiting;
- }
- if (!sigval)
- sigval = gdbstub_compute_signal(__debug_status.brr);
- LEDS(0x5004);
- /* send a message to the debugger's user saying what happened if it may
- * not be clear cut (we can't map exceptions onto signals properly)
- */
- if (sigval != SIGINT && sigval != SIGTRAP && sigval != SIGILL) {
- static const char title[] = "Break ";
- static const char crlf[] = "\r\n";
- unsigned long brr = __debug_status.brr;
- char hx;
- ptr = output_buffer;
- *ptr++ = 'O';
- ptr = mem2hex(title, ptr, sizeof(title) - 1,0);
- hx = hex_asc_hi(brr >> 24);
- ptr = hex_byte_pack(ptr, hx);
- hx = hex_asc_lo(brr >> 24);
- ptr = hex_byte_pack(ptr, hx);
- hx = hex_asc_hi(brr >> 16);
- ptr = hex_byte_pack(ptr, hx);
- hx = hex_asc_lo(brr >> 16);
- ptr = hex_byte_pack(ptr, hx);
- hx = hex_asc_hi(brr >> 8);
- ptr = hex_byte_pack(ptr, hx);
- hx = hex_asc_lo(brr >> 8);
- ptr = hex_byte_pack(ptr, hx);
- hx = hex_asc_hi(brr);
- ptr = hex_byte_pack(ptr, hx);
- hx = hex_asc_lo(brr);
- ptr = hex_byte_pack(ptr, hx);
- ptr = mem2hex(crlf, ptr, sizeof(crlf) - 1, 0);
- *ptr = 0;
- gdbstub_send_packet(output_buffer); /* send it off... */
- }
- LEDS(0x5005);
- /* tell the debugger that an exception has occurred */
- ptr = output_buffer;
- /* Send trap type (converted to signal) */
- *ptr++ = 'T';
- ptr = hex_byte_pack(ptr, sigval);
- /* Send Error PC */
- ptr = hex_byte_pack(ptr, GDB_REG_PC);
- *ptr++ = ':';
- ptr = mem2hex(&__debug_frame->pc, ptr, 4, 0);
- *ptr++ = ';';
- /*
- * Send frame pointer
- */
- ptr = hex_byte_pack(ptr, GDB_REG_FP);
- *ptr++ = ':';
- ptr = mem2hex(&__debug_frame->fp, ptr, 4, 0);
- *ptr++ = ';';
- /*
- * Send stack pointer
- */
- ptr = hex_byte_pack(ptr, GDB_REG_SP);
- *ptr++ = ':';
- ptr = mem2hex(&__debug_frame->sp, ptr, 4, 0);
- *ptr++ = ';';
- *ptr++ = 0;
- gdbstub_send_packet(output_buffer); /* send it off... */
- LEDS(0x5006);
- packet_waiting:
- gdbstub_get_mmu_state();
- /* wait for input from remote GDB */
- while (1) {
- output_buffer[0] = 0;
- LEDS(0x5007);
- gdbstub_recv_packet(input_buffer);
- LEDS(0x5600 | input_buffer[0]);
- switch (input_buffer[0]) {
- /* request repeat of last signal number */
- case '?':
- output_buffer[0] = 'S';
- output_buffer[1] = hex_asc_hi(sigval);
- output_buffer[2] = hex_asc_lo(sigval);
- output_buffer[3] = 0;
- break;
- case 'd':
- /* toggle debug flag */
- break;
- /* return the value of the CPU registers
- * - GR0, GR1, GR2, GR3, GR4, GR5, GR6, GR7,
- * - GR8, GR9, GR10, GR11, GR12, GR13, GR14, GR15,
- * - GR16, GR17, GR18, GR19, GR20, GR21, GR22, GR23,
- * - GR24, GR25, GR26, GR27, GR28, GR29, GR30, GR31,
- * - GR32, GR33, GR34, GR35, GR36, GR37, GR38, GR39,
- * - GR40, GR41, GR42, GR43, GR44, GR45, GR46, GR47,
- * - GR48, GR49, GR50, GR51, GR52, GR53, GR54, GR55,
- * - GR56, GR57, GR58, GR59, GR60, GR61, GR62, GR63,
- * - FP0, FP1, FP2, FP3, FP4, FP5, FP6, FP7,
- * - FP8, FP9, FP10, FP11, FP12, FP13, FP14, FP15,
- * - FP16, FP17, FP18, FP19, FP20, FP21, FP22, FP23,
- * - FP24, FP25, FP26, FP27, FP28, FP29, FP30, FP31,
- * - FP32, FP33, FP34, FP35, FP36, FP37, FP38, FP39,
- * - FP40, FP41, FP42, FP43, FP44, FP45, FP46, FP47,
- * - FP48, FP49, FP50, FP51, FP52, FP53, FP54, FP55,
- * - FP56, FP57, FP58, FP59, FP60, FP61, FP62, FP63,
- * - PC, PSR, CCR, CCCR,
- * - _X132, _X133, _X134
- * - _X141, _X142, _X143, _X144,
- * - LR, LCR
- */
- case 'g':
- zero = 0;
- ptr = output_buffer;
- /* deal with GR0, GR1-GR27, GR28-GR31, GR32-GR63 */
- ptr = mem2hex(&zero, ptr, 4, 0);
- for (loop = 1; loop <= 27; loop++)
- ptr = mem2hex(&__debug_user_context->i.gr[loop], ptr, 4, 0);
- temp = (unsigned long) __frame;
- ptr = mem2hex(&temp, ptr, 4, 0);
- ptr = mem2hex(&__debug_user_context->i.gr[29], ptr, 4, 0);
- ptr = mem2hex(&__debug_user_context->i.gr[30], ptr, 4, 0);
-#ifdef CONFIG_MMU
- ptr = mem2hex(&__debug_user_context->i.gr[31], ptr, 4, 0);
- temp = (unsigned long) __debug_frame;
- ptr = mem2hex(&temp, ptr, 4, 0);
- for (loop = 32; loop <= 63; loop++)
- ptr = mem2hex(&__debug_user_context->i.gr[loop], ptr, 4, 0);
- /* deal with FR0-FR63 */
- for (loop = 0; loop <= 63; loop++)
- ptr = mem2hex(&__debug_user_context->f.fr[loop], ptr, 4, 0);
- /* deal with special registers */
- ptr = mem2hex(&__debug_frame->pc, ptr, 4, 0);
- ptr = mem2hex(&__debug_frame->psr, ptr, 4, 0);
- ptr = mem2hex(&__debug_frame->ccr, ptr, 4, 0);
- ptr = mem2hex(&__debug_frame->cccr, ptr, 4, 0);
- ptr = mem2hex(&zero, ptr, 4, 0);
- ptr = mem2hex(&zero, ptr, 4, 0);
- ptr = mem2hex(&zero, ptr, 4, 0);
- ptr = mem2hex(&__debug_frame->tbr, ptr, 4, 0);
- ptr = mem2hex(&__debug_status.brr , ptr, 4, 0);
- asm volatile("movsg dbar0,%0" : "=r"(dbar));
- ptr = mem2hex(&dbar, ptr, 4, 0);
- asm volatile("movsg dbar1,%0" : "=r"(dbar));
- ptr = mem2hex(&dbar, ptr, 4, 0);
- asm volatile("movsg dbar2,%0" : "=r"(dbar));
- ptr = mem2hex(&dbar, ptr, 4, 0);
- asm volatile("movsg dbar3,%0" : "=r"(dbar));
- ptr = mem2hex(&dbar, ptr, 4, 0);
- asm volatile("movsg scr0,%0" : "=r"(dbar));
- ptr = mem2hex(&dbar, ptr, 4, 0);
- asm volatile("movsg scr1,%0" : "=r"(dbar));
- ptr = mem2hex(&dbar, ptr, 4, 0);
- asm volatile("movsg scr2,%0" : "=r"(dbar));
- ptr = mem2hex(&dbar, ptr, 4, 0);
- asm volatile("movsg scr3,%0" : "=r"(dbar));
- ptr = mem2hex(&dbar, ptr, 4, 0);
- ptr = mem2hex(&__debug_frame->lr, ptr, 4, 0);
- ptr = mem2hex(&__debug_frame->lcr, ptr, 4, 0);
- ptr = mem2hex(&__debug_frame->iacc0, ptr, 8, 0);
- ptr = mem2hex(&__debug_user_context->f.fsr[0], ptr, 4, 0);
- for (loop = 0; loop <= 7; loop++)
- ptr = mem2hex(&__debug_user_context->f.acc[loop], ptr, 4, 0);
- ptr = mem2hex(&__debug_user_context->f.accg, ptr, 8, 0);
- for (loop = 0; loop <= 1; loop++)
- ptr = mem2hex(&__debug_user_context->f.msr[loop], ptr, 4, 0);
- ptr = mem2hex(&__debug_frame->gner0, ptr, 4, 0);
- ptr = mem2hex(&__debug_frame->gner1, ptr, 4, 0);
- ptr = mem2hex(&__debug_user_context->f.fner[0], ptr, 4, 0);
- ptr = mem2hex(&__debug_user_context->f.fner[1], ptr, 4, 0);
- break;
- /* set the values of the CPU registers */
- case 'G':
- ptr = &input_buffer[1];
- /* deal with GR0, GR1-GR27, GR28-GR31, GR32-GR63 */
- ptr = hex2mem(ptr, &temp, 4);
- for (loop = 1; loop <= 27; loop++)
- ptr = hex2mem(ptr, &__debug_user_context->i.gr[loop], 4);
- ptr = hex2mem(ptr, &temp, 4);
- __frame = (struct pt_regs *) temp;
- ptr = hex2mem(ptr, &__debug_frame->gr29, 4);
- ptr = hex2mem(ptr, &__debug_frame->gr30, 4);
-#ifdef CONFIG_MMU
- ptr = hex2mem(ptr, &__debug_frame->gr31, 4);
- ptr = hex2mem(ptr, &temp, 4);
- for (loop = 32; loop <= 63; loop++)
- ptr = hex2mem(ptr, &__debug_user_context->i.gr[loop], 4);
- /* deal with FR0-FR63 */
- for (loop = 0; loop <= 63; loop++)
- ptr = mem2hex(&__debug_user_context->f.fr[loop], ptr, 4, 0);
- /* deal with special registers */
- ptr = hex2mem(ptr, &__debug_frame->pc, 4);
- ptr = hex2mem(ptr, &__debug_frame->psr, 4);
- ptr = hex2mem(ptr, &__debug_frame->ccr, 4);
- ptr = hex2mem(ptr, &__debug_frame->cccr,4);
- for (loop = 132; loop <= 140; loop++)
- ptr = hex2mem(ptr, &temp, 4);
- ptr = hex2mem(ptr, &temp, 4);
- asm volatile("movgs %0,scr0" :: "r"(temp));
- ptr = hex2mem(ptr, &temp, 4);
- asm volatile("movgs %0,scr1" :: "r"(temp));
- ptr = hex2mem(ptr, &temp, 4);
- asm volatile("movgs %0,scr2" :: "r"(temp));
- ptr = hex2mem(ptr, &temp, 4);
- asm volatile("movgs %0,scr3" :: "r"(temp));
- ptr = hex2mem(ptr, &__debug_frame->lr, 4);
- ptr = hex2mem(ptr, &__debug_frame->lcr, 4);
- ptr = hex2mem(ptr, &__debug_frame->iacc0, 8);
- ptr = hex2mem(ptr, &__debug_user_context->f.fsr[0], 4);
- for (loop = 0; loop <= 7; loop++)
- ptr = hex2mem(ptr, &__debug_user_context->f.acc[loop], 4);
- ptr = hex2mem(ptr, &__debug_user_context->f.accg, 8);
- for (loop = 0; loop <= 1; loop++)
- ptr = hex2mem(ptr, &__debug_user_context->f.msr[loop], 4);
- ptr = hex2mem(ptr, &__debug_frame->gner0, 4);
- ptr = hex2mem(ptr, &__debug_frame->gner1, 4);
- ptr = hex2mem(ptr, &__debug_user_context->f.fner[0], 4);
- ptr = hex2mem(ptr, &__debug_user_context->f.fner[1], 4);
- gdbstub_strcpy(output_buffer,"OK");
- break;
- /* mAA..AA,LLLL Read LLLL bytes at address AA..AA */
- case 'm':
- ptr = &input_buffer[1];
- if (hexToInt(&ptr, &addr) &&
- *ptr++ == ',' &&
- hexToInt(&ptr, &length)
- ) {
- if (mem2hex((char *)addr, output_buffer, length, 1))
- break;
- gdbstub_strcpy (output_buffer, "E03");
- }
- else {
- gdbstub_strcpy(output_buffer,"E01");
- }
- break;
- /* MAA..AA,LLLL: Write LLLL bytes at address AA.AA return OK */
- case 'M':
- ptr = &input_buffer[1];
- if (hexToInt(&ptr, &addr) &&
- *ptr++ == ',' &&
- hexToInt(&ptr, &length) &&
- *ptr++ == ':'
- ) {
- if (hex2mem(ptr, (char *)addr, length)) {
- gdbstub_strcpy(output_buffer, "OK");
- }
- else {
- gdbstub_strcpy(output_buffer, "E03");
- }
- }
- else
- gdbstub_strcpy(output_buffer, "E02");
- flush_cache = 1;
- break;
- /* pNN: Read value of reg N and return it */
- case 'p':
- /* return no value, indicating that we don't support
- * this command and that gdb should use 'g' instead */
- break;
- /* PNN,=RRRRRRRR: Write value R to reg N return OK */
- case 'P':
- ptr = &input_buffer[1];
- if (!hexToInt(&ptr, &addr) ||
- *ptr++ != '=' ||
- !hexToInt(&ptr, &temp)
- ) {
- gdbstub_strcpy(output_buffer, "E01");
- break;
- }
- temp2 = 1;
- switch (addr) {
- case GDB_REG_GR(0):
- break;
- case GDB_REG_GR(1) ... GDB_REG_GR(63):
- __debug_user_context->i.gr[addr - GDB_REG_GR(0)] = temp;
- break;
- case GDB_REG_FR(0) ... GDB_REG_FR(63):
- __debug_user_context->f.fr[addr - GDB_REG_FR(0)] = temp;
- break;
- case GDB_REG_PC:
- __debug_user_context->i.pc = temp;
- break;
- case GDB_REG_PSR:
- __debug_user_context->i.psr = temp;
- break;
- case GDB_REG_CCR:
- __debug_user_context->i.ccr = temp;
- break;
- case GDB_REG_CCCR:
- __debug_user_context->i.cccr = temp;
- break;
- case GDB_REG_BRR:
- __debug_status.brr = temp;
- break;
- case GDB_REG_LR:
- __debug_user_context->i.lr = temp;
- break;
- case GDB_REG_LCR:
- __debug_user_context->i.lcr = temp;
- break;
- case GDB_REG_FSR0:
- __debug_user_context->f.fsr[0] = temp;
- break;
- case GDB_REG_ACC(0) ... GDB_REG_ACC(7):
- __debug_user_context->f.acc[addr - GDB_REG_ACC(0)] = temp;
- break;
- case GDB_REG_ACCG(0):
- *(uint32_t *) &__debug_user_context->f.accg[0] = temp;
- break;
- case GDB_REG_ACCG(4):
- *(uint32_t *) &__debug_user_context->f.accg[4] = temp;
- break;
- case GDB_REG_MSR(0) ... GDB_REG_MSR(1):
- __debug_user_context->f.msr[addr - GDB_REG_MSR(0)] = temp;
- break;
- case GDB_REG_GNER(0) ... GDB_REG_GNER(1):
- __debug_user_context->i.gner[addr - GDB_REG_GNER(0)] = temp;
- break;
- case GDB_REG_FNER(0) ... GDB_REG_FNER(1):
- __debug_user_context->f.fner[addr - GDB_REG_FNER(0)] = temp;
- break;
- default:
- temp2 = 0;
- break;
- }
- if (temp2) {
- gdbstub_strcpy(output_buffer, "OK");
- }
- else {
- gdbstub_strcpy(output_buffer, "E02");
- }
- break;
- /* cAA..AA Continue at address AA..AA(optional) */
- case 'c':
- /* try to read optional parameter, pc unchanged if no parm */
- ptr = &input_buffer[1];
- if (hexToInt(&ptr, &addr))
- __debug_frame->pc = addr;
- goto done;
- /* kill the program */
- case 'k' :
- goto done; /* just continue */
- /* detach */
- case 'D':
- gdbstub_strcpy(output_buffer, "OK");
- break;
- /* reset the whole machine (FIXME: system dependent) */
- case 'r':
- break;
- /* step to next instruction */
- case 's':
- __debug_regs->dcr |= DCR_SE;
- __debug_status.dcr |= DCR_SE;
- goto done;
- /* extended command */
- case 'v':
- if (strcmp(input_buffer, "vCont?") == 0) {
- output_buffer[0] = 0;
- break;
- }
- goto unsupported_cmd;
- /* set baud rate (bBB) */
- case 'b':
- ptr = &input_buffer[1];
- if (!hexToInt(&ptr, &temp)) {
- gdbstub_strcpy(output_buffer,"B01");
- break;
- }
- if (temp) {
- /* ack before changing speed */
- gdbstub_send_packet("OK");
- gdbstub_set_baud(temp);
- }
- break;
- /* set breakpoint */
- case 'Z':
- ptr = &input_buffer[1];
- if (!hexToInt(&ptr,&temp) || *ptr++ != ',' ||
- !hexToInt(&ptr,&addr) || *ptr++ != ',' ||
- !hexToInt(&ptr,&length)
- ) {
- gdbstub_strcpy(output_buffer,"E01");
- break;
- }
- if (temp >= 5) {
- gdbstub_strcpy(output_buffer,"E03");
- break;
- }
- if (gdbstub_set_breakpoint(temp, addr, length) < 0) {
- gdbstub_strcpy(output_buffer,"E03");
- break;
- }
- if (temp == 0)
- flush_cache = 1; /* soft bkpt by modified memory */
- gdbstub_strcpy(output_buffer,"OK");
- break;
- /* clear breakpoint */
- case 'z':
- ptr = &input_buffer[1];
- if (!hexToInt(&ptr,&temp) || *ptr++ != ',' ||
- !hexToInt(&ptr,&addr) || *ptr++ != ',' ||
- !hexToInt(&ptr,&length)
- ) {
- gdbstub_strcpy(output_buffer,"E01");
- break;
- }
- if (temp >= 5) {
- gdbstub_strcpy(output_buffer,"E03");
- break;
- }
- if (gdbstub_clear_breakpoint(temp, addr, length) < 0) {
- gdbstub_strcpy(output_buffer,"E03");
- break;
- }
- if (temp == 0)
- flush_cache = 1; /* soft bkpt by modified memory */
- gdbstub_strcpy(output_buffer,"OK");
- break;
- /* Thread-setting packet */
- case 'H':
- gdbstub_strcpy(output_buffer, "OK");
- break;
- case 'q':
- gdbstub_handle_query();
- break;
- default:
- unsupported_cmd:
- gdbstub_proto("### GDB Unsupported Cmd '%s'\n",input_buffer);
- gdbstub_strcpy(output_buffer,"E01");
- break;
- }
- /* reply to the request */
- LEDS(0x5009);
- gdbstub_send_packet(output_buffer);
- }
- done:
- restore_user_regs(&__debug_frame0->uc);
- //gdbstub_dump_debugregs();
- //gdbstub_printk("<-- gdbstub() %08x\n", __debug_frame->pc);
- /* need to flush the instruction cache before resuming, as we may have
- * deposited a breakpoint, and the icache probably has no way of
- * knowing that a data ref to some location may have changed something
- * that is in the instruction cache. NB: We flush both caches, just to
- * be sure...
- */
- /* note: flushing the icache will clobber EAR0 on the FR451 */
- if (flush_cache)
- gdbstub_purge_cache();
- LEDS(0x5666);
-} /* end gdbstub() */
- * initialise the GDB stub
- */
-void __init gdbstub_init(void)
- unsigned char ch;
- int ret;
- gdbstub_printk("%s", gdbstub_banner);
- gdbstub_io_init();
- /* try to talk to GDB (or anyone insane enough to want to type GDB protocol by hand) */
- gdbstub_proto("### GDB Tx ACK\n");
- gdbstub_tx_char('+'); /* 'hello world' */
- gdbstub_printk("GDB Stub waiting for packet\n");
- /*
- * In case GDB is started before us, ack any packets
- * (presumably "$?#xx") sitting there.
- */
- do { gdbstub_rx_char(&ch, 0); } while (ch != '$');
- do { gdbstub_rx_char(&ch, 0); } while (ch != '#');
- do { ret = gdbstub_rx_char(&ch, 0); } while (ret != 0); /* eat first csum byte */
- do { ret = gdbstub_rx_char(&ch, 0); } while (ret != 0); /* eat second csum byte */
- gdbstub_proto("### GDB Tx NAK\n");
- gdbstub_tx_char('-'); /* nak it */
- gdbstub_printk("GDB Stub set\n");
-#if 0
- /* send banner */
- ptr = output_buffer;
- *ptr++ = 'O';
- ptr = mem2hex(gdbstub_banner, ptr, sizeof(gdbstub_banner) - 1, 0);
- gdbstub_send_packet(output_buffer);
- register_console(&gdbstub_console);
-} /* end gdbstub_init() */
- * register the console at a more appropriate time
- */
-static int __init gdbstub_postinit(void)
- printk("registering console\n");
- register_console(&gdbstub_console);
- return 0;
-} /* end gdbstub_postinit() */
- * send an exit message to GDB
- */
-void gdbstub_exit(int status)
- unsigned char checksum;
- int count;
- unsigned char ch;
- sprintf(output_buffer,"W%02x",status&0xff);
- gdbstub_tx_char('$');
- checksum = 0;
- count = 0;
- while ((ch = output_buffer[count]) != 0) {
- gdbstub_tx_char(ch);
- checksum += ch;
- count += 1;
- }
- gdbstub_tx_char('#');
- gdbstub_tx_char(hex_asc_hi(checksum));
- gdbstub_tx_char(hex_asc_lo(checksum));
- /* make sure the output is flushed, or else RedBoot might clobber it */
- gdbstub_tx_char('-');
- gdbstub_tx_flush();
-} /* end gdbstub_exit() */
- * GDB wants to call malloc() and free() to allocate memory for calling kernel
- * functions directly from its command line
- */
-static void *malloc(size_t size) __maybe_unused;
-static void *malloc(size_t size)
- return kmalloc(size, GFP_ATOMIC);
-static void free(void *p) __maybe_unused;
-static void free(void *p)
- kfree(p);
-static uint32_t ___get_HSR0(void) __maybe_unused;
-static uint32_t ___get_HSR0(void)
- return __get_HSR(0);
-static uint32_t ___set_HSR0(uint32_t x) __maybe_unused;
-static uint32_t ___set_HSR0(uint32_t x)
- __set_HSR(0, x);
- return __get_HSR(0);