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1 files changed, 15 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/tools/perf/util/scripting-engines/trace-event-python.c b/tools/perf/util/scripting-engines/trace-event-python.c
index 46e9e19ab1ac..8b2eb6dbff4d 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/scripting-engines/trace-event-python.c
+++ b/tools/perf/util/scripting-engines/trace-event-python.c
@@ -1627,6 +1627,7 @@ static int python_generate_script(struct pevent *pevent, const char *outfile)
fprintf(ofp, "# See the perf-script-python Documentation for the list "
"of available functions.\n\n");
+ fprintf(ofp, "from __future__ import print_function\n\n");
fprintf(ofp, "import os\n");
fprintf(ofp, "import sys\n\n");
@@ -1636,10 +1637,10 @@ static int python_generate_script(struct pevent *pevent, const char *outfile)
fprintf(ofp, "from Core import *\n\n\n");
fprintf(ofp, "def trace_begin():\n");
- fprintf(ofp, "\tprint \"in trace_begin\"\n\n");
+ fprintf(ofp, "\tprint(\"in trace_begin\")\n\n");
fprintf(ofp, "def trace_end():\n");
- fprintf(ofp, "\tprint \"in trace_end\"\n\n");
+ fprintf(ofp, "\tprint(\"in trace_end\")\n\n");
while ((event = trace_find_next_event(pevent, event))) {
fprintf(ofp, "def %s__%s(", event->system, event->name);
@@ -1675,7 +1676,7 @@ static int python_generate_script(struct pevent *pevent, const char *outfile)
"common_secs, common_nsecs,\n\t\t\t"
"common_pid, common_comm)\n\n");
- fprintf(ofp, "\t\tprint \"");
+ fprintf(ofp, "\t\tprint(\"");
not_first = 0;
count = 0;
@@ -1736,31 +1737,31 @@ static int python_generate_script(struct pevent *pevent, const char *outfile)
fprintf(ofp, "%s", f->name);
- fprintf(ofp, ")\n\n");
+ fprintf(ofp, "))\n\n");
- fprintf(ofp, "\t\tprint 'Sample: {'+"
- "get_dict_as_string(perf_sample_dict['sample'], ', ')+'}'\n\n");
+ fprintf(ofp, "\t\tprint('Sample: {'+"
+ "get_dict_as_string(perf_sample_dict['sample'], ', ')+'}')\n\n");
fprintf(ofp, "\t\tfor node in common_callchain:");
fprintf(ofp, "\n\t\t\tif 'sym' in node:");
- fprintf(ofp, "\n\t\t\t\tprint \"\\t[%%x] %%s\" %% (node['ip'], node['sym']['name'])");
+ fprintf(ofp, "\n\t\t\t\tprint(\"\\t[%%x] %%s\" %% (node['ip'], node['sym']['name']))");
fprintf(ofp, "\n\t\t\telse:");
- fprintf(ofp, "\n\t\t\t\tprint \"\t[%%x]\" %% (node['ip'])\n\n");
- fprintf(ofp, "\t\tprint \"\\n\"\n\n");
+ fprintf(ofp, "\n\t\t\t\tprint(\"\t[%%x]\" %% (node['ip']))\n\n");
+ fprintf(ofp, "\t\tprint()\n\n");
fprintf(ofp, "def trace_unhandled(event_name, context, "
"event_fields_dict, perf_sample_dict):\n");
- fprintf(ofp, "\t\tprint get_dict_as_string(event_fields_dict)\n");
- fprintf(ofp, "\t\tprint 'Sample: {'+"
- "get_dict_as_string(perf_sample_dict['sample'], ', ')+'}'\n\n");
+ fprintf(ofp, "\t\tprint(get_dict_as_string(event_fields_dict))\n");
+ fprintf(ofp, "\t\tprint('Sample: {'+"
+ "get_dict_as_string(perf_sample_dict['sample'], ', ')+'}')\n\n");
fprintf(ofp, "def print_header("
"event_name, cpu, secs, nsecs, pid, comm):\n"
- "\tprint \"%%-20s %%5u %%05u.%%09u %%8u %%-20s \" %% \\\n\t"
- "(event_name, cpu, secs, nsecs, pid, comm),\n\n");
+ "\tprint(\"%%-20s %%5u %%05u.%%09u %%8u %%-20s \" %% \\\n\t"
+ "(event_name, cpu, secs, nsecs, pid, comm), end=\"\")\n\n");
fprintf(ofp, "def get_dict_as_string(a_dict, delimiter=' '):\n"
"\treturn delimiter.join"