path: root/tools/perf/scripts/python/exported-sql-viewer.py
diff options
authorAdrian Hunter <adrian.hunter@intel.com>2019-02-22 09:27:28 +0200
committerArnaldo Carvalho de Melo <acme@redhat.com>2019-02-22 16:52:07 -0300
commitcd358012ba20d4193c225d89cd1d0c11bc54b1bc (patch)
treefb598c601d41d7b0db13966ea2f1e94ae6ec6901 /tools/perf/scripts/python/exported-sql-viewer.py
parentfc2c77aa8437855d2992d3f3c6a1dff681789a07 (diff)
perf scripts python: exported-sql-viewer.py: Add top calls report
Add a new report to display top calls by elapsed time. It displays calls in descending order of time elapsed between when the function was called and when it returned. Signed-off-by: Adrian Hunter <adrian.hunter@intel.com> Cc: Jiri Olsa <jolsa@redhat.com> Signed-off-by: Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo <acme@redhat.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/perf/scripts/python/exported-sql-viewer.py')
1 files changed, 135 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/tools/perf/scripts/python/exported-sql-viewer.py b/tools/perf/scripts/python/exported-sql-viewer.py
index 728200e3a691..09ce73b07d35 100755
--- a/tools/perf/scripts/python/exported-sql-viewer.py
+++ b/tools/perf/scripts/python/exported-sql-viewer.py
@@ -1402,12 +1402,13 @@ class BranchModel(TreeModel):
class ReportVars():
- def __init__(self, name = "", where_clause = ""):
+ def __init__(self, name = "", where_clause = "", limit = ""):
self.name = name
self.where_clause = where_clause
+ self.limit = limit
def UniqueId(self):
- return str(self.where_clause)
+ return str(self.where_clause + ";" + self.limit)
# Branch window
@@ -1485,16 +1486,16 @@ class BranchWindow(QMdiSubWindow):
class LineEditDataItem(object):
- def __init__(self, glb, label, placeholder_text, parent, id = ""):
+ def __init__(self, glb, label, placeholder_text, parent, id = "", default = ""):
self.glb = glb
self.label = label
self.placeholder_text = placeholder_text
self.parent = parent
self.id = id
- self.value = ""
+ self.value = default
- self.widget = QLineEdit()
+ self.widget = QLineEdit(default)
self.red = False
@@ -1582,6 +1583,21 @@ class NonNegativeIntegerRangesDataItem(LineEditDataItem):
ranges.append(self.column_name + " IN (" + ",".join(singles) + ")")
self.value = " OR ".join(ranges)
+# Positive integer dialog data item
+class PositiveIntegerDataItem(LineEditDataItem):
+ def __init__(self, glb, label, placeholder_text, parent, id = "", default = ""):
+ super(PositiveIntegerDataItem, self).__init__(glb, label, placeholder_text, parent, id, default)
+ def DoValidate(self, input_string):
+ if not self.IsNumber(input_string.strip()):
+ return self.InvalidValue(input_string)
+ value = int(input_string.strip())
+ if value <= 0:
+ return self.InvalidValue(input_string)
+ self.value = str(value)
# Dialog data item converted and validated using a SQL table
class SQLTableDataItem(LineEditDataItem):
@@ -1799,7 +1815,9 @@ class ReportDialogBase(QDialog):
if not d.IsValid():
for d in self.data_items[1:]:
- if len(d.value):
+ if d.id == "LIMIT":
+ vars.limit = d.value
+ elif len(d.value):
if len(vars.where_clause):
vars.where_clause += " AND "
vars.where_clause += d.value
@@ -2059,6 +2077,103 @@ def GetTableList(glb):
return tables
+# Top Calls data model
+class TopCallsModel(SQLTableModel):
+ def __init__(self, glb, report_vars, parent=None):
+ text = ""
+ if not glb.dbref.is_sqlite3:
+ text = "::text"
+ limit = ""
+ if len(report_vars.limit):
+ limit = " LIMIT " + report_vars.limit
+ sql = ("SELECT comm, pid, tid, name,"
+ " CASE"
+ " WHEN (short_name = '[kernel.kallsyms]') THEN '[kernel]'" + text +
+ " ELSE short_name"
+ " END AS dso,"
+ " call_time, return_time, (return_time - call_time) AS elapsed_time, branch_count, "
+ " CASE"
+ " WHEN (calls.flags = 1) THEN 'no call'" + text +
+ " WHEN (calls.flags = 2) THEN 'no return'" + text +
+ " WHEN (calls.flags = 3) THEN 'no call/return'" + text +
+ " ELSE ''" + text +
+ " END AS flags"
+ " FROM calls"
+ " INNER JOIN call_paths ON calls.call_path_id = call_paths.id"
+ " INNER JOIN symbols ON call_paths.symbol_id = symbols.id"
+ " INNER JOIN dsos ON symbols.dso_id = dsos.id"
+ " INNER JOIN comms ON calls.comm_id = comms.id"
+ " INNER JOIN threads ON calls.thread_id = threads.id" +
+ report_vars.where_clause +
+ " ORDER BY elapsed_time DESC" +
+ limit
+ )
+ column_headers = ("Command", "PID", "TID", "Symbol", "Object", "Call Time", "Return Time", "Elapsed Time (ns)", "Branch Count", "Flags")
+ self.alignment = (Qt.AlignLeft, Qt.AlignLeft, Qt.AlignLeft, Qt.AlignLeft, Qt.AlignLeft, Qt.AlignLeft, Qt.AlignLeft, Qt.AlignRight, Qt.AlignRight, Qt.AlignLeft)
+ super(TopCallsModel, self).__init__(glb, sql, column_headers, parent)
+ def columnAlignment(self, column):
+ return self.alignment[column]
+# Top Calls report creation dialog
+class TopCallsDialog(ReportDialogBase):
+ def __init__(self, glb, parent=None):
+ title = "Top Calls by Elapsed Time"
+ items = (lambda g, p: LineEditDataItem(g, "Report name:", "Enter a name to appear in the window title bar", p, "REPORTNAME"),
+ lambda g, p: SQLTableDataItem(g, "Commands:", "Only calls with these commands will be included", "comms", "comm", "comm_id", "", p),
+ lambda g, p: SQLTableDataItem(g, "PIDs:", "Only calls with these process IDs will be included", "threads", "pid", "thread_id", "", p),
+ lambda g, p: SQLTableDataItem(g, "TIDs:", "Only calls with these thread IDs will be included", "threads", "tid", "thread_id", "", p),
+ lambda g, p: SQLTableDataItem(g, "DSOs:", "Only calls with these DSOs will be included", "dsos", "short_name", "dso_id", "", p),
+ lambda g, p: SQLTableDataItem(g, "Symbols:", "Only calls with these symbols will be included", "symbols", "name", "symbol_id", "", p),
+ lambda g, p: LineEditDataItem(g, "Raw SQL clause: ", "Enter a raw SQL WHERE clause", p),
+ lambda g, p: PositiveIntegerDataItem(g, "Record limit:", "Limit selection to this number of records", p, "LIMIT", "100"))
+ super(TopCallsDialog, self).__init__(glb, title, items, False, parent)
+# Top Calls window
+class TopCallsWindow(QMdiSubWindow, ResizeColumnsToContentsBase):
+ def __init__(self, glb, report_vars, parent=None):
+ super(TopCallsWindow, self).__init__(parent)
+ self.data_model = LookupCreateModel("Top Calls " + report_vars.UniqueId(), lambda: TopCallsModel(glb, report_vars))
+ self.model = self.data_model
+ self.view = QTableView()
+ self.view.setModel(self.model)
+ self.view.setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers)
+ self.view.verticalHeader().setVisible(False)
+ self.ResizeColumnsToContents()
+ self.find_bar = FindBar(self, self, True)
+ self.finder = ChildDataItemFinder(self.model)
+ self.fetch_bar = FetchMoreRecordsBar(self.data_model, self)
+ self.vbox = VBox(self.view, self.find_bar.Widget(), self.fetch_bar.Widget())
+ self.setWidget(self.vbox.Widget())
+ AddSubWindow(glb.mainwindow.mdi_area, self, report_vars.name)
+ def Find(self, value, direction, pattern, context):
+ self.view.setFocus()
+ self.find_bar.Busy()
+ self.finder.Find(value, direction, pattern, context, self.FindDone)
+ def FindDone(self, row):
+ self.find_bar.Idle()
+ if row >= 0:
+ self.view.setCurrentIndex(self.model.index(row, 0, QModelIndex()))
+ else:
+ self.find_bar.NotFound()
# Action Definition
def CreateAction(label, tip, callback, parent=None, shortcut=None):
@@ -2162,6 +2277,7 @@ p.c2 {
<p class=c2><a href=#callgraph>1.1 Context-Sensitive Call Graph</a></p>
<p class=c2><a href=#allbranches>1.2 All branches</a></p>
<p class=c2><a href=#selectedbranches>1.3 Selected branches</a></p>
+<p class=c2><a href=#topcallsbyelapsedtime>1.4 Top calls by elapsed time</a></p>
<p class=c1><a href=#tables>2. Tables</a></p>
<h1 id=reports>1. Reports</h1>
<h2 id=callgraph>1.1 Context-Sensitive Call Graph</h2>
@@ -2237,6 +2353,10 @@ ms, us or ns. Also, negative values are relative to the end of trace. Examples:
-10ms- The last 10ms
N.B. Due to the granularity of timestamps, there could be no branches in any given time range.
+<h2 id=topcallsbyelapsedtime>1.4 Top calls by elapsed time</h2>
+The Top calls by elapsed time report displays calls in descending order of time elapsed between when the function was called and when it returned.
+The data is reduced by various selection criteria. A dialog box displays available criteria which are AND'ed together.
+If not all data is fetched, a Fetch bar is provided. Ctrl-F displays a Find bar.
<h1 id=tables>2. Tables</h1>
The Tables menu shows all tables and views in the database. Most tables have an associated view
which displays the information in a more friendly way. Not all data for large tables is fetched
@@ -2371,6 +2491,9 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
self.EventMenu(GetEventList(glb.db), reports_menu)
+ if IsSelectable(glb.db, "calls"):
+ reports_menu.addAction(CreateAction("&Top calls by elapsed time", "Create a new window displaying top calls by elapsed time", self.NewTopCalls, self))
self.TableMenu(GetTableList(glb), menu)
self.window_menu = WindowMenu(self.mdi_area, menu)
@@ -2426,6 +2549,12 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def NewCallGraph(self):
CallGraphWindow(self.glb, self)
+ def NewTopCalls(self):
+ dialog = TopCallsDialog(self.glb, self)
+ ret = dialog.exec_()
+ if ret:
+ TopCallsWindow(self.glb, dialog.report_vars, self)
def NewBranchView(self, event_id):
BranchWindow(self.glb, event_id, ReportVars(), self)