path: root/nvim/nvchad/lua/core/bootstrap.lua
diff options
authorBlaster4385 <TheTablaster@aospa.co>2024-02-15 00:37:46 +0530
committerBlaster4385 <blaster4385@tablaster.dev>2024-02-26 00:30:39 +0530
commitcead788a4a8e67f776d82c4ad50f6d065609c1cf (patch)
tree35fe47589914bdf04f3ecd86c86800ced4068703 /nvim/nvchad/lua/core/bootstrap.lua
Initial dotfiles
Diffstat (limited to 'nvim/nvchad/lua/core/bootstrap.lua')
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nvim/nvchad/lua/core/bootstrap.lua b/nvim/nvchad/lua/core/bootstrap.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5d5c68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nvim/nvchad/lua/core/bootstrap.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+local M = {}
+local fn = vim.fn
+M.echo = function(str)
+ vim.cmd "redraw"
+ vim.api.nvim_echo({ { str, "Bold" } }, true, {})
+local function shell_call(args)
+ local output = fn.system(args)
+ assert(vim.v.shell_error == 0, "External call failed with error code: " .. vim.v.shell_error .. "\n" .. output)
+M.lazy = function(install_path)
+ ------------- base46 ---------------
+ local lazy_path = fn.stdpath "data" .. "/lazy/base46"
+ M.echo " Compiling base46 theme to bytecode ..."
+ local base46_repo = "https://github.com/NvChad/base46"
+ shell_call { "git", "clone", "--depth", "1", "-b", "v2.0", base46_repo, lazy_path }
+ vim.opt.rtp:prepend(lazy_path)
+ require("base46").compile()
+ --------- lazy.nvim ---------------
+ M.echo " Installing lazy.nvim & plugins ..."
+ local repo = "https://github.com/folke/lazy.nvim.git"
+ shell_call { "git", "clone", "--filter=blob:none", "--branch=stable", repo, install_path }
+ vim.opt.rtp:prepend(install_path)
+ -- install plugins
+ require "plugins"
+ -- mason packages & show post_bootstrap screen
+ require "nvchad.post_install"()
+M.gen_chadrc_template = function()
+ local path = fn.stdpath "config" .. "/lua/custom"
+ if fn.isdirectory(path) ~= 1 then
+ local input = vim.env.NVCHAD_EXAMPLE_CONFIG or fn.input "Do you want to install example custom config? (y/N): "
+ if input:lower() == "y" then
+ M.echo "Cloning example custom config repo..."
+ shell_call { "git", "clone", "--depth", "1", "https://github.com/NvChad/example_config", path }
+ fn.delete(path .. "/.git", "rf")
+ else
+ -- use very minimal chadrc
+ fn.mkdir(path, "p")
+ local file = io.open(path .. "/chadrc.lua", "w")
+ if file then
+ file:write "---@type ChadrcConfig\nlocal M = {}\n\nM.ui = { theme = 'onedark' }\n\nreturn M"
+ file:close()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+return M