/* * intel_pt_pkt_decoder.c: Intel Processor Trace support * Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Intel Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <endian.h> #include <byteswap.h> #include <linux/compiler.h> #include "intel-pt-pkt-decoder.h" #define BIT(n) (1 << (n)) #define BIT63 ((uint64_t)1 << 63) #define NR_FLAG BIT63 #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN #define le16_to_cpu bswap_16 #define le32_to_cpu bswap_32 #define le64_to_cpu bswap_64 #define memcpy_le64(d, s, n) do { \ memcpy((d), (s), (n)); \ *(d) = le64_to_cpu(*(d)); \ } while (0) #else #define le16_to_cpu #define le32_to_cpu #define le64_to_cpu #define memcpy_le64 memcpy #endif static const char * const packet_name[] = { [INTEL_PT_BAD] = "Bad Packet!", [INTEL_PT_PAD] = "PAD", [INTEL_PT_TNT] = "TNT", [INTEL_PT_TIP_PGD] = "TIP.PGD", [INTEL_PT_TIP_PGE] = "TIP.PGE", [INTEL_PT_TSC] = "TSC", [INTEL_PT_TMA] = "TMA", [INTEL_PT_MODE_EXEC] = "MODE.Exec", [INTEL_PT_MODE_TSX] = "MODE.TSX", [INTEL_PT_MTC] = "MTC", [INTEL_PT_TIP] = "TIP", [INTEL_PT_FUP] = "FUP", [INTEL_PT_CYC] = "CYC", [INTEL_PT_VMCS] = "VMCS", [INTEL_PT_PSB] = "PSB", [INTEL_PT_PSBEND] = "PSBEND", [INTEL_PT_CBR] = "CBR", [INTEL_PT_TRACESTOP] = "TraceSTOP", [INTEL_PT_PIP] = "PIP", [INTEL_PT_OVF] = "OVF", [INTEL_PT_MNT] = "MNT", [INTEL_PT_PTWRITE] = "PTWRITE", [INTEL_PT_PTWRITE_IP] = "PTWRITE", [INTEL_PT_EXSTOP] = "EXSTOP", [INTEL_PT_EXSTOP_IP] = "EXSTOP", [INTEL_PT_MWAIT] = "MWAIT", [INTEL_PT_PWRE] = "PWRE", [INTEL_PT_PWRX] = "PWRX", }; const char *intel_pt_pkt_name(enum intel_pt_pkt_type type) { return packet_name[type]; } static int intel_pt_get_long_tnt(const unsigned char *buf, size_t len, struct intel_pt_pkt *packet) { uint64_t payload; int count; if (len < 8) return INTEL_PT_NEED_MORE_BYTES; payload = le64_to_cpu(*(uint64_t *)buf); for (count = 47; count; count--) { if (payload & BIT63) break; payload <<= 1; } packet->type = INTEL_PT_TNT; packet->count = count; packet->payload = payload << 1; return 8; } static int intel_pt_get_pip(const unsigned char *buf, size_t len, struct intel_pt_pkt *packet) { uint64_t payload = 0; if (len < 8) return INTEL_PT_NEED_MORE_BYTES; packet->type = INTEL_PT_PIP; memcpy_le64(&payload, buf + 2, 6); packet->payload = payload >> 1; if (payload & 1) packet->payload |= NR_FLAG; return 8; } static int intel_pt_get_tracestop(struct intel_pt_pkt *packet) { packet->type = INTEL_PT_TRACESTOP; return 2; } static int intel_pt_get_cbr(const unsigned char *buf, size_t len, struct intel_pt_pkt *packet) { if (len < 4) return INTEL_PT_NEED_MORE_BYTES; packet->type = INTEL_PT_CBR; packet->payload = le16_to_cpu(*(uint16_t *)(buf + 2)); return 4; } static int intel_pt_get_vmcs(const unsigned char *buf, size_t len, struct intel_pt_pkt *packet) { unsigned int count = (52 - 5) >> 3; if (count < 1 || count > 7) return INTEL_PT_BAD_PACKET; if (len < count + 2) return INTEL_PT_NEED_MORE_BYTES; packet->type = INTEL_PT_VMCS; packet->count = count; memcpy_le64(&packet->payload, buf + 2, count); return count + 2; } static int intel_pt_get_ovf(struct intel_pt_pkt *packet) { packet->type = INTEL_PT_OVF; return 2; } static int intel_pt_get_psb(const unsigned char *buf, size_t len, struct intel_pt_pkt *packet) { int i; if (len < 16) return INTEL_PT_NEED_MORE_BYTES; for (i = 2; i < 16; i += 2) { if (buf[i] != 2 || buf[i + 1] != 0x82) return INTEL_PT_BAD_PACKET; } packet->type = INTEL_PT_PSB; return 16; } static int intel_pt_get_psbend(struct intel_pt_pkt *packet) { packet->type = INTEL_PT_PSBEND; return 2; } static int intel_pt_get_tma(const unsigned char *buf, size_t len, struct intel_pt_pkt *packet) { if (len < 7) return INTEL_PT_NEED_MORE_BYTES; packet->type = INTEL_PT_TMA; packet->payload = buf[2] | (buf[3] << 8); packet->count = buf[5] | ((buf[6] & BIT(0)) << 8); return 7; } static int intel_pt_get_pad(struct intel_pt_pkt *packet) { packet->type = INTEL_PT_PAD; return 1; } static int intel_pt_get_mnt(const unsigned char *buf, size_t len, struct intel_pt_pkt *packet) { if (len < 11) return INTEL_PT_NEED_MORE_BYTES; packet->type = INTEL_PT_MNT; memcpy_le64(&packet->payload, buf + 3, 8); return 11 ; } static int intel_pt_get_3byte(const unsigned char *buf, size_t len, struct intel_pt_pkt *packet) { if (len < 3) return INTEL_PT_NEED_MORE_BYTES; switch (buf[2]) { case 0x88: /* MNT */ return intel_pt_get_mnt(buf, len, packet); default: return INTEL_PT_BAD_PACKET; } } static int intel_pt_get_ptwrite(const unsigned char *buf, size_t len, struct intel_pt_pkt *packet) { packet->count = (buf[1] >> 5) & 0x3; packet->type = buf[1] & BIT(7) ? INTEL_PT_PTWRITE_IP : INTEL_PT_PTWRITE; switch (packet->count) { case 0: if (len < 6) return INTEL_PT_NEED_MORE_BYTES; packet->payload = le32_to_cpu(*(uint32_t *)(buf + 2)); return 6; case 1: if (len < 10) return INTEL_PT_NEED_MORE_BYTES; packet->payload = le64_to_cpu(*(uint64_t *)(buf + 2)); return 10; default: return INTEL_PT_BAD_PACKET; } } static int intel_pt_get_exstop(struct intel_pt_pkt *packet) { packet->type = INTEL_PT_EXSTOP; return 2; } static int intel_pt_get_exstop_ip(struct intel_pt_pkt *packet) { packet->type = INTEL_PT_EXSTOP_IP; return 2; } static int intel_pt_get_mwait(const unsigned char *buf, size_t len, struct intel_pt_pkt *packet) { if (len < 10) return INTEL_PT_NEED_MORE_BYTES; packet->type = INTEL_PT_MWAIT; packet->payload = le64_to_cpu(*(uint64_t *)(buf + 2)); return 10; } static int intel_pt_get_pwre(const unsigned char *buf, size_t len, struct intel_pt_pkt *packet) { if (len < 4) return INTEL_PT_NEED_MORE_BYTES; packet->type = INTEL_PT_PWRE; memcpy_le64(&packet->payload, buf + 2, 2); return 4; } static int intel_pt_get_pwrx(const unsigned char *buf, size_t len, struct intel_pt_pkt *packet) { if (len < 7) return INTEL_PT_NEED_MORE_BYTES; packet->type = INTEL_PT_PWRX; memcpy_le64(&packet->payload, buf + 2, 5); return 7; } static int intel_pt_get_ext(const unsigned char *buf, size_t len, struct intel_pt_pkt *packet) { if (len < 2) return INTEL_PT_NEED_MORE_BYTES; if ((buf[1] & 0x1f) == 0x12) return intel_pt_get_ptwrite(buf, len, packet); switch (buf[1]) { case 0xa3: /* Long TNT */ return intel_pt_get_long_tnt(buf, len, packet); case 0x43: /* PIP */ return intel_pt_get_pip(buf, len, packet); case 0x83: /* TraceStop */ return intel_pt_get_tracestop(packet); case 0x03: /* CBR */ return intel_pt_get_cbr(buf, len, packet); case 0xc8: /* VMCS */ return intel_pt_get_vmcs(buf, len, packet); case 0xf3: /* OVF */ return intel_pt_get_ovf(packet); case 0x82: /* PSB */ return intel_pt_get_psb(buf, len, packet); case 0x23: /* PSBEND */ return intel_pt_get_psbend(packet); case 0x73: /* TMA */ return intel_pt_get_tma(buf, len, packet); case 0xC3: /* 3-byte header */ return intel_pt_get_3byte(buf, len, packet); case 0x62: /* EXSTOP no IP */ return intel_pt_get_exstop(packet); case 0xE2: /* EXSTOP with IP */ return intel_pt_get_exstop_ip(packet); case 0xC2: /* MWAIT */ return intel_pt_get_mwait(buf, len, packet); case 0x22: /* PWRE */ return intel_pt_get_pwre(buf, len, packet); case 0xA2: /* PWRX */ return intel_pt_get_pwrx(buf, len, packet); default: return INTEL_PT_BAD_PACKET; } } static int intel_pt_get_short_tnt(unsigned int byte, struct intel_pt_pkt *packet) { int count; for (count = 6; count; count--) { if (byte & BIT(7)) break; byte <<= 1; } packet->type = INTEL_PT_TNT; packet->count = count; packet->payload = (uint64_t)byte << 57; return 1; } static int intel_pt_get_cyc(unsigned int byte, const unsigned char *buf, size_t len, struct intel_pt_pkt *packet) { unsigned int offs = 1, shift; uint64_t payload = byte >> 3; byte >>= 2; len -= 1; for (shift = 5; byte & 1; shift += 7) { if (offs > 9) return INTEL_PT_BAD_PACKET; if (len < offs) return INTEL_PT_NEED_MORE_BYTES; byte = buf[offs++]; payload |= ((uint64_t)byte >> 1) << shift; } packet->type = INTEL_PT_CYC; packet->payload = payload; return offs; } static int intel_pt_get_ip(enum intel_pt_pkt_type type, unsigned int byte, const unsigned char *buf, size_t len, struct intel_pt_pkt *packet) { int ip_len; packet->count = byte >> 5; switch (packet->count) { case 0: ip_len = 0; break; case 1: if (len < 3) return INTEL_PT_NEED_MORE_BYTES; ip_len = 2; packet->payload = le16_to_cpu(*(uint16_t *)(buf + 1)); break; case 2: if (len < 5) return INTEL_PT_NEED_MORE_BYTES; ip_len = 4; packet->payload = le32_to_cpu(*(uint32_t *)(buf + 1)); break; case 3: case 4: if (len < 7) return INTEL_PT_NEED_MORE_BYTES; ip_len = 6; memcpy_le64(&packet->payload, buf + 1, 6); break; case 6: if (len < 9) return INTEL_PT_NEED_MORE_BYTES; ip_len = 8; packet->payload = le64_to_cpu(*(uint64_t *)(buf + 1)); break; default: return INTEL_PT_BAD_PACKET; } packet->type = type; return ip_len + 1; } static int intel_pt_get_mode(const unsigned char *buf, size_t len, struct intel_pt_pkt *packet) { if (len < 2) return INTEL_PT_NEED_MORE_BYTES; switch (buf[1] >> 5) { case 0: packet->type = INTEL_PT_MODE_EXEC; switch (buf[1] & 3) { case 0: packet->payload = 16; break; case 1: packet->payload = 64; break; case 2: packet->payload = 32; break; default: return INTEL_PT_BAD_PACKET; } break; case 1: packet->type = INTEL_PT_MODE_TSX; if ((buf[1] & 3) == 3) return INTEL_PT_BAD_PACKET; packet->payload = buf[1] & 3; break; default: return INTEL_PT_BAD_PACKET; } return 2; } static int intel_pt_get_tsc(const unsigned char *buf, size_t len, struct intel_pt_pkt *packet) { if (len < 8) return INTEL_PT_NEED_MORE_BYTES; packet->type = INTEL_PT_TSC; memcpy_le64(&packet->payload, buf + 1, 7); return 8; } static int intel_pt_get_mtc(const unsigned char *buf, size_t len, struct intel_pt_pkt *packet) { if (len < 2) return INTEL_PT_NEED_MORE_BYTES; packet->type = INTEL_PT_MTC; packet->payload = buf[1]; return 2; } static int intel_pt_do_get_packet(const unsigned char *buf, size_t len, struct intel_pt_pkt *packet) { unsigned int byte; memset(packet, 0, sizeof(struct intel_pt_pkt)); if (!len) return INTEL_PT_NEED_MORE_BYTES; byte = buf[0]; if (!(byte & BIT(0))) { if (byte == 0) return intel_pt_get_pad(packet); if (byte == 2) return intel_pt_get_ext(buf, len, packet); return intel_pt_get_short_tnt(byte, packet); } if ((byte & 2)) return intel_pt_get_cyc(byte, buf, len, packet); switch (byte & 0x1f) { case 0x0D: return intel_pt_get_ip(INTEL_PT_TIP, byte, buf, len, packet); case 0x11: return intel_pt_get_ip(INTEL_PT_TIP_PGE, byte, buf, len, packet); case 0x01: return intel_pt_get_ip(INTEL_PT_TIP_PGD, byte, buf, len, packet); case 0x1D: return intel_pt_get_ip(INTEL_PT_FUP, byte, buf, len, packet); case 0x19: switch (byte) { case 0x99: return intel_pt_get_mode(buf, len, packet); case 0x19: return intel_pt_get_tsc(buf, len, packet); case 0x59: return intel_pt_get_mtc(buf, len, packet); default: return INTEL_PT_BAD_PACKET; } default: return INTEL_PT_BAD_PACKET; } } int intel_pt_get_packet(const unsigned char *buf, size_t len, struct intel_pt_pkt *packet) { int ret; ret = intel_pt_do_get_packet(buf, len, packet); if (ret > 0) { while (ret < 8 && len > (size_t)ret && !buf[ret]) ret += 1; } return ret; } int intel_pt_pkt_desc(const struct intel_pt_pkt *packet, char *buf, size_t buf_len) { int ret, i, nr; unsigned long long payload = packet->payload; const char *name = intel_pt_pkt_name(packet->type); switch (packet->type) { case INTEL_PT_BAD: case INTEL_PT_PAD: case INTEL_PT_PSB: case INTEL_PT_PSBEND: case INTEL_PT_TRACESTOP: case INTEL_PT_OVF: return snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%s", name); case INTEL_PT_TNT: { size_t blen = buf_len; ret = snprintf(buf, blen, "%s ", name); if (ret < 0) return ret; buf += ret; blen -= ret; for (i = 0; i < packet->count; i++) { if (payload & BIT63) ret = snprintf(buf, blen, "T"); else ret = snprintf(buf, blen, "N"); if (ret < 0) return ret; buf += ret; blen -= ret; payload <<= 1; } ret = snprintf(buf, blen, " (%d)", packet->count); if (ret < 0) return ret; blen -= ret; return buf_len - blen; } case INTEL_PT_TIP_PGD: case INTEL_PT_TIP_PGE: case INTEL_PT_TIP: case INTEL_PT_FUP: if (!(packet->count)) return snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%s no ip", name); __fallthrough; case INTEL_PT_CYC: case INTEL_PT_VMCS: case INTEL_PT_MTC: case INTEL_PT_MNT: case INTEL_PT_CBR: case INTEL_PT_TSC: return snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%s 0x%llx", name, payload); case INTEL_PT_TMA: return snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%s CTC 0x%x FC 0x%x", name, (unsigned)payload, packet->count); case INTEL_PT_MODE_EXEC: return snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%s %lld", name, payload); case INTEL_PT_MODE_TSX: return snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%s TXAbort:%u InTX:%u", name, (unsigned)(payload >> 1) & 1, (unsigned)payload & 1); case INTEL_PT_PIP: nr = packet->payload & NR_FLAG ? 1 : 0; payload &= ~NR_FLAG; ret = snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%s 0x%llx (NR=%d)", name, payload, nr); return ret; case INTEL_PT_PTWRITE: return snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%s 0x%llx IP:0", name, payload); case INTEL_PT_PTWRITE_IP: return snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%s 0x%llx IP:1", name, payload); case INTEL_PT_EXSTOP: return snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%s IP:0", name); case INTEL_PT_EXSTOP_IP: return snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%s IP:1", name); case INTEL_PT_MWAIT: return snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%s 0x%llx Hints 0x%x Extensions 0x%x", name, payload, (unsigned int)(payload & 0xff), (unsigned int)((payload >> 32) & 0x3)); case INTEL_PT_PWRE: return snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%s 0x%llx HW:%u CState:%u Sub-CState:%u", name, payload, !!(payload & 0x80), (unsigned int)((payload >> 12) & 0xf), (unsigned int)((payload >> 8) & 0xf)); case INTEL_PT_PWRX: return snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%s 0x%llx Last CState:%u Deepest CState:%u Wake Reason 0x%x", name, payload, (unsigned int)((payload >> 4) & 0xf), (unsigned int)(payload & 0xf), (unsigned int)((payload >> 8) & 0xf)); default: break; } return snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%s 0x%llx (%d)", name, payload, packet->count); }