# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause from collections import namedtuple from enum import Enum import functools import os import random import socket import struct from struct import Struct import sys import yaml import ipaddress import uuid from .nlspec import SpecFamily # # Generic Netlink code which should really be in some library, but I can't quickly find one. # class Netlink: # Netlink socket SOL_NETLINK = 270 NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP = 1 NETLINK_CAP_ACK = 10 NETLINK_EXT_ACK = 11 NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK = 12 # Netlink message NLMSG_ERROR = 2 NLMSG_DONE = 3 NLM_F_REQUEST = 1 NLM_F_ACK = 4 NLM_F_ROOT = 0x100 NLM_F_MATCH = 0x200 NLM_F_REPLACE = 0x100 NLM_F_EXCL = 0x200 NLM_F_CREATE = 0x400 NLM_F_APPEND = 0x800 NLM_F_CAPPED = 0x100 NLM_F_ACK_TLVS = 0x200 NLM_F_DUMP = NLM_F_ROOT | NLM_F_MATCH NLA_F_NESTED = 0x8000 NLA_F_NET_BYTEORDER = 0x4000 NLA_TYPE_MASK = NLA_F_NESTED | NLA_F_NET_BYTEORDER # Genetlink defines NETLINK_GENERIC = 16 GENL_ID_CTRL = 0x10 # nlctrl CTRL_CMD_GETFAMILY = 3 CTRL_ATTR_FAMILY_ID = 1 CTRL_ATTR_FAMILY_NAME = 2 CTRL_ATTR_MAXATTR = 5 CTRL_ATTR_MCAST_GROUPS = 7 CTRL_ATTR_MCAST_GRP_NAME = 1 CTRL_ATTR_MCAST_GRP_ID = 2 # Extack types NLMSGERR_ATTR_MSG = 1 NLMSGERR_ATTR_OFFS = 2 NLMSGERR_ATTR_COOKIE = 3 NLMSGERR_ATTR_POLICY = 4 NLMSGERR_ATTR_MISS_TYPE = 5 NLMSGERR_ATTR_MISS_NEST = 6 # Policy types NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_TYPE = 1 NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_MIN_VALUE_S = 2 NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_MAX_VALUE_S = 3 NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_MIN_VALUE_U = 4 NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_MAX_VALUE_U = 5 NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_MIN_LENGTH = 6 NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_MAX_LENGTH = 7 NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_POLICY_IDX = 8 NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_POLICY_MAXTYPE = 9 NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_BITFIELD32_MASK = 10 NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_PAD = 11 NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_MASK = 12 AttrType = Enum('AttrType', ['flag', 'u8', 'u16', 'u32', 'u64', 's8', 's16', 's32', 's64', 'binary', 'string', 'nul-string', 'nested', 'nested-array', 'bitfield32', 'sint', 'uint']) class NlError(Exception): def __init__(self, nl_msg): self.nl_msg = nl_msg self.error = -nl_msg.error def __str__(self): return f"Netlink error: {os.strerror(self.error)}\n{self.nl_msg}" class ConfigError(Exception): pass class NlAttr: ScalarFormat = namedtuple('ScalarFormat', ['native', 'big', 'little']) type_formats = { 'u8' : ScalarFormat(Struct('B'), Struct("B"), Struct("B")), 's8' : ScalarFormat(Struct('b'), Struct("b"), Struct("b")), 'u16': ScalarFormat(Struct('H'), Struct(">H"), Struct("<H")), 's16': ScalarFormat(Struct('h'), Struct(">h"), Struct("<h")), 'u32': ScalarFormat(Struct('I'), Struct(">I"), Struct("<I")), 's32': ScalarFormat(Struct('i'), Struct(">i"), Struct("<i")), 'u64': ScalarFormat(Struct('Q'), Struct(">Q"), Struct("<Q")), 's64': ScalarFormat(Struct('q'), Struct(">q"), Struct("<q")) } def __init__(self, raw, offset): self._len, self._type = struct.unpack("HH", raw[offset : offset + 4]) self.type = self._type & ~Netlink.NLA_TYPE_MASK self.is_nest = self._type & Netlink.NLA_F_NESTED self.payload_len = self._len self.full_len = (self.payload_len + 3) & ~3 self.raw = raw[offset + 4 : offset + self.payload_len] @classmethod def get_format(cls, attr_type, byte_order=None): format = cls.type_formats[attr_type] if byte_order: return format.big if byte_order == "big-endian" \ else format.little return format.native def as_scalar(self, attr_type, byte_order=None): format = self.get_format(attr_type, byte_order) return format.unpack(self.raw)[0] def as_auto_scalar(self, attr_type, byte_order=None): if len(self.raw) != 4 and len(self.raw) != 8: raise Exception(f"Auto-scalar len payload be 4 or 8 bytes, got {len(self.raw)}") real_type = attr_type[0] + str(len(self.raw) * 8) format = self.get_format(real_type, byte_order) return format.unpack(self.raw)[0] def as_strz(self): return self.raw.decode('ascii')[:-1] def as_bin(self): return self.raw def as_c_array(self, type): format = self.get_format(type) return [ x[0] for x in format.iter_unpack(self.raw) ] def __repr__(self): return f"[type:{self.type} len:{self._len}] {self.raw}" class NlAttrs: def __init__(self, msg, offset=0): self.attrs = [] while offset < len(msg): attr = NlAttr(msg, offset) offset += attr.full_len self.attrs.append(attr) def __iter__(self): yield from self.attrs def __repr__(self): msg = '' for a in self.attrs: if msg: msg += '\n' msg += repr(a) return msg class NlMsg: def __init__(self, msg, offset, attr_space=None): self.hdr = msg[offset : offset + 16] self.nl_len, self.nl_type, self.nl_flags, self.nl_seq, self.nl_portid = \ struct.unpack("IHHII", self.hdr) self.raw = msg[offset + 16 : offset + self.nl_len] self.error = 0 self.done = 0 extack_off = None if self.nl_type == Netlink.NLMSG_ERROR: self.error = struct.unpack("i", self.raw[0:4])[0] self.done = 1 extack_off = 20 elif self.nl_type == Netlink.NLMSG_DONE: self.error = struct.unpack("i", self.raw[0:4])[0] self.done = 1 extack_off = 4 self.extack = None if self.nl_flags & Netlink.NLM_F_ACK_TLVS and extack_off: self.extack = dict() extack_attrs = NlAttrs(self.raw[extack_off:]) for extack in extack_attrs: if extack.type == Netlink.NLMSGERR_ATTR_MSG: self.extack['msg'] = extack.as_strz() elif extack.type == Netlink.NLMSGERR_ATTR_MISS_TYPE: self.extack['miss-type'] = extack.as_scalar('u32') elif extack.type == Netlink.NLMSGERR_ATTR_MISS_NEST: self.extack['miss-nest'] = extack.as_scalar('u32') elif extack.type == Netlink.NLMSGERR_ATTR_OFFS: self.extack['bad-attr-offs'] = extack.as_scalar('u32') elif extack.type == Netlink.NLMSGERR_ATTR_POLICY: self.extack['policy'] = self._decode_policy(extack.raw) else: if 'unknown' not in self.extack: self.extack['unknown'] = [] self.extack['unknown'].append(extack) if attr_space: # We don't have the ability to parse nests yet, so only do global if 'miss-type' in self.extack and 'miss-nest' not in self.extack: miss_type = self.extack['miss-type'] if miss_type in attr_space.attrs_by_val: spec = attr_space.attrs_by_val[miss_type] self.extack['miss-type'] = spec['name'] if 'doc' in spec: self.extack['miss-type-doc'] = spec['doc'] def _decode_policy(self, raw): policy = {} for attr in NlAttrs(raw): if attr.type == Netlink.NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_TYPE: type = attr.as_scalar('u32') policy['type'] = Netlink.AttrType(type).name elif attr.type == Netlink.NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_MIN_VALUE_S: policy['min-value'] = attr.as_scalar('s64') elif attr.type == Netlink.NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_MAX_VALUE_S: policy['max-value'] = attr.as_scalar('s64') elif attr.type == Netlink.NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_MIN_VALUE_U: policy['min-value'] = attr.as_scalar('u64') elif attr.type == Netlink.NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_MAX_VALUE_U: policy['max-value'] = attr.as_scalar('u64') elif attr.type == Netlink.NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_MIN_LENGTH: policy['min-length'] = attr.as_scalar('u32') elif attr.type == Netlink.NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_MAX_LENGTH: policy['max-length'] = attr.as_scalar('u32') elif attr.type == Netlink.NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_BITFIELD32_MASK: policy['bitfield32-mask'] = attr.as_scalar('u32') elif attr.type == Netlink.NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_MASK: policy['mask'] = attr.as_scalar('u64') return policy def cmd(self): return self.nl_type def __repr__(self): msg = f"nl_len = {self.nl_len} ({len(self.raw)}) nl_flags = 0x{self.nl_flags:x} nl_type = {self.nl_type}" if self.error: msg += '\n\terror: ' + str(self.error) if self.extack: msg += '\n\textack: ' + repr(self.extack) return msg class NlMsgs: def __init__(self, data, attr_space=None): self.msgs = [] offset = 0 while offset < len(data): msg = NlMsg(data, offset, attr_space=attr_space) offset += msg.nl_len self.msgs.append(msg) def __iter__(self): yield from self.msgs genl_family_name_to_id = None def _genl_msg(nl_type, nl_flags, genl_cmd, genl_version, seq=None): # we prepend length in _genl_msg_finalize() if seq is None: seq = random.randint(1, 1024) nlmsg = struct.pack("HHII", nl_type, nl_flags, seq, 0) genlmsg = struct.pack("BBH", genl_cmd, genl_version, 0) return nlmsg + genlmsg def _genl_msg_finalize(msg): return struct.pack("I", len(msg) + 4) + msg def _genl_load_families(): with socket.socket(socket.AF_NETLINK, socket.SOCK_RAW, Netlink.NETLINK_GENERIC) as sock: sock.setsockopt(Netlink.SOL_NETLINK, Netlink.NETLINK_CAP_ACK, 1) msg = _genl_msg(Netlink.GENL_ID_CTRL, Netlink.NLM_F_REQUEST | Netlink.NLM_F_ACK | Netlink.NLM_F_DUMP, Netlink.CTRL_CMD_GETFAMILY, 1) msg = _genl_msg_finalize(msg) sock.send(msg, 0) global genl_family_name_to_id genl_family_name_to_id = dict() while True: reply = sock.recv(128 * 1024) nms = NlMsgs(reply) for nl_msg in nms: if nl_msg.error: print("Netlink error:", nl_msg.error) return if nl_msg.done: return gm = GenlMsg(nl_msg) fam = dict() for attr in NlAttrs(gm.raw): if attr.type == Netlink.CTRL_ATTR_FAMILY_ID: fam['id'] = attr.as_scalar('u16') elif attr.type == Netlink.CTRL_ATTR_FAMILY_NAME: fam['name'] = attr.as_strz() elif attr.type == Netlink.CTRL_ATTR_MAXATTR: fam['maxattr'] = attr.as_scalar('u32') elif attr.type == Netlink.CTRL_ATTR_MCAST_GROUPS: fam['mcast'] = dict() for entry in NlAttrs(attr.raw): mcast_name = None mcast_id = None for entry_attr in NlAttrs(entry.raw): if entry_attr.type == Netlink.CTRL_ATTR_MCAST_GRP_NAME: mcast_name = entry_attr.as_strz() elif entry_attr.type == Netlink.CTRL_ATTR_MCAST_GRP_ID: mcast_id = entry_attr.as_scalar('u32') if mcast_name and mcast_id is not None: fam['mcast'][mcast_name] = mcast_id if 'name' in fam and 'id' in fam: genl_family_name_to_id[fam['name']] = fam class GenlMsg: def __init__(self, nl_msg): self.nl = nl_msg self.genl_cmd, self.genl_version, _ = struct.unpack_from("BBH", nl_msg.raw, 0) self.raw = nl_msg.raw[4:] def cmd(self): return self.genl_cmd def __repr__(self): msg = repr(self.nl) msg += f"\tgenl_cmd = {self.genl_cmd} genl_ver = {self.genl_version}\n" for a in self.raw_attrs: msg += '\t\t' + repr(a) + '\n' return msg class NetlinkProtocol: def __init__(self, family_name, proto_num): self.family_name = family_name self.proto_num = proto_num def _message(self, nl_type, nl_flags, seq=None): if seq is None: seq = random.randint(1, 1024) nlmsg = struct.pack("HHII", nl_type, nl_flags, seq, 0) return nlmsg def message(self, flags, command, version, seq=None): return self._message(command, flags, seq) def _decode(self, nl_msg): return nl_msg def decode(self, ynl, nl_msg, op): msg = self._decode(nl_msg) fixed_header_size = ynl._struct_size(op.fixed_header) msg.raw_attrs = NlAttrs(msg.raw, fixed_header_size) return msg def get_mcast_id(self, mcast_name, mcast_groups): if mcast_name not in mcast_groups: raise Exception(f'Multicast group "{mcast_name}" not present in the spec') return mcast_groups[mcast_name].value def msghdr_size(self): return 16 class GenlProtocol(NetlinkProtocol): def __init__(self, family_name): super().__init__(family_name, Netlink.NETLINK_GENERIC) global genl_family_name_to_id if genl_family_name_to_id is None: _genl_load_families() self.genl_family = genl_family_name_to_id[family_name] self.family_id = genl_family_name_to_id[family_name]['id'] def message(self, flags, command, version, seq=None): nlmsg = self._message(self.family_id, flags, seq) genlmsg = struct.pack("BBH", command, version, 0) return nlmsg + genlmsg def _decode(self, nl_msg): return GenlMsg(nl_msg) def get_mcast_id(self, mcast_name, mcast_groups): if mcast_name not in self.genl_family['mcast']: raise Exception(f'Multicast group "{mcast_name}" not present in the family') return self.genl_family['mcast'][mcast_name] def msghdr_size(self): return super().msghdr_size() + 4 class SpaceAttrs: SpecValuesPair = namedtuple('SpecValuesPair', ['spec', 'values']) def __init__(self, attr_space, attrs, outer = None): outer_scopes = outer.scopes if outer else [] inner_scope = self.SpecValuesPair(attr_space, attrs) self.scopes = [inner_scope] + outer_scopes def lookup(self, name): for scope in self.scopes: if name in scope.spec: if name in scope.values: return scope.values[name] spec_name = scope.spec.yaml['name'] raise Exception( f"No value for '{name}' in attribute space '{spec_name}'") raise Exception(f"Attribute '{name}' not defined in any attribute-set") # # YNL implementation details. # class YnlFamily(SpecFamily): def __init__(self, def_path, schema=None, process_unknown=False, recv_size=0): super().__init__(def_path, schema) self.include_raw = False self.process_unknown = process_unknown try: if self.proto == "netlink-raw": self.nlproto = NetlinkProtocol(self.yaml['name'], self.yaml['protonum']) else: self.nlproto = GenlProtocol(self.yaml['name']) except KeyError: raise Exception(f"Family '{self.yaml['name']}' not supported by the kernel") self._recv_dbg = False # Note that netlink will use conservative (min) message size for # the first dump recv() on the socket, our setting will only matter # from the second recv() on. self._recv_size = recv_size if recv_size else 131072 # Netlink will always allocate at least PAGE_SIZE - sizeof(skb_shinfo) # for a message, so smaller receive sizes will lead to truncation. # Note that the min size for other families may be larger than 4k! if self._recv_size < 4000: raise ConfigError() self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_NETLINK, socket.SOCK_RAW, self.nlproto.proto_num) self.sock.setsockopt(Netlink.SOL_NETLINK, Netlink.NETLINK_CAP_ACK, 1) self.sock.setsockopt(Netlink.SOL_NETLINK, Netlink.NETLINK_EXT_ACK, 1) self.sock.setsockopt(Netlink.SOL_NETLINK, Netlink.NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK, 1) self.async_msg_ids = set() self.async_msg_queue = [] for msg in self.msgs.values(): if msg.is_async: self.async_msg_ids.add(msg.rsp_value) for op_name, op in self.ops.items(): bound_f = functools.partial(self._op, op_name) setattr(self, op.ident_name, bound_f) def ntf_subscribe(self, mcast_name): mcast_id = self.nlproto.get_mcast_id(mcast_name, self.mcast_groups) self.sock.bind((0, 0)) self.sock.setsockopt(Netlink.SOL_NETLINK, Netlink.NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, mcast_id) def set_recv_dbg(self, enabled): self._recv_dbg = enabled def _recv_dbg_print(self, reply, nl_msgs): if not self._recv_dbg: return print("Recv: read", len(reply), "bytes,", len(nl_msgs.msgs), "messages", file=sys.stderr) for nl_msg in nl_msgs: print(" ", nl_msg, file=sys.stderr) def _encode_enum(self, attr_spec, value): enum = self.consts[attr_spec['enum']] if enum.type == 'flags' or attr_spec.get('enum-as-flags', False): scalar = 0 if isinstance(value, str): value = [value] for single_value in value: scalar += enum.entries[single_value].user_value(as_flags = True) return scalar else: return enum.entries[value].user_value() def _get_scalar(self, attr_spec, value): try: return int(value) except (ValueError, TypeError) as e: if 'enum' not in attr_spec: raise e return self._encode_enum(attr_spec, value) def _add_attr(self, space, name, value, search_attrs): try: attr = self.attr_sets[space][name] except KeyError: raise Exception(f"Space '{space}' has no attribute '{name}'") nl_type = attr.value if attr.is_multi and isinstance(value, list): attr_payload = b'' for subvalue in value: attr_payload += self._add_attr(space, name, subvalue, search_attrs) return attr_payload if attr["type"] == 'nest': nl_type |= Netlink.NLA_F_NESTED attr_payload = b'' sub_attrs = SpaceAttrs(self.attr_sets[space], value, search_attrs) for subname, subvalue in value.items(): attr_payload += self._add_attr(attr['nested-attributes'], subname, subvalue, sub_attrs) elif attr["type"] == 'flag': if not value: # If value is absent or false then skip attribute creation. return b'' attr_payload = b'' elif attr["type"] == 'string': attr_payload = str(value).encode('ascii') + b'\x00' elif attr["type"] == 'binary': if isinstance(value, bytes): attr_payload = value elif isinstance(value, str): attr_payload = bytes.fromhex(value) elif isinstance(value, dict) and attr.struct_name: attr_payload = self._encode_struct(attr.struct_name, value) else: raise Exception(f'Unknown type for binary attribute, value: {value}') elif attr['type'] in NlAttr.type_formats or attr.is_auto_scalar: scalar = self._get_scalar(attr, value) if attr.is_auto_scalar: attr_type = attr["type"][0] + ('32' if scalar.bit_length() <= 32 else '64') else: attr_type = attr["type"] format = NlAttr.get_format(attr_type, attr.byte_order) attr_payload = format.pack(scalar) elif attr['type'] in "bitfield32": scalar_value = self._get_scalar(attr, value["value"]) scalar_selector = self._get_scalar(attr, value["selector"]) attr_payload = struct.pack("II", scalar_value, scalar_selector) elif attr['type'] == 'sub-message': msg_format = self._resolve_selector(attr, search_attrs) attr_payload = b'' if msg_format.fixed_header: attr_payload += self._encode_struct(msg_format.fixed_header, value) if msg_format.attr_set: if msg_format.attr_set in self.attr_sets: nl_type |= Netlink.NLA_F_NESTED sub_attrs = SpaceAttrs(msg_format.attr_set, value, search_attrs) for subname, subvalue in value.items(): attr_payload += self._add_attr(msg_format.attr_set, subname, subvalue, sub_attrs) else: raise Exception(f"Unknown attribute-set '{msg_format.attr_set}'") else: raise Exception(f'Unknown type at {space} {name} {value} {attr["type"]}') pad = b'\x00' * ((4 - len(attr_payload) % 4) % 4) return struct.pack('HH', len(attr_payload) + 4, nl_type) + attr_payload + pad def _decode_enum(self, raw, attr_spec): enum = self.consts[attr_spec['enum']] if enum.type == 'flags' or attr_spec.get('enum-as-flags', False): i = 0 value = set() while raw: if raw & 1: value.add(enum.entries_by_val[i].name) raw >>= 1 i += 1 else: value = enum.entries_by_val[raw].name return value def _decode_binary(self, attr, attr_spec): if attr_spec.struct_name: decoded = self._decode_struct(attr.raw, attr_spec.struct_name) elif attr_spec.sub_type: decoded = attr.as_c_array(attr_spec.sub_type) else: decoded = attr.as_bin() if attr_spec.display_hint: decoded = self._formatted_string(decoded, attr_spec.display_hint) return decoded def _decode_array_attr(self, attr, attr_spec): decoded = [] offset = 0 while offset < len(attr.raw): item = NlAttr(attr.raw, offset) offset += item.full_len if attr_spec["sub-type"] == 'nest': subattrs = self._decode(NlAttrs(item.raw), attr_spec['nested-attributes']) decoded.append({ item.type: subattrs }) elif attr_spec["sub-type"] == 'binary': subattrs = item.as_bin() if attr_spec.display_hint: subattrs = self._formatted_string(subattrs, attr_spec.display_hint) decoded.append(subattrs) elif attr_spec["sub-type"] in NlAttr.type_formats: subattrs = item.as_scalar(attr_spec['sub-type'], attr_spec.byte_order) if attr_spec.display_hint: subattrs = self._formatted_string(subattrs, attr_spec.display_hint) decoded.append(subattrs) else: raise Exception(f'Unknown {attr_spec["sub-type"]} with name {attr_spec["name"]}') return decoded def _decode_nest_type_value(self, attr, attr_spec): decoded = {} value = attr for name in attr_spec['type-value']: value = NlAttr(value.raw, 0) decoded[name] = value.type subattrs = self._decode(NlAttrs(value.raw), attr_spec['nested-attributes']) decoded.update(subattrs) return decoded def _decode_unknown(self, attr): if attr.is_nest: return self._decode(NlAttrs(attr.raw), None) else: return attr.as_bin() def _rsp_add(self, rsp, name, is_multi, decoded): if is_multi == None: if name in rsp and type(rsp[name]) is not list: rsp[name] = [rsp[name]] is_multi = True else: is_multi = False if not is_multi: rsp[name] = decoded elif name in rsp: rsp[name].append(decoded) else: rsp[name] = [decoded] def _resolve_selector(self, attr_spec, search_attrs): sub_msg = attr_spec.sub_message if sub_msg not in self.sub_msgs: raise Exception(f"No sub-message spec named {sub_msg} for {attr_spec.name}") sub_msg_spec = self.sub_msgs[sub_msg] selector = attr_spec.selector value = search_attrs.lookup(selector) if value not in sub_msg_spec.formats: raise Exception(f"No message format for '{value}' in sub-message spec '{sub_msg}'") spec = sub_msg_spec.formats[value] return spec def _decode_sub_msg(self, attr, attr_spec, search_attrs): msg_format = self._resolve_selector(attr_spec, search_attrs) decoded = {} offset = 0 if msg_format.fixed_header: decoded.update(self._decode_struct(attr.raw, msg_format.fixed_header)); offset = self._struct_size(msg_format.fixed_header) if msg_format.attr_set: if msg_format.attr_set in self.attr_sets: subdict = self._decode(NlAttrs(attr.raw, offset), msg_format.attr_set) decoded.update(subdict) else: raise Exception(f"Unknown attribute-set '{attr_space}' when decoding '{attr_spec.name}'") return decoded def _decode(self, attrs, space, outer_attrs = None): rsp = dict() if space: attr_space = self.attr_sets[space] search_attrs = SpaceAttrs(attr_space, rsp, outer_attrs) for attr in attrs: try: attr_spec = attr_space.attrs_by_val[attr.type] except (KeyError, UnboundLocalError): if not self.process_unknown: raise Exception(f"Space '{space}' has no attribute with value '{attr.type}'") attr_name = f"UnknownAttr({attr.type})" self._rsp_add(rsp, attr_name, None, self._decode_unknown(attr)) continue if attr_spec["type"] == 'nest': subdict = self._decode(NlAttrs(attr.raw), attr_spec['nested-attributes'], search_attrs) decoded = subdict elif attr_spec["type"] == 'string': decoded = attr.as_strz() elif attr_spec["type"] == 'binary': decoded = self._decode_binary(attr, attr_spec) elif attr_spec["type"] == 'flag': decoded = True elif attr_spec.is_auto_scalar: decoded = attr.as_auto_scalar(attr_spec['type'], attr_spec.byte_order) elif attr_spec["type"] in NlAttr.type_formats: decoded = attr.as_scalar(attr_spec['type'], attr_spec.byte_order) if 'enum' in attr_spec: decoded = self._decode_enum(decoded, attr_spec) elif attr_spec.display_hint: decoded = self._formatted_string(decoded, attr_spec.display_hint) elif attr_spec["type"] == 'indexed-array': decoded = self._decode_array_attr(attr, attr_spec) elif attr_spec["type"] == 'bitfield32': value, selector = struct.unpack("II", attr.raw) if 'enum' in attr_spec: value = self._decode_enum(value, attr_spec) selector = self._decode_enum(selector, attr_spec) decoded = {"value": value, "selector": selector} elif attr_spec["type"] == 'sub-message': decoded = self._decode_sub_msg(attr, attr_spec, search_attrs) elif attr_spec["type"] == 'nest-type-value': decoded = self._decode_nest_type_value(attr, attr_spec) else: if not self.process_unknown: raise Exception(f'Unknown {attr_spec["type"]} with name {attr_spec["name"]}') decoded = self._decode_unknown(attr) self._rsp_add(rsp, attr_spec["name"], attr_spec.is_multi, decoded) return rsp def _decode_extack_path(self, attrs, attr_set, offset, target): for attr in attrs: try: attr_spec = attr_set.attrs_by_val[attr.type] except KeyError: raise Exception(f"Space '{attr_set.name}' has no attribute with value '{attr.type}'") if offset > target: break if offset == target: return '.' + attr_spec.name if offset + attr.full_len <= target: offset += attr.full_len continue if attr_spec['type'] != 'nest': raise Exception(f"Can't dive into {attr.type} ({attr_spec['name']}) for extack") offset += 4 subpath = self._decode_extack_path(NlAttrs(attr.raw), self.attr_sets[attr_spec['nested-attributes']], offset, target) if subpath is None: return None return '.' + attr_spec.name + subpath return None def _decode_extack(self, request, op, extack): if 'bad-attr-offs' not in extack: return msg = self.nlproto.decode(self, NlMsg(request, 0, op.attr_set), op) offset = self.nlproto.msghdr_size() + self._struct_size(op.fixed_header) path = self._decode_extack_path(msg.raw_attrs, op.attr_set, offset, extack['bad-attr-offs']) if path: del extack['bad-attr-offs'] extack['bad-attr'] = path def _struct_size(self, name): if name: members = self.consts[name].members size = 0 for m in members: if m.type in ['pad', 'binary']: if m.struct: size += self._struct_size(m.struct) else: size += m.len else: format = NlAttr.get_format(m.type, m.byte_order) size += format.size return size else: return 0 def _decode_struct(self, data, name): members = self.consts[name].members attrs = dict() offset = 0 for m in members: value = None if m.type == 'pad': offset += m.len elif m.type == 'binary': if m.struct: len = self._struct_size(m.struct) value = self._decode_struct(data[offset : offset + len], m.struct) offset += len else: value = data[offset : offset + m.len] offset += m.len else: format = NlAttr.get_format(m.type, m.byte_order) [ value ] = format.unpack_from(data, offset) offset += format.size if value is not None: if m.enum: value = self._decode_enum(value, m) elif m.display_hint: value = self._formatted_string(value, m.display_hint) attrs[m.name] = value return attrs def _encode_struct(self, name, vals): members = self.consts[name].members attr_payload = b'' for m in members: value = vals.pop(m.name) if m.name in vals else None if m.type == 'pad': attr_payload += bytearray(m.len) elif m.type == 'binary': if m.struct: if value is None: value = dict() attr_payload += self._encode_struct(m.struct, value) else: if value is None: attr_payload += bytearray(m.len) else: attr_payload += bytes.fromhex(value) else: if value is None: value = 0 format = NlAttr.get_format(m.type, m.byte_order) attr_payload += format.pack(value) return attr_payload def _formatted_string(self, raw, display_hint): if display_hint == 'mac': formatted = ':'.join('%02x' % b for b in raw) elif display_hint == 'hex': if isinstance(raw, int): formatted = hex(raw) else: formatted = bytes.hex(raw, ' ') elif display_hint in [ 'ipv4', 'ipv6' ]: formatted = format(ipaddress.ip_address(raw)) elif display_hint == 'uuid': formatted = str(uuid.UUID(bytes=raw)) else: formatted = raw return formatted def handle_ntf(self, decoded): msg = dict() if self.include_raw: msg['raw'] = decoded op = self.rsp_by_value[decoded.cmd()] attrs = self._decode(decoded.raw_attrs, op.attr_set.name) if op.fixed_header: attrs.update(self._decode_struct(decoded.raw, op.fixed_header)) msg['name'] = op['name'] msg['msg'] = attrs self.async_msg_queue.append(msg) def check_ntf(self): while True: try: reply = self.sock.recv(self._recv_size, socket.MSG_DONTWAIT) except BlockingIOError: return nms = NlMsgs(reply) self._recv_dbg_print(reply, nms) for nl_msg in nms: if nl_msg.error: print("Netlink error in ntf!?", os.strerror(-nl_msg.error)) print(nl_msg) continue if nl_msg.done: print("Netlink done while checking for ntf!?") continue op = self.rsp_by_value[nl_msg.cmd()] decoded = self.nlproto.decode(self, nl_msg, op) if decoded.cmd() not in self.async_msg_ids: print("Unexpected msg id done while checking for ntf", decoded) continue self.handle_ntf(decoded) def operation_do_attributes(self, name): """ For a given operation name, find and return a supported set of attributes (as a dict). """ op = self.find_operation(name) if not op: return None return op['do']['request']['attributes'].copy() def _encode_message(self, op, vals, flags, req_seq): nl_flags = Netlink.NLM_F_REQUEST | Netlink.NLM_F_ACK for flag in flags or []: nl_flags |= flag msg = self.nlproto.message(nl_flags, op.req_value, 1, req_seq) if op.fixed_header: msg += self._encode_struct(op.fixed_header, vals) search_attrs = SpaceAttrs(op.attr_set, vals) for name, value in vals.items(): msg += self._add_attr(op.attr_set.name, name, value, search_attrs) msg = _genl_msg_finalize(msg) return msg def _ops(self, ops): reqs_by_seq = {} req_seq = random.randint(1024, 65535) payload = b'' for (method, vals, flags) in ops: op = self.ops[method] msg = self._encode_message(op, vals, flags, req_seq) reqs_by_seq[req_seq] = (op, msg, flags) payload += msg req_seq += 1 self.sock.send(payload, 0) done = False rsp = [] op_rsp = [] while not done: reply = self.sock.recv(self._recv_size) nms = NlMsgs(reply, attr_space=op.attr_set) self._recv_dbg_print(reply, nms) for nl_msg in nms: if nl_msg.nl_seq in reqs_by_seq: (op, req_msg, req_flags) = reqs_by_seq[nl_msg.nl_seq] if nl_msg.extack: self._decode_extack(req_msg, op, nl_msg.extack) else: op = self.rsp_by_value[nl_msg.cmd()] req_flags = [] if nl_msg.error: raise NlError(nl_msg) if nl_msg.done: if nl_msg.extack: print("Netlink warning:") print(nl_msg) if Netlink.NLM_F_DUMP in req_flags: rsp.append(op_rsp) elif not op_rsp: rsp.append(None) elif len(op_rsp) == 1: rsp.append(op_rsp[0]) else: rsp.append(op_rsp) op_rsp = [] del reqs_by_seq[nl_msg.nl_seq] done = len(reqs_by_seq) == 0 break decoded = self.nlproto.decode(self, nl_msg, op) # Check if this is a reply to our request if nl_msg.nl_seq not in reqs_by_seq or decoded.cmd() != op.rsp_value: if decoded.cmd() in self.async_msg_ids: self.handle_ntf(decoded) continue else: print('Unexpected message: ' + repr(decoded)) continue rsp_msg = self._decode(decoded.raw_attrs, op.attr_set.name) if op.fixed_header: rsp_msg.update(self._decode_struct(decoded.raw, op.fixed_header)) op_rsp.append(rsp_msg) return rsp def _op(self, method, vals, flags=None, dump=False): req_flags = flags or [] if dump: req_flags.append(Netlink.NLM_F_DUMP) ops = [(method, vals, req_flags)] return self._ops(ops)[0] def do(self, method, vals, flags=None): return self._op(method, vals, flags) def dump(self, method, vals): return self._op(method, vals, dump=True) def do_multi(self, ops): return self._ops(ops)