sii902x HDMI bridge bindings

Required properties:
	- compatible: "sil,sii9022"
	- reg: i2c address of the bridge

Optional properties:
	- interrupts: describe the interrupt line used to inform the host
	  about hotplug events.
	- reset-gpios: OF device-tree gpio specification for RST_N pin.

	HDMI audio properties:
	- #sound-dai-cells: <0> or <1>. <0> if only i2s or spdif pin
	   is wired, <1> if the both are wired. HDMI audio is
	   configured only if this property is found.
	- sil,i2s-data-lanes: Array of up to 4 integers with values of 0-3
	   Each integer indicates which i2s pin is connected to which
	   audio fifo. The first integer selects i2s audio pin for the
	   first audio fifo#0 (HDMI channels 1&2), second for fifo#1
	   (HDMI channels 3&4), and so on. There is 4 fifos and 4 i2s
	   pins (SD0 - SD3). Any i2s pin can be connected to any fifo,
	   but there can be no gaps. E.g. an i2s pin must be mapped to
	   fifo#0 and fifo#1 before mapping a channel to fifo#2. Default
	   value is <0>, describing SD0 pin beiging routed to hdmi audio
	   fifo #0.
	- clocks: phandle and clock specifier for each clock listed in
           the clock-names property
	- clock-names: "mclk"
	   Describes SII902x MCLK input. MCLK can be used to produce
	   HDMI audio CTS values. This property follows
	   consumer binding.

	If HDMI audio is configured the sii902x device becomes an I2S
	and/or spdif audio codec component (e.g a digital audio sink),
	that can be used in configuring a full audio devices with
	simple-card or audio-graph-card binding. See their binding
	documents on how to describe the way the sii902x device is
	connected to the rest of the audio system:
	Note: In case of the audio-graph-card binding the used port
	index should be 3.

Optional subnodes:
	- video input: this subnode can contain a video input port node
	  to connect the bridge to a display controller output (See this
	  documentation [1]).

[1]: Documentation/devicetree/bindings/media/video-interfaces.txt

	hdmi-bridge@39 {
		compatible = "sil,sii9022";
		reg = <0x39>;
		reset-gpios = <&pioA 1 0>;

		#sound-dai-cells = <0>;
		sil,i2s-data-lanes = < 0 1 2 >;
		clocks = <&mclk>;
		clock-names = "mclk";

		ports {
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <0>;

			port@0 {
				reg = <0>;
				bridge_in: endpoint {
					remote-endpoint = <&dc_out>;