path: root/tools/testing/selftests/x86/mpx-dig.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/testing/selftests/x86/mpx-dig.c')
1 files changed, 498 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/x86/mpx-dig.c b/tools/testing/selftests/x86/mpx-dig.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ce85356d7e2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/x86/mpx-dig.c
@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+ * Written by Dave Hansen <dave.hansen@intel.com>
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include "mpx-debug.h"
+#include "mpx-mm.h"
+#include "mpx-hw.h"
+unsigned long bounds_dir_global;
+#define mpx_dig_abort() __mpx_dig_abort(__FILE__, __func__, __LINE__)
+static void inline __mpx_dig_abort(const char *file, const char *func, int line)
+ fprintf(stderr, "MPX dig abort @ %s::%d in %s()\n", file, line, func);
+ printf("MPX dig abort @ %s::%d in %s()\n", file, line, func);
+ abort();
+ * run like this (BDIR finds the probably bounds directory):
+ *
+ * BDIR="$(cat /proc/$pid/smaps | grep -B1 2097152 \
+ * | head -1 | awk -F- '{print $1}')";
+ * ./mpx-dig $pid 0x$BDIR
+ *
+ * NOTE:
+ * assumes that the only 2097152-kb VMA is the bounds dir
+ */
+long nr_incore(void *ptr, unsigned long size_bytes)
+ int i;
+ long ret = 0;
+ long vec_len = size_bytes / PAGE_SIZE;
+ unsigned char *vec = malloc(vec_len);
+ int incore_ret;
+ if (!vec)
+ mpx_dig_abort();
+ incore_ret = mincore(ptr, size_bytes, vec);
+ if (incore_ret) {
+ printf("mincore ret: %d\n", incore_ret);
+ perror("mincore");
+ mpx_dig_abort();
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < vec_len; i++)
+ ret += vec[i];
+ free(vec);
+ return ret;
+int open_proc(int pid, char *file)
+ static char buf[100];
+ int fd;
+ snprintf(&buf[0], sizeof(buf), "/proc/%d/%s", pid, file);
+ fd = open(&buf[0], O_RDONLY);
+ if (fd < 0)
+ perror(buf);
+ return fd;
+struct vaddr_range {
+ unsigned long start;
+ unsigned long end;
+struct vaddr_range *ranges;
+int nr_ranges_allocated;
+int nr_ranges_populated;
+int last_range = -1;
+int __pid_load_vaddrs(int pid)
+ int ret = 0;
+ int proc_maps_fd = open_proc(pid, "maps");
+ char linebuf[10000];
+ unsigned long start;
+ unsigned long end;
+ char rest[1000];
+ FILE *f = fdopen(proc_maps_fd, "r");
+ if (!f)
+ mpx_dig_abort();
+ nr_ranges_populated = 0;
+ while (!feof(f)) {
+ char *readret = fgets(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), f);
+ int parsed;
+ if (readret == NULL) {
+ if (feof(f))
+ break;
+ mpx_dig_abort();
+ }
+ parsed = sscanf(linebuf, "%lx-%lx%s", &start, &end, rest);
+ if (parsed != 3)
+ mpx_dig_abort();
+ dprintf4("result[%d]: %lx-%lx<->%s\n", parsed, start, end, rest);
+ if (nr_ranges_populated >= nr_ranges_allocated) {
+ ret = -E2BIG;
+ break;
+ }
+ ranges[nr_ranges_populated].start = start;
+ ranges[nr_ranges_populated].end = end;
+ nr_ranges_populated++;
+ }
+ last_range = -1;
+ fclose(f);
+ close(proc_maps_fd);
+ return ret;
+int pid_load_vaddrs(int pid)
+ int ret;
+ dprintf2("%s(%d)\n", __func__, pid);
+ if (!ranges) {
+ nr_ranges_allocated = 4;
+ ranges = malloc(nr_ranges_allocated * sizeof(ranges[0]));
+ dprintf2("%s(%d) allocated %d ranges @ %p\n", __func__, pid,
+ nr_ranges_allocated, ranges);
+ assert(ranges != NULL);
+ }
+ do {
+ ret = __pid_load_vaddrs(pid);
+ if (!ret)
+ break;
+ if (ret == -E2BIG) {
+ dprintf2("%s(%d) need to realloc\n", __func__, pid);
+ nr_ranges_allocated *= 2;
+ ranges = realloc(ranges,
+ nr_ranges_allocated * sizeof(ranges[0]));
+ dprintf2("%s(%d) allocated %d ranges @ %p\n", __func__,
+ pid, nr_ranges_allocated, ranges);
+ assert(ranges != NULL);
+ dprintf1("reallocating to hold %d ranges\n", nr_ranges_allocated);
+ }
+ } while (1);
+ dprintf2("%s(%d) done\n", __func__, pid);
+ return ret;
+static inline int vaddr_in_range(unsigned long vaddr, struct vaddr_range *r)
+ if (vaddr < r->start)
+ return 0;
+ if (vaddr >= r->end)
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
+static inline int vaddr_mapped_by_range(unsigned long vaddr)
+ int i;
+ if (last_range > 0 && vaddr_in_range(vaddr, &ranges[last_range]))
+ return 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < nr_ranges_populated; i++) {
+ struct vaddr_range *r = &ranges[i];
+ if (vaddr_in_range(vaddr, r))
+ continue;
+ last_range = i;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+const int bt_entry_size_bytes = sizeof(unsigned long) * 4;
+void *read_bounds_table_into_buf(unsigned long table_vaddr)
+ static char bt_buf[MPX_BOUNDS_TABLE_SIZE_BYTES];
+ off_t seek_ret = lseek(fd, table_vaddr, SEEK_SET);
+ if (seek_ret != table_vaddr)
+ mpx_dig_abort();
+ int read_ret = read(fd, &bt_buf, sizeof(bt_buf));
+ if (read_ret != sizeof(bt_buf))
+ mpx_dig_abort();
+ return &bt_buf;
+ return (void *)table_vaddr;
+int dump_table(unsigned long table_vaddr, unsigned long base_controlled_vaddr,
+ unsigned long bde_vaddr)
+ unsigned long offset_inside_bt;
+ int nr_entries = 0;
+ int do_abort = 0;
+ char *bt_buf;
+ dprintf3("%s() base_controlled_vaddr: 0x%012lx bde_vaddr: 0x%012lx\n",
+ __func__, base_controlled_vaddr, bde_vaddr);
+ bt_buf = read_bounds_table_into_buf(table_vaddr);
+ dprintf4("%s() read done\n", __func__);
+ for (offset_inside_bt = 0;
+ offset_inside_bt < MPX_BOUNDS_TABLE_SIZE_BYTES;
+ offset_inside_bt += bt_entry_size_bytes) {
+ unsigned long bt_entry_index;
+ unsigned long bt_entry_controls;
+ unsigned long this_bt_entry_for_vaddr;
+ unsigned long *bt_entry_buf;
+ int i;
+ dprintf4("%s() offset_inside_bt: 0x%lx of 0x%llx\n", __func__,
+ offset_inside_bt, MPX_BOUNDS_TABLE_SIZE_BYTES);
+ bt_entry_buf = (void *)&bt_buf[offset_inside_bt];
+ if (!bt_buf) {
+ printf("null bt_buf\n");
+ mpx_dig_abort();
+ }
+ if (!bt_entry_buf) {
+ printf("null bt_entry_buf\n");
+ mpx_dig_abort();
+ }
+ dprintf4("%s() reading *bt_entry_buf @ %p\n", __func__,
+ bt_entry_buf);
+ if (!bt_entry_buf[0] &&
+ !bt_entry_buf[1] &&
+ !bt_entry_buf[2] &&
+ !bt_entry_buf[3])
+ continue;
+ nr_entries++;
+ bt_entry_index = offset_inside_bt/bt_entry_size_bytes;
+ bt_entry_controls = sizeof(void *);
+ this_bt_entry_for_vaddr =
+ base_controlled_vaddr + bt_entry_index*bt_entry_controls;
+ /*
+ * We sign extend vaddr bits 48->63 which effectively
+ * creates a hole in the virtual address space.
+ * This calculation corrects for the hole.
+ */
+ if (this_bt_entry_for_vaddr > 0x00007fffffffffffUL)
+ this_bt_entry_for_vaddr |= 0xffff800000000000;
+ if (!vaddr_mapped_by_range(this_bt_entry_for_vaddr)) {
+ printf("bt_entry_buf: %p\n", bt_entry_buf);
+ printf("there is a bte for %lx but no mapping\n",
+ this_bt_entry_for_vaddr);
+ printf(" bde vaddr: %016lx\n", bde_vaddr);
+ printf("base_controlled_vaddr: %016lx\n", base_controlled_vaddr);
+ printf(" table_vaddr: %016lx\n", table_vaddr);
+ printf(" entry vaddr: %016lx @ offset %lx\n",
+ table_vaddr + offset_inside_bt, offset_inside_bt);
+ do_abort = 1;
+ mpx_dig_abort();
+ }
+ if (DEBUG_LEVEL < 4)
+ continue;
+ printf("table entry[%lx]: ", offset_inside_bt);
+ for (i = 0; i < bt_entry_size_bytes; i += sizeof(unsigned long))
+ printf("0x%016lx ", bt_entry_buf[i]);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ if (do_abort)
+ mpx_dig_abort();
+ dprintf4("%s() done\n", __func__);
+ return nr_entries;
+int search_bd_buf(char *buf, int len_bytes, unsigned long bd_offset_bytes,
+ int *nr_populated_bdes)
+ unsigned long i;
+ int total_entries = 0;
+ dprintf3("%s(%p, %x, %lx, ...) buf end: %p\n", __func__, buf,
+ len_bytes, bd_offset_bytes, buf + len_bytes);
+ for (i = 0; i < len_bytes; i += sizeof(unsigned long)) {
+ unsigned long bd_index = (bd_offset_bytes + i) / sizeof(unsigned long);
+ unsigned long *bounds_dir_entry_ptr = (unsigned long *)&buf[i];
+ unsigned long bounds_dir_entry;
+ unsigned long bd_for_vaddr;
+ unsigned long bt_start;
+ unsigned long bt_tail;
+ int nr_entries;
+ dprintf4("%s() loop i: %ld bounds_dir_entry_ptr: %p\n", __func__, i,
+ bounds_dir_entry_ptr);
+ bounds_dir_entry = *bounds_dir_entry_ptr;
+ if (!bounds_dir_entry) {
+ dprintf4("no bounds dir at index 0x%lx / 0x%lx "
+ "start at offset:%lx %lx\n", bd_index, bd_index,
+ bd_offset_bytes, i);
+ continue;
+ }
+ dprintf3("found bounds_dir_entry: 0x%lx @ "
+ "index 0x%lx buf ptr: %p\n", bounds_dir_entry, i,
+ &buf[i]);
+ /* mask off the enable bit: */
+ bounds_dir_entry &= ~0x1;
+ (*nr_populated_bdes)++;
+ dprintf4("nr_populated_bdes: %p\n", nr_populated_bdes);
+ dprintf4("*nr_populated_bdes: %d\n", *nr_populated_bdes);
+ bt_start = bounds_dir_entry;
+ bt_tail = bounds_dir_entry + MPX_BOUNDS_TABLE_SIZE_BYTES - 1;
+ if (!vaddr_mapped_by_range(bt_start)) {
+ printf("bounds directory 0x%lx points to nowhere\n",
+ bounds_dir_entry);
+ mpx_dig_abort();
+ }
+ if (!vaddr_mapped_by_range(bt_tail)) {
+ printf("bounds directory end 0x%lx points to nowhere\n",
+ bt_tail);
+ mpx_dig_abort();
+ }
+ /*
+ * Each bounds directory entry controls 1MB of virtual address
+ * space. This variable is the virtual address in the process
+ * of the beginning of the area controlled by this bounds_dir.
+ */
+ bd_for_vaddr = bd_index * (1UL<<20);
+ nr_entries = dump_table(bounds_dir_entry, bd_for_vaddr,
+ bounds_dir_global+bd_offset_bytes+i);
+ total_entries += nr_entries;
+ dprintf5("dir entry[%4ld @ %p]: 0x%lx %6d entries "
+ "total this buf: %7d bd_for_vaddrs: 0x%lx -> 0x%lx\n",
+ bd_index, buf+i,
+ bounds_dir_entry, nr_entries, total_entries,
+ bd_for_vaddr, bd_for_vaddr + (1UL<<20));
+ }
+ dprintf3("%s(%p, %x, %lx, ...) done\n", __func__, buf, len_bytes,
+ bd_offset_bytes);
+ return total_entries;
+int proc_pid_mem_fd = -1;
+void *fill_bounds_dir_buf_other(long byte_offset_inside_bounds_dir,
+ long buffer_size_bytes, void *buffer)
+ unsigned long seekto = bounds_dir_global + byte_offset_inside_bounds_dir;
+ int read_ret;
+ off_t seek_ret = lseek(proc_pid_mem_fd, seekto, SEEK_SET);
+ if (seek_ret != seekto)
+ mpx_dig_abort();
+ read_ret = read(proc_pid_mem_fd, buffer, buffer_size_bytes);
+ /* there shouldn't practically be short reads of /proc/$pid/mem */
+ if (read_ret != buffer_size_bytes)
+ mpx_dig_abort();
+ return buffer;
+void *fill_bounds_dir_buf_self(long byte_offset_inside_bounds_dir,
+ long buffer_size_bytes, void *buffer)
+ unsigned char vec[buffer_size_bytes / PAGE_SIZE];
+ char *dig_bounds_dir_ptr =
+ (void *)(bounds_dir_global + byte_offset_inside_bounds_dir);
+ /*
+ * use mincore() to quickly find the areas of the bounds directory
+ * that have memory and thus will be worth scanning.
+ */
+ int incore_ret;
+ int incore = 0;
+ int i;
+ dprintf4("%s() dig_bounds_dir_ptr: %p\n", __func__, dig_bounds_dir_ptr);
+ incore_ret = mincore(dig_bounds_dir_ptr, buffer_size_bytes, &vec[0]);
+ if (incore_ret) {
+ printf("mincore ret: %d\n", incore_ret);
+ perror("mincore");
+ mpx_dig_abort();
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(vec); i++)
+ incore += vec[i];
+ dprintf4("%s() total incore: %d\n", __func__, incore);
+ if (!incore)
+ return NULL;
+ dprintf3("%s() total incore: %d\n", __func__, incore);
+ return dig_bounds_dir_ptr;
+int inspect_pid(int pid)
+ static int dig_nr;
+ long offset_inside_bounds_dir;
+ char bounds_dir_buf[sizeof(unsigned long) * (1UL << 15)];
+ char *dig_bounds_dir_ptr;
+ int total_entries = 0;
+ int nr_populated_bdes = 0;
+ int inspect_self;
+ if (getpid() == pid) {
+ dprintf4("inspecting self\n");
+ inspect_self = 1;
+ } else {
+ dprintf4("inspecting pid %d\n", pid);
+ mpx_dig_abort();
+ }
+ for (offset_inside_bounds_dir = 0;
+ offset_inside_bounds_dir < MPX_BOUNDS_TABLE_SIZE_BYTES;
+ offset_inside_bounds_dir += sizeof(bounds_dir_buf)) {
+ static int bufs_skipped;
+ int this_entries;
+ if (inspect_self) {
+ dig_bounds_dir_ptr =
+ fill_bounds_dir_buf_self(offset_inside_bounds_dir,
+ sizeof(bounds_dir_buf),
+ &bounds_dir_buf[0]);
+ } else {
+ dig_bounds_dir_ptr =
+ fill_bounds_dir_buf_other(offset_inside_bounds_dir,
+ sizeof(bounds_dir_buf),
+ &bounds_dir_buf[0]);
+ }
+ if (!dig_bounds_dir_ptr) {
+ bufs_skipped++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ this_entries = search_bd_buf(dig_bounds_dir_ptr,
+ sizeof(bounds_dir_buf),
+ offset_inside_bounds_dir,
+ &nr_populated_bdes);
+ total_entries += this_entries;
+ }
+ printf("mpx dig (%3d) complete, SUCCESS (%8d / %4d)\n", ++dig_nr,
+ total_entries, nr_populated_bdes);
+ return total_entries + nr_populated_bdes;
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ int err;
+ char *c;
+ unsigned long bounds_dir_entry;
+ int pid;
+ printf("mpx-dig starting...\n");
+ err = sscanf(argv[1], "%d", &pid);
+ printf("parsing: '%s', err: %d\n", argv[1], err);
+ if (err != 1)
+ mpx_dig_abort();
+ err = sscanf(argv[2], "%lx", &bounds_dir_global);
+ printf("parsing: '%s': %d\n", argv[2], err);
+ if (err != 1)
+ mpx_dig_abort();
+ proc_pid_mem_fd = open_proc(pid, "mem");
+ if (proc_pid_mem_fd < 0)
+ mpx_dig_abort();
+ inspect_pid(pid);
+ return 0;
+long inspect_me(struct mpx_bounds_dir *bounds_dir)
+ int pid = getpid();
+ pid_load_vaddrs(pid);
+ bounds_dir_global = (unsigned long)bounds_dir;
+ dprintf4("enter %s() bounds dir: %p\n", __func__, bounds_dir);
+ return inspect_pid(pid);