path: root/drivers/spi/spi-sh-msiof.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/spi/spi-sh-msiof.c')
1 files changed, 205 insertions, 180 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/spi/spi-sh-msiof.c b/drivers/spi/spi-sh-msiof.c
index 81cc02f5f9b0..e850d03e7190 100644
--- a/drivers/spi/spi-sh-msiof.c
+++ b/drivers/spi/spi-sh-msiof.c
@@ -15,59 +15,108 @@
#include <linux/delay.h>
#include <linux/err.h>
#include <linux/gpio.h>
-#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/io.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/of.h>
+#include <linux/of_device.h>
#include <linux/platform_device.h>
#include <linux/pm_runtime.h>
#include <linux/spi/sh_msiof.h>
#include <linux/spi/spi.h>
-#include <linux/spi/spi_bitbang.h>
#include <asm/unaligned.h>
+struct sh_msiof_chipdata {
+ u16 tx_fifo_size;
+ u16 rx_fifo_size;
+ u16 master_flags;
struct sh_msiof_spi_priv {
- struct spi_bitbang bitbang; /* must be first for spi_bitbang.c */
void __iomem *mapbase;
struct clk *clk;
struct platform_device *pdev;
+ const struct sh_msiof_chipdata *chipdata;
struct sh_msiof_spi_info *info;
struct completion done;
- unsigned long flags;
int tx_fifo_size;
int rx_fifo_size;
-#define TMDR1 0x00
-#define TMDR2 0x04
-#define TMDR3 0x08
-#define RMDR1 0x10
-#define RMDR2 0x14
-#define RMDR3 0x18
-#define TSCR 0x20
-#define RSCR 0x22
-#define CTR 0x28
-#define FCTR 0x30
-#define STR 0x40
-#define IER 0x44
-#define TDR1 0x48
-#define TDR2 0x4c
-#define TFDR 0x50
-#define RDR1 0x58
-#define RDR2 0x5c
-#define RFDR 0x60
-#define CTR_TSCKE (1 << 15)
-#define CTR_TFSE (1 << 14)
-#define CTR_TXE (1 << 9)
-#define CTR_RXE (1 << 8)
-#define STR_TEOF (1 << 23)
-#define STR_REOF (1 << 7)
+#define TMDR1 0x00 /* Transmit Mode Register 1 */
+#define TMDR2 0x04 /* Transmit Mode Register 2 */
+#define TMDR3 0x08 /* Transmit Mode Register 3 */
+#define RMDR1 0x10 /* Receive Mode Register 1 */
+#define RMDR2 0x14 /* Receive Mode Register 2 */
+#define RMDR3 0x18 /* Receive Mode Register 3 */
+#define TSCR 0x20 /* Transmit Clock Select Register */
+#define RSCR 0x22 /* Receive Clock Select Register (SH, A1, APE6) */
+#define CTR 0x28 /* Control Register */
+#define FCTR 0x30 /* FIFO Control Register */
+#define STR 0x40 /* Status Register */
+#define IER 0x44 /* Interrupt Enable Register */
+#define TDR1 0x48 /* Transmit Control Data Register 1 (SH, A1) */
+#define TDR2 0x4c /* Transmit Control Data Register 2 (SH, A1) */
+#define TFDR 0x50 /* Transmit FIFO Data Register */
+#define RDR1 0x58 /* Receive Control Data Register 1 (SH, A1) */
+#define RDR2 0x5c /* Receive Control Data Register 2 (SH, A1) */
+#define RFDR 0x60 /* Receive FIFO Data Register */
+/* TMDR1 and RMDR1 */
+#define MDR1_TRMD 0x80000000 /* Transfer Mode (1 = Master mode) */
+#define MDR1_SYNCMD_MASK 0x30000000 /* SYNC Mode */
+#define MDR1_SYNCMD_SPI 0x20000000 /* Level mode/SPI */
+#define MDR1_SYNCMD_LR 0x30000000 /* L/R mode */
+#define MDR1_SYNCAC_SHIFT 25 /* Sync Polarity (1 = Active-low) */
+#define MDR1_BITLSB_SHIFT 24 /* MSB/LSB First (1 = LSB first) */
+#define MDR1_FLD_MASK 0x000000c0 /* Frame Sync Signal Interval (0-3) */
+#define MDR1_FLD_SHIFT 2
+#define MDR1_XXSTP 0x00000001 /* Transmission/Reception Stop on FIFO */
+/* TMDR1 */
+#define TMDR1_PCON 0x40000000 /* Transfer Signal Connection */
+/* TMDR2 and RMDR2 */
+#define MDR2_BITLEN1(i) (((i) - 1) << 24) /* Data Size (8-32 bits) */
+#define MDR2_WDLEN1(i) (((i) - 1) << 16) /* Word Count (1-64/256 (SH, A1))) */
+#define MDR2_GRPMASK1 0x00000001 /* Group Output Mask 1 (SH, A1) */
+/* TSCR and RSCR */
+#define SCR_BRPS_MASK 0x1f00 /* Prescaler Setting (1-32) */
+#define SCR_BRPS(i) (((i) - 1) << 8)
+#define SCR_BRDV_MASK 0x0007 /* Baud Rate Generator's Division Ratio */
+#define SCR_BRDV_DIV_2 0x0000
+#define SCR_BRDV_DIV_4 0x0001
+#define SCR_BRDV_DIV_8 0x0002
+#define SCR_BRDV_DIV_16 0x0003
+#define SCR_BRDV_DIV_32 0x0004
+#define SCR_BRDV_DIV_1 0x0007
+/* CTR */
+#define CTR_TSCKIZ_MASK 0xc0000000 /* Transmit Clock I/O Polarity Select */
+#define CTR_TSCKIZ_SCK 0x80000000 /* Disable SCK when TX disabled */
+#define CTR_TSCKIZ_POL_SHIFT 30 /* Transmit Clock Polarity */
+#define CTR_RSCKIZ_MASK 0x30000000 /* Receive Clock Polarity Select */
+#define CTR_RSCKIZ_SCK 0x20000000 /* Must match CTR_TSCKIZ_SCK */
+#define CTR_RSCKIZ_POL_SHIFT 28 /* Receive Clock Polarity */
+#define CTR_TEDG_SHIFT 27 /* Transmit Timing (1 = falling edge) */
+#define CTR_REDG_SHIFT 26 /* Receive Timing (1 = falling edge) */
+#define CTR_TXDIZ_MASK 0x00c00000 /* Pin Output When TX is Disabled */
+#define CTR_TXDIZ_LOW 0x00000000 /* 0 */
+#define CTR_TXDIZ_HIGH 0x00400000 /* 1 */
+#define CTR_TXDIZ_HIZ 0x00800000 /* High-impedance */
+#define CTR_TSCKE 0x00008000 /* Transmit Serial Clock Output Enable */
+#define CTR_TFSE 0x00004000 /* Transmit Frame Sync Signal Output Enable */
+#define CTR_TXE 0x00000200 /* Transmit Enable */
+#define CTR_RXE 0x00000100 /* Receive Enable */
+/* STR and IER */
+#define STR_TEOF 0x00800000 /* Frame Transmission End */
+#define STR_REOF 0x00000080 /* Frame Reception End */
static u32 sh_msiof_read(struct sh_msiof_spi_priv *p, int reg_offs)
@@ -131,22 +180,21 @@ static struct {
unsigned short div;
unsigned short scr;
} const sh_msiof_spi_clk_table[] = {
- { 1, 0x0007 },
- { 2, 0x0000 },
- { 4, 0x0001 },
- { 8, 0x0002 },
- { 16, 0x0003 },
- { 32, 0x0004 },
- { 64, 0x1f00 },
- { 128, 0x1f01 },
- { 256, 0x1f02 },
- { 512, 0x1f03 },
- { 1024, 0x1f04 },
+ { 1, SCR_BRPS( 1) | SCR_BRDV_DIV_1 },
+ { 2, SCR_BRPS( 1) | SCR_BRDV_DIV_2 },
+ { 4, SCR_BRPS( 1) | SCR_BRDV_DIV_4 },
+ { 8, SCR_BRPS( 1) | SCR_BRDV_DIV_8 },
+ { 16, SCR_BRPS( 1) | SCR_BRDV_DIV_16 },
+ { 32, SCR_BRPS( 1) | SCR_BRDV_DIV_32 },
+ { 64, SCR_BRPS(32) | SCR_BRDV_DIV_2 },
+ { 128, SCR_BRPS(32) | SCR_BRDV_DIV_4 },
+ { 256, SCR_BRPS(32) | SCR_BRDV_DIV_8 },
+ { 512, SCR_BRPS(32) | SCR_BRDV_DIV_16 },
+ { 1024, SCR_BRPS(32) | SCR_BRDV_DIV_32 },
static void sh_msiof_spi_set_clk_regs(struct sh_msiof_spi_priv *p,
- unsigned long parent_rate,
- unsigned long spi_hz)
+ unsigned long parent_rate, u32 spi_hz)
unsigned long div = 1024;
size_t k;
@@ -164,7 +212,8 @@ static void sh_msiof_spi_set_clk_regs(struct sh_msiof_spi_priv *p,
k = min_t(int, k, ARRAY_SIZE(sh_msiof_spi_clk_table) - 1);
sh_msiof_write(p, TSCR, sh_msiof_spi_clk_table[k].scr);
- sh_msiof_write(p, RSCR, sh_msiof_spi_clk_table[k].scr);
+ if (!(p->chipdata->master_flags & SPI_MASTER_MUST_TX))
+ sh_msiof_write(p, RSCR, sh_msiof_spi_clk_table[k].scr);
static void sh_msiof_spi_set_pin_regs(struct sh_msiof_spi_priv *p,
@@ -183,21 +232,25 @@ static void sh_msiof_spi_set_pin_regs(struct sh_msiof_spi_priv *p,
sh_msiof_write(p, FCTR, 0);
- tmp = 0;
- tmp |= !cs_high << 25;
- tmp |= lsb_first << 24;
- sh_msiof_write(p, TMDR1, 0xe0000005 | tmp);
- sh_msiof_write(p, RMDR1, 0x20000005 | tmp);
+ tmp |= !cs_high << MDR1_SYNCAC_SHIFT;
+ tmp |= lsb_first << MDR1_BITLSB_SHIFT;
+ sh_msiof_write(p, TMDR1, tmp | MDR1_TRMD | TMDR1_PCON);
+ if (p->chipdata->master_flags & SPI_MASTER_MUST_TX) {
+ /* These bits are reserved if RX needs TX */
+ tmp &= ~0x0000ffff;
+ }
+ sh_msiof_write(p, RMDR1, tmp);
- tmp = 0xa0000000;
- tmp |= cpol << 30; /* TSCKIZ */
- tmp |= cpol << 28; /* RSCKIZ */
+ tmp = 0;
edge = cpol ^ !cpha;
- tmp |= edge << 27; /* TEDG */
- tmp |= edge << 26; /* REDG */
- tmp |= (tx_hi_z ? 2 : 0) << 22; /* TXDIZ */
+ tmp |= edge << CTR_TEDG_SHIFT;
+ tmp |= edge << CTR_REDG_SHIFT;
+ tmp |= tx_hi_z ? CTR_TXDIZ_HIZ : CTR_TXDIZ_LOW;
sh_msiof_write(p, CTR, tmp);
@@ -205,12 +258,12 @@ static void sh_msiof_spi_set_mode_regs(struct sh_msiof_spi_priv *p,
const void *tx_buf, void *rx_buf,
u32 bits, u32 words)
- u32 dr2 = ((bits - 1) << 24) | ((words - 1) << 16);
+ u32 dr2 = MDR2_BITLEN1(bits) | MDR2_WDLEN1(words);
- if (tx_buf)
+ if (tx_buf || (p->chipdata->master_flags & SPI_MASTER_MUST_TX))
sh_msiof_write(p, TMDR2, dr2);
- sh_msiof_write(p, TMDR2, dr2 | 1);
+ sh_msiof_write(p, TMDR2, dr2 | MDR2_GRPMASK1);
if (rx_buf)
sh_msiof_write(p, RMDR2, dr2);
@@ -363,77 +416,45 @@ static void sh_msiof_spi_read_fifo_s32u(struct sh_msiof_spi_priv *p,
put_unaligned(swab32(sh_msiof_read(p, RFDR) >> fs), &buf_32[k]);
-static int sh_msiof_spi_bits(struct spi_device *spi, struct spi_transfer *t)
+static int sh_msiof_spi_setup(struct spi_device *spi)
- int bits;
- bits = t ? t->bits_per_word : 0;
- if (!bits)
- bits = spi->bits_per_word;
- return bits;
-static unsigned long sh_msiof_spi_hz(struct spi_device *spi,
- struct spi_transfer *t)
- unsigned long hz;
- hz = t ? t->speed_hz : 0;
- if (!hz)
- hz = spi->max_speed_hz;
- return hz;
+ struct device_node *np = spi->master->dev.of_node;
+ struct sh_msiof_spi_priv *p = spi_master_get_devdata(spi->master);
-static int sh_msiof_spi_setup_transfer(struct spi_device *spi,
- struct spi_transfer *t)
- int bits;
+ if (!np) {
+ /*
+ * Use spi->controller_data for CS (same strategy as spi_gpio),
+ * if any. otherwise let HW control CS
+ */
+ spi->cs_gpio = (uintptr_t)spi->controller_data;
+ }
- /* noting to check hz values against since parent clock is disabled */
+ /* Configure pins before deasserting CS */
+ sh_msiof_spi_set_pin_regs(p, !!(spi->mode & SPI_CPOL),
+ !!(spi->mode & SPI_CPHA),
+ !!(spi->mode & SPI_3WIRE),
+ !!(spi->mode & SPI_LSB_FIRST),
+ !!(spi->mode & SPI_CS_HIGH));
- bits = sh_msiof_spi_bits(spi, t);
- if (bits < 8)
- return -EINVAL;
- if (bits > 32)
- return -EINVAL;
+ if (spi->cs_gpio >= 0)
+ gpio_set_value(spi->cs_gpio, !(spi->mode & SPI_CS_HIGH));
- return spi_bitbang_setup_transfer(spi, t);
+ return 0;
-static void sh_msiof_spi_chipselect(struct spi_device *spi, int is_on)
+static int sh_msiof_prepare_message(struct spi_master *master,
+ struct spi_message *msg)
- struct sh_msiof_spi_priv *p = spi_master_get_devdata(spi->master);
- int value;
- /* chip select is active low unless SPI_CS_HIGH is set */
- if (spi->mode & SPI_CS_HIGH)
- value = (is_on == BITBANG_CS_ACTIVE) ? 1 : 0;
- else
- value = (is_on == BITBANG_CS_ACTIVE) ? 0 : 1;
- if (is_on == BITBANG_CS_ACTIVE) {
- if (!test_and_set_bit(0, &p->flags)) {
- pm_runtime_get_sync(&p->pdev->dev);
- clk_enable(p->clk);
- }
- /* Configure pins before asserting CS */
- sh_msiof_spi_set_pin_regs(p, !!(spi->mode & SPI_CPOL),
- !!(spi->mode & SPI_CPHA),
- !!(spi->mode & SPI_3WIRE),
- !!(spi->mode & SPI_LSB_FIRST),
- !!(spi->mode & SPI_CS_HIGH));
- }
+ struct sh_msiof_spi_priv *p = spi_master_get_devdata(master);
+ const struct spi_device *spi = msg->spi;
- /* use spi->controller data for CS (same strategy as spi_gpio) */
- gpio_set_value((uintptr_t)spi->controller_data, value);
- if (is_on == BITBANG_CS_INACTIVE) {
- if (test_and_clear_bit(0, &p->flags)) {
- clk_disable(p->clk);
- pm_runtime_put(&p->pdev->dev);
- }
- }
+ /* Configure pins before asserting CS */
+ sh_msiof_spi_set_pin_regs(p, !!(spi->mode & SPI_CPOL),
+ !!(spi->mode & SPI_CPHA),
+ !!(spi->mode & SPI_3WIRE),
+ !!(spi->mode & SPI_LSB_FIRST),
+ !!(spi->mode & SPI_CS_HIGH));
+ return 0;
static int sh_msiof_spi_txrx_once(struct sh_msiof_spi_priv *p,
@@ -487,7 +508,7 @@ static int sh_msiof_spi_txrx_once(struct sh_msiof_spi_priv *p,
/* clear status bits */
- /* shut down frame, tx/tx and clock signals */
+ /* shut down frame, rx/tx and clock signals */
ret = sh_msiof_modify_ctr_wait(p, CTR_TFSE, 0);
ret = ret ? ret : sh_msiof_modify_ctr_wait(p, CTR_TXE, 0);
if (rx_buf)
@@ -505,9 +526,11 @@ static int sh_msiof_spi_txrx_once(struct sh_msiof_spi_priv *p,
return ret;
-static int sh_msiof_spi_txrx(struct spi_device *spi, struct spi_transfer *t)
+static int sh_msiof_transfer_one(struct spi_master *master,
+ struct spi_device *spi,
+ struct spi_transfer *t)
- struct sh_msiof_spi_priv *p = spi_master_get_devdata(spi->master);
+ struct sh_msiof_spi_priv *p = spi_master_get_devdata(master);
void (*tx_fifo)(struct sh_msiof_spi_priv *, const void *, int, int);
void (*rx_fifo)(struct sh_msiof_spi_priv *, void *, int, int);
int bits;
@@ -517,7 +540,7 @@ static int sh_msiof_spi_txrx(struct spi_device *spi, struct spi_transfer *t)
int n;
bool swab;
- bits = sh_msiof_spi_bits(spi, t);
+ bits = t->bits_per_word;
if (bits <= 8 && t->len > 15 && !(t->len & 3)) {
bits = 32;
@@ -567,8 +590,7 @@ static int sh_msiof_spi_txrx(struct spi_device *spi, struct spi_transfer *t)
/* setup clocks (clock already enabled in chipselect()) */
- sh_msiof_spi_set_clk_regs(p, clk_get_rate(p->clk),
- sh_msiof_spi_hz(spi, t));
+ sh_msiof_spi_set_clk_regs(p, clk_get_rate(p->clk), t->speed_hz);
/* transfer in fifo sized chunks */
words = t->len / bytes_per_word;
@@ -588,22 +610,36 @@ static int sh_msiof_spi_txrx(struct spi_device *spi, struct spi_transfer *t)
words -= n;
- return bytes_done;
-static u32 sh_msiof_spi_txrx_word(struct spi_device *spi, unsigned nsecs,
- u32 word, u8 bits)
- BUG(); /* unused but needed by bitbang code */
return 0;
+static const struct sh_msiof_chipdata sh_data = {
+ .tx_fifo_size = 64,
+ .rx_fifo_size = 64,
+ .master_flags = 0,
+static const struct sh_msiof_chipdata r8a779x_data = {
+ .tx_fifo_size = 64,
+ .rx_fifo_size = 256,
+ .master_flags = SPI_MASTER_MUST_TX,
+static const struct of_device_id sh_msiof_match[] = {
+ { .compatible = "renesas,sh-msiof", .data = &sh_data },
+ { .compatible = "renesas,sh-mobile-msiof", .data = &sh_data },
+ { .compatible = "renesas,msiof-r8a7790", .data = &r8a779x_data },
+ { .compatible = "renesas,msiof-r8a7791", .data = &r8a779x_data },
+ {},
+MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, sh_msiof_match);
#ifdef CONFIG_OF
static struct sh_msiof_spi_info *sh_msiof_spi_parse_dt(struct device *dev)
struct sh_msiof_spi_info *info;
struct device_node *np = dev->of_node;
- u32 num_cs = 0;
+ u32 num_cs = 1;
info = devm_kzalloc(dev, sizeof(struct sh_msiof_spi_info), GFP_KERNEL);
if (!info) {
@@ -633,6 +669,7 @@ static int sh_msiof_spi_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
struct resource *r;
struct spi_master *master;
+ const struct of_device_id *of_id;
struct sh_msiof_spi_priv *p;
int i;
int ret;
@@ -646,10 +683,15 @@ static int sh_msiof_spi_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
p = spi_master_get_devdata(master);
platform_set_drvdata(pdev, p);
- if (pdev->dev.of_node)
+ of_id = of_match_device(sh_msiof_match, &pdev->dev);
+ if (of_id) {
+ p->chipdata = of_id->data;
p->info = sh_msiof_spi_parse_dt(&pdev->dev);
- else
+ } else {
+ p->chipdata = (const void *)pdev->id_entry->driver_data;
p->info = dev_get_platdata(&pdev->dev);
+ }
if (!p->info) {
dev_err(&pdev->dev, "failed to obtain device info\n");
@@ -687,49 +729,40 @@ static int sh_msiof_spi_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
goto err1;
- ret = clk_prepare(p->clk);
- if (ret < 0) {
- dev_err(&pdev->dev, "unable to prepare clock\n");
- goto err1;
- }
p->pdev = pdev;
- /* The standard version of MSIOF use 64 word FIFOs */
- p->tx_fifo_size = 64;
- p->rx_fifo_size = 64;
/* Platform data may override FIFO sizes */
+ p->tx_fifo_size = p->chipdata->tx_fifo_size;
+ p->rx_fifo_size = p->chipdata->rx_fifo_size;
if (p->info->tx_fifo_override)
p->tx_fifo_size = p->info->tx_fifo_override;
if (p->info->rx_fifo_override)
p->rx_fifo_size = p->info->rx_fifo_override;
- /* init master and bitbang code */
+ /* init master code */
master->mode_bits = SPI_CPOL | SPI_CPHA | SPI_CS_HIGH;
master->mode_bits |= SPI_LSB_FIRST | SPI_3WIRE;
- master->flags = 0;
+ master->flags = p->chipdata->master_flags;
master->bus_num = pdev->id;
+ master->dev.of_node = pdev->dev.of_node;
master->num_chipselect = p->info->num_chipselect;
- master->setup = spi_bitbang_setup;
- master->cleanup = spi_bitbang_cleanup;
- p->bitbang.master = master;
- p->bitbang.chipselect = sh_msiof_spi_chipselect;
- p->bitbang.setup_transfer = sh_msiof_spi_setup_transfer;
- p->bitbang.txrx_bufs = sh_msiof_spi_txrx;
- p->bitbang.txrx_word[SPI_MODE_0] = sh_msiof_spi_txrx_word;
- p->bitbang.txrx_word[SPI_MODE_1] = sh_msiof_spi_txrx_word;
- p->bitbang.txrx_word[SPI_MODE_2] = sh_msiof_spi_txrx_word;
- p->bitbang.txrx_word[SPI_MODE_3] = sh_msiof_spi_txrx_word;
- ret = spi_bitbang_start(&p->bitbang);
- if (ret == 0)
- return 0;
+ master->setup = sh_msiof_spi_setup;
+ master->prepare_message = sh_msiof_prepare_message;
+ master->bits_per_word_mask = SPI_BPW_RANGE_MASK(8, 32);
+ master->auto_runtime_pm = true;
+ master->transfer_one = sh_msiof_transfer_one;
+ ret = devm_spi_register_master(&pdev->dev, master);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ dev_err(&pdev->dev, "spi_register_master error.\n");
+ goto err2;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ err2:
- clk_unprepare(p->clk);
return ret;
@@ -737,30 +770,22 @@ static int sh_msiof_spi_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
static int sh_msiof_spi_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)
- struct sh_msiof_spi_priv *p = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
- int ret;
- ret = spi_bitbang_stop(&p->bitbang);
- if (!ret) {
- pm_runtime_disable(&pdev->dev);
- clk_unprepare(p->clk);
- spi_master_put(p->bitbang.master);
- }
- return ret;
+ pm_runtime_disable(&pdev->dev);
+ return 0;
-#ifdef CONFIG_OF
-static const struct of_device_id sh_msiof_match[] = {
- { .compatible = "renesas,sh-msiof", },
- { .compatible = "renesas,sh-mobile-msiof", },
+static struct platform_device_id spi_driver_ids[] = {
+ { "spi_sh_msiof", (kernel_ulong_t)&sh_data },
+ { "spi_r8a7790_msiof", (kernel_ulong_t)&r8a779x_data },
+ { "spi_r8a7791_msiof", (kernel_ulong_t)&r8a779x_data },
-MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, sh_msiof_match);
+MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(platform, spi_driver_ids);
static struct platform_driver sh_msiof_spi_drv = {
.probe = sh_msiof_spi_probe,
.remove = sh_msiof_spi_remove,
+ .id_table = spi_driver_ids,
.driver = {
.name = "spi_sh_msiof",
.owner = THIS_MODULE,