path: root/drivers/scsi/aacraid/aacraid.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/scsi/aacraid/aacraid.h')
1 files changed, 57 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/aacraid/aacraid.h b/drivers/scsi/aacraid/aacraid.h
index f2344971e3cb..d036a806f31c 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/aacraid/aacraid.h
+++ b/drivers/scsi/aacraid/aacraid.h
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ enum {
#define PMC_GLOBAL_INT_BIT0 0x00000001
-# define AAC_DRIVER_BUILD 50740
+# define AAC_DRIVER_BUILD 50792
# define AAC_DRIVER_BRANCH "-custom"
@@ -1380,57 +1380,57 @@ struct aac_adapter_info
struct aac_supplement_adapter_info
- u8 AdapterTypeText[17+1];
- u8 Pad[2];
- __le32 FlashMemoryByteSize;
- __le32 FlashImageId;
- __le32 MaxNumberPorts;
- __le32 Version;
- __le32 FeatureBits;
- u8 SlotNumber;
- u8 ReservedPad0[3];
- u8 BuildDate[12];
- __le32 CurrentNumberPorts;
+ u8 adapter_type_text[17+1];
+ u8 pad[2];
+ __le32 flash_memory_byte_size;
+ __le32 flash_image_id;
+ __le32 max_number_ports;
+ __le32 version;
+ __le32 feature_bits;
+ u8 slot_number;
+ u8 reserved_pad0[3];
+ u8 build_date[12];
+ __le32 current_number_ports;
struct {
- u8 AssemblyPn[8];
- u8 FruPn[8];
- u8 BatteryFruPn[8];
- u8 EcVersionString[8];
- u8 Tsid[12];
- } VpdInfo;
- __le32 FlashFirmwareRevision;
- __le32 FlashFirmwareBuild;
- __le32 RaidTypeMorphOptions;
- __le32 FlashFirmwareBootRevision;
- __le32 FlashFirmwareBootBuild;
- u8 MfgPcbaSerialNo[12];
- u8 MfgWWNName[8];
- __le32 SupportedOptions2;
- __le32 StructExpansion;
+ u8 assembly_pn[8];
+ u8 fru_pn[8];
+ u8 battery_fru_pn[8];
+ u8 ec_version_string[8];
+ u8 tsid[12];
+ } vpd_info;
+ __le32 flash_firmware_revision;
+ __le32 flash_firmware_build;
+ __le32 raid_type_morph_options;
+ __le32 flash_firmware_boot_revision;
+ __le32 flash_firmware_boot_build;
+ u8 mfg_pcba_serial_no[12];
+ u8 mfg_wwn_name[8];
+ __le32 supported_options2;
+ __le32 struct_expansion;
/* StructExpansion == 1 */
- __le32 FeatureBits3;
- __le32 SupportedPerformanceModes;
- u8 HostBusType; /* uses HOST_BUS_TYPE_xxx defines */
- u8 HostBusWidth; /* actual width in bits or links */
- u16 HostBusSpeed; /* actual bus speed/link rate in MHz */
- u8 MaxRRCDrives; /* max. number of ITP-RRC drives/pool */
- u8 MaxDiskXtasks; /* max. possible num of DiskX Tasks */
- u8 CpldVerLoaded;
- u8 CpldVerInFlash;
- __le64 MaxRRCCapacity;
- __le32 CompiledMaxHistLogLevel;
- u8 CustomBoardName[12];
- u16 SupportedCntlrMode; /* identify supported controller mode */
- u16 ReservedForFuture16;
- __le32 SupportedOptions3; /* reserved for future options */
- __le16 VirtDeviceBus; /* virt. SCSI device for Thor */
- __le16 VirtDeviceTarget;
- __le16 VirtDeviceLUN;
- __le16 Unused;
- __le32 ReservedForFutureGrowth[68];
+ __le32 feature_bits3;
+ __le32 supported_performance_modes;
+ u8 host_bus_type; /* uses HOST_BUS_TYPE_xxx defines */
+ u8 host_bus_width; /* actual width in bits or links */
+ u16 host_bus_speed; /* actual bus speed/link rate in MHz */
+ u8 max_rrc_drives; /* max. number of ITP-RRC drives/pool */
+ u8 max_disk_xtasks; /* max. possible num of DiskX Tasks */
+ u8 cpld_ver_loaded;
+ u8 cpld_ver_in_flash;
+ __le64 max_rrc_capacity;
+ __le32 compiled_max_hist_log_level;
+ u8 custom_board_name[12];
+ u16 supported_cntlr_mode; /* identify supported controller mode */
+ u16 reserved_for_future16;
+ __le32 supported_options3; /* reserved for future options */
+ __le16 virt_device_bus; /* virt. SCSI device for Thor */
+ __le16 virt_device_target;
+ __le16 virt_device_lun;
+ __le16 unused;
+ __le32 reserved_for_future_growth[68];
#define AAC_FEATURE_FALCON cpu_to_le32(0x00000010)
@@ -1444,6 +1444,10 @@ struct aac_supplement_adapter_info
#define AAC_OPTION_VARIABLE_BLOCK_SIZE cpu_to_le32(0x00040000)
/* 240 simple volume support */
#define AAC_OPTION_SUPPORTED_240_VOLUMES cpu_to_le32(0x10000000)
+ * Supports FIB dump sync command send prior to IOP_RESET
+ */
+#define AAC_OPTION_SUPPORTED3_IOP_RESET_FIB_DUMP cpu_to_le32(0x00004000)
#define AAC_SIS_VERSION_V3 3
@@ -2483,6 +2487,7 @@ struct aac_hba_info {
#define RCV_TEMP_READINGS 0x00000025
+#define IOP_RESET_FW_FIB_DUMP 0x00000034
#define IOP_RESET 0x00001000
#define IOP_RESET_ALWAYS 0x00001001
#define RE_INIT_ADAPTER 0x000000ee
@@ -2639,6 +2644,7 @@ void aac_hba_callback(void *context, struct fib *fibptr);
#define fib_data(fibctx) ((void *)(fibctx)->hw_fib_va->data)
struct aac_dev *aac_init_adapter(struct aac_dev *dev);
void aac_src_access_devreg(struct aac_dev *dev, int mode);
+void aac_set_intx_mode(struct aac_dev *dev);
int aac_get_config_status(struct aac_dev *dev, int commit_flag);
int aac_get_containers(struct aac_dev *dev);
int aac_scsi_cmd(struct scsi_cmnd *cmd);
@@ -2685,4 +2691,5 @@ extern int aac_commit;
extern int update_interval;
extern int check_interval;
extern int aac_check_reset;
+extern int aac_fib_dump;