path: root/arch/arm/mach-s5pc100/include
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Diffstat (limited to 'arch/arm/mach-s5pc100/include')
6 files changed, 3 insertions, 189 deletions
diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-s5pc100/include/mach/debug-macro.S b/arch/arm/mach-s5pc100/include/mach/debug-macro.S
index b2ba95ddf8e0..694f75937000 100644
--- a/arch/arm/mach-s5pc100/include/mach/debug-macro.S
+++ b/arch/arm/mach-s5pc100/include/mach/debug-macro.S
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
* aligned and add in the offset when we load the value here.
- .macro addruart, rp, rv
+ .macro addruart, rp, rv, tmp
ldr \rp, = S3C_PA_UART
ldr \rv, = S3C_VA_UART
diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-s5pc100/include/mach/dma.h b/arch/arm/mach-s5pc100/include/mach/dma.h
index 81209eb1409b..201842a3769e 100644
--- a/arch/arm/mach-s5pc100/include/mach/dma.h
+++ b/arch/arm/mach-s5pc100/include/mach/dma.h
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
#ifndef __MACH_DMA_H
#define __MACH_DMA_H
-/* This platform uses the common S3C DMA API driver for PL330 */
-#include <plat/s3c-dma-pl330.h>
+/* This platform uses the common DMA API driver for PL330 */
+#include <plat/dma-pl330.h>
#endif /* __MACH_DMA_H */
diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-s5pc100/include/mach/gpio.h b/arch/arm/mach-s5pc100/include/mach/gpio.h
index 29a8a12d9b4f..5e1a924b595f 100644
--- a/arch/arm/mach-s5pc100/include/mach/gpio.h
+++ b/arch/arm/mach-s5pc100/include/mach/gpio.h
@@ -15,11 +15,6 @@
#ifndef __ASM_ARCH_GPIO_H
#define __ASM_ARCH_GPIO_H __FILE__
-#define gpio_get_value __gpio_get_value
-#define gpio_set_value __gpio_set_value
-#define gpio_cansleep __gpio_cansleep
-#define gpio_to_irq __gpio_to_irq
/* GPIO bank sizes */
#define S5PC100_GPIO_A0_NR (8)
#define S5PC100_GPIO_A1_NR (5)
@@ -146,6 +141,4 @@ enum s5p_gpio_number {
/* define the number of gpios we need to the one after the MP04() range */
#define ARCH_NR_GPIOS (S5PC100_GPIO_END + 1)
-#include <asm-generic/gpio.h>
#endif /* __ASM_ARCH_GPIO_H */
diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-s5pc100/include/mach/memory.h b/arch/arm/mach-s5pc100/include/mach/memory.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bda4e79fd5fc..000000000000
--- a/arch/arm/mach-s5pc100/include/mach/memory.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-/* arch/arm/mach-s5pc100/include/mach/memory.h
- *
- * Copyright 2008 Samsung Electronics Co.
- * Byungho Min <bhmin@samsung.com>
- *
- * Based on mach-s3c6400/include/mach/memory.h
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
-#ifndef __ASM_ARCH_MEMORY_H
-#define __ASM_ARCH_MEMORY_H
-#define PLAT_PHYS_OFFSET UL(0x20000000)
diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-s5pc100/include/mach/pwm-clock.h b/arch/arm/mach-s5pc100/include/mach/pwm-clock.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b34d2f7aae52..000000000000
--- a/arch/arm/mach-s5pc100/include/mach/pwm-clock.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-/* linux/arch/arm/mach-s5pc100/include/mach/pwm-clock.h
- *
- * Copyright 2009 Samsung Electronics Co.
- * Byungho Min <bhmin@samsung.com>
- *
- * S5PC100 - pwm clock and timer support
- *
- * Based on mach-s3c6400/include/mach/pwm-clock.h
- */
- * pwm_cfg_src_is_tclk() - return whether the given mux config is a tclk
- * @tcfg: The timer TCFG1 register bits shifted down to 0.
- *
- * Return true if the given configuration from TCFG1 is a TCLK instead
- * any of the TDIV clocks.
- */
-static inline int pwm_cfg_src_is_tclk(unsigned long tcfg)
- return tcfg >= S3C64XX_TCFG1_MUX_TCLK;
- * tcfg_to_divisor() - convert tcfg1 setting to a divisor
- * @tcfg1: The tcfg1 setting, shifted down.
- *
- * Get the divisor value for the given tcfg1 setting. We assume the
- * caller has already checked to see if this is not a TCLK source.
- */
-static inline unsigned long tcfg_to_divisor(unsigned long tcfg1)
- return 1 << tcfg1;
- * pwm_tdiv_has_div1() - does the tdiv setting have a /1
- *
- * Return true if we have a /1 in the tdiv setting.
- */
-static inline unsigned int pwm_tdiv_has_div1(void)
- return 1;
- * pwm_tdiv_div_bits() - calculate TCFG1 divisor value.
- * @div: The divisor to calculate the bit information for.
- *
- * Turn a divisor into the necessary bit field for TCFG1.
- */
-static inline unsigned long pwm_tdiv_div_bits(unsigned int div)
- return ilog2(div);
diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-s5pc100/include/mach/regs-fb.h b/arch/arm/mach-s5pc100/include/mach/regs-fb.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 07aa4d6054fe..000000000000
--- a/arch/arm/mach-s5pc100/include/mach/regs-fb.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-/* arch/arm/mach-s5pc100/include/mach/regs-fb.h
- *
- * Copyright 2009 Samsung Electronics Co.
- * Pawel Osciak <p.osciak@samsung.com>
- *
- * Framebuffer register definitions for Samsung S5PC100.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
-#ifndef __ASM_ARCH_REGS_FB_H
-#define __ASM_ARCH_REGS_FB_H __FILE__
-#include <plat/regs-fb-v4.h>
-/* VP1 interface timing control */
-#define VP1CON0 (0x118)
-#define VP1_RATECON_EN (1 << 31)
-#define VP1_CLKRATE_MASK (0xff)
-#define VP1CON1 (0x11c)
-#define VP1_VTREGCON_EN (1 << 31)
-#define VP1_VBPD_MASK (0xfff)
-#define VP1_VBPD_SHIFT (16)
-#define WPALCON_H (0x19c)
-#define WPALCON_L (0x1a0)
-/* Palette control for WPAL0 and WPAL1 is the same as in S3C64xx, but
- * different for WPAL2-4
- */
-/* In WPALCON_L (aka WPALCON) */
-#define WPALCON_W1PAL_32BPP_A888 (0x7 << 3)
-#define WPALCON_W0PAL_32BPP_A888 (0x7 << 0)
-/* To set W2PAL-W4PAL consist of one bit from WPALCON_L and two from WPALCON_H,
- * e.g. W2PAL[2..0] is made of (WPALCON_H[10..9], WPALCON_L[6]).
- */
-#define WPALCON_L_WxPAL_L_MASK (0x1)
-#define WPALCON_L_W2PAL_L_SHIFT (6)
-#define WPALCON_L_W3PAL_L_SHIFT (7)
-#define WPALCON_L_W4PAL_L_SHIFT (8)
-#define WPALCON_L_WxPAL_H_MASK (0x3)
-#define WPALCON_H_W2PAL_H_SHIFT (9)
-#define WPALCON_H_W3PAL_H_SHIFT (13)
-#define WPALCON_H_W4PAL_H_SHIFT (17)
-/* Per-window alpha value registers */
-/* For window 0 8-bit alpha values are in VIDW0ALPHAx,
- * for windows 1-4 alpha values consist of two parts, the 4 low bits are
- * taken from VIDWxALPHAx and 4 high bits are from VIDOSDxC,
- * e.g. WIN1_ALPHA0_B[7..0] = (VIDOSD1C[3..0], VIDW1ALPHA0[3..0])
- */
-#define VIDWxALPHA0(_win) (0x200 + (_win * 8))
-#define VIDWxALPHA1(_win) (0x204 + (_win * 8))
-/* Only for window 0 in VIDW0ALPHAx. */
-#define VIDW0ALPHAx_R(_x) ((_x) << 16)
-#define VIDW0ALPHAx_R_MASK (0xff << 16)
-#define VIDW0ALPHAx_R_SHIFT (16)
-#define VIDW0ALPHAx_G(_x) ((_x) << 8)
-#define VIDW0ALPHAx_G_MASK (0xff << 8)
-#define VIDW0ALPHAx_G_SHIFT (8)
-#define VIDW0ALPHAx_B(_x) ((_x) << 0)
-#define VIDW0ALPHAx_B_MASK (0xff << 0)
-#define VIDW0ALPHAx_B_SHIFT (0)
-/* Low 4 bits of alpha0-1 for windows 1-4 */
-#define VIDW14ALPHAx_R_L(_x) ((_x) << 16)
-#define VIDW14ALPHAx_R_L_MASK (0xf << 16)
-#define VIDW14ALPHAx_R_L_SHIFT (16)
-#define VIDW14ALPHAx_G_L(_x) ((_x) << 8)
-#define VIDW14ALPHAx_G_L_MASK (0xf << 8)
-#define VIDW14ALPHAx_G_L_SHIFT (8)
-#define VIDW14ALPHAx_B_L(_x) ((_x) << 0)
-#define VIDW14ALPHAx_B_L_MASK (0xf << 0)
-#define VIDW14ALPHAx_B_L_SHIFT (0)
-/* Per-window blending equation control registers */
-#define BLENDEQx(_win) (0x244 + ((_win) * 4))
-#define BLENDEQ1 (0x244)
-#define BLENDEQ2 (0x248)
-#define BLENDEQ3 (0x24c)
-#define BLENDEQ4 (0x250)
-#define BLENDEQx_Q_FUNC(_x) ((_x) << 18)
-#define BLENDEQx_Q_FUNC_MASK (0xf << 18)
-#define BLENDEQx_P_FUNC(_x) ((_x) << 12)
-#define BLENDEQx_P_FUNC_MASK (0xf << 12)
-#define BLENDEQx_B_FUNC(_x) ((_x) << 6)
-#define BLENDEQx_B_FUNC_MASK (0xf << 6)
-#define BLENDEQx_A_FUNC(_x) ((_x) << 0)
-#define BLENDEQx_A_FUNC_MASK (0xf << 0)
-#define BLENDCON (0x260)
-#define BLENDCON_8BIT_ALPHA (1 << 0)
-#endif /* __ASM_ARCH_REGS_FB_H */