DeepCool Display Linux
This application is a replacement of the original DeepCool Windows application for the LP360 AIO cooler. I may add support for the entire LP series and any other new devices that use a similar pixel display. This supports drawing custom patterns on the as well as displaying the CPU temperature and usage.
Special thanks to @Nortank12 for his work on deepcool-digital-linux. I would recommend checking out his app for additional functionality and support for other devices. Additionally, thanks to @rohan09-raj for figuring out the logic of the commands for creating the patterns.
- Locate your directory, it can be /lib/udev/rules.d or /etc/udev/rules.d and create a new file named 99-deepcool.rules.
bash sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/99-deepcool.rules
- Insert the following:
bash SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="3633", ATTRS{idProduct}=="000c", GROUP="plugdev"
- Ensure that your user is part of the plugdev group:
bash sudo usermod -aG plugdev $USER
- Reboot your system.
- Download the latest release and run it.
You can run the applications with or without providing any options. Running it without any options will launch the GUI.
./deepcool-display-linux [OPTIONS]
-d, --daemon Run the application in daemon mode
-m, --mode Specify the mode (temp, usage or custom)
-f, --file Specify the CSV file containing the pattern data (This is required in daemon mode)
-c, --celcius Display the CPU temperature in celcius
-h, --help Print help
-v, --version Print version
Daemon Mode
Run the application in daemon mode to display the pattern from a CSV file:
./deepcool-display-linux -d -m custom -f /path/to/pattern.csv
In custom mode, the `-f` or `--file` flag is required to specify the CSV file containing the pattern.
Exporting patterns to CSV
The GUI has an option to export the current pattern to a CSV file. This can be done by clicking the "Export Layout" button. The CSV files are stored in ~/.config/deepcool-display-linux.
Automatic Startup using systemd
- Copy the binary to /usr/bin:
sudo cp deepcool-display-linux /usr/bin
- Create a service file:
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/deepcool-display-linux.service
- Add the following to the file:
Description=DeepCool Display Linux
ExecStart=/usr/bin/deepcool-display-linux -d -m temp -c
- Enable the service:
sudo systemctl enable --now deepcool-display-linux.service
Note: The application will automatically start when the system is booted.
This application is built using Wails.
You can build the application from source by following the steps below.
You need to install go, npm, and wails.
On Arch Linux, you can use a AUR helper to install them:
yay -S go npm wails
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Open the directory:
cd deepcool-display-linux
- Run a development server:
make dev
- Build a release:
make build
- Clean up:
make clean
This project is licensed under the GPLv2 License - see the LICENSE file for details.