# Enable repo-specific git config enable-git-config=1 # Root title and description root-title=Tablaster's git repositories root-desc=Git repositories hosted at tablaster.dev # Include footer footer=/var/www/html/cgit/cgi/footer.html # Set virtual root virtual-root=/ # Remove .git suffix from displayed repos remove-suffix=1 # Show extra links for each repository on the index page # enable-index-links=1 # Show number of affected files per commit on the log pages enable-log-filecount=1 # Show number of added/removed lines per commit on the log pages enable-log-linecount=1 # List of common mimetypes mimetype.gif=image/gif mimetype.html=text/html mimetype.jpg=image/jpeg mimetype.jpeg=image/jpeg mimetype.pdf=application/pdf mimetype.png=image/png mimetype.svg=image/svg+xml # HTML file to include in the page head #head-include=/var/www/html/cgit/head_include.html # External filter for formatting the "about" section of repositories about-filter=/var/www/html/cgit/filters/about-formatting.sh # Search for these files in the root of the default branch of repositories ti render the about page readme=:README.md readme=:readme.md readme=:README.mkd readme=:readme.mkd readme=:README.rst readme=:readme.rst readme=:README.html readme=:readme.html readme=:README.htm readme=:readme.htm readme=:README.txt readme=:readme.txt readme=:README readme=:readme # Path to the project list project-list=/var/lib/git/projects.list # Path to scan for git repositories scan-path=/var/lib/git/repositories