package main import ( "bytes" "context" "crypto/aes" "crypto/cipher" "crypto/rand" "database/sql" "embed" "encoding/hex" "errors" "flag" "fmt" "io" "net/http" "os" "strconv" "time" "" "" _ "" ) const ( maxUploadSize = 3 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 // 3 GB keySize = 32 nonceSize = 12 ) var db *sql.DB var port string //go:embed all:dist var dist embed.FS func registerHandlers(e *echo.Echo) { e.Use(middleware.BodyLimit(fmt.Sprintf("%dM", maxUploadSize/(1024*1024)))) e.Use(middleware.StaticWithConfig(middleware.StaticConfig{ Root: "dist", Index: "index.html", HTML5: true, Filesystem: http.FS(dist), })) e.Use(middleware.Logger()) e.Use(middleware.Recover()) e.Use(middleware.CORS()) e.POST("/upload_chunk", handleUploadChunk) e.POST("/upload_complete", handleUploadComplete) e.GET("/download/:id", handleDownload) e.GET("/get/:id", handleGetFileInfo) } func main() { flag.StringVar(&port, "port", "8080", "HTTP server port") flag.Parse() var err error db, err = initDB() if err != nil { panic(err) } defer db.Close() e := echo.New() registerHandlers(e) startCleanupScheduler() e.Logger.Fatal(e.Start(":" + port)) } func initDB() (*sql.DB, error) { user := os.Getenv("POSTGRES_USER") password := os.Getenv("POSTGRES_PASSWORD") dbname := os.Getenv("POSTGRES_DB") dbURL := fmt.Sprintf("postgres://%s:%s@localhost/%s?sslmode=disable", user, password, dbname) db, err := sql.Open("postgres", dbURL) if err != nil { return nil, err } ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second) defer cancel() if err := createTables(ctx, db); err != nil { return nil, err } return db, nil } func createTables(ctx context.Context, db *sql.DB) error { _, err := db.ExecContext(ctx, ` CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS chunks ( upload_id TEXT, chunk_index INT, chunk_data BYTEA, created_at TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT NOW(), PRIMARY KEY (upload_id, chunk_index) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS files ( id TEXT, name TEXT, chunk_index INT, chunk_data BYTEA, created_at TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT NOW(), PRIMARY KEY (id, chunk_index) ); `) return err } func handleUploadChunk(c echo.Context) error { uploadId := c.FormValue("uploadId") chunkIndex, err := strconv.Atoi(c.FormValue("chunkIndex")) if err != nil { return handleError(c, fmt.Errorf("invalid chunk index: %v", err), http.StatusBadRequest) } chunk, err := c.FormFile("chunk") if err != nil { return handleError(c, fmt.Errorf("error getting form file: %v", err), http.StatusBadRequest) } src, err := chunk.Open() if err != nil { return handleError(c, fmt.Errorf("error opening chunk: %v", err), http.StatusInternalServerError) } defer src.Close() chunkData, err := io.ReadAll(src) if err != nil { return handleError(c, fmt.Errorf("error reading chunk data: %v", err), http.StatusInternalServerError) } if err := storeChunkInDB(c.Request().Context(), uploadId, chunkIndex, chunkData); err != nil { return handleError(c, fmt.Errorf("error storing chunk in database: %v", err), http.StatusInternalServerError) } return c.NoContent(http.StatusOK) } func storeChunkInDB(ctx context.Context, uploadId string, chunkIndex int, chunkData []byte) error { _, err := db.ExecContext(ctx, "INSERT INTO chunks (upload_id, chunk_index, chunk_data, created_at) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, NOW())", uploadId, chunkIndex, chunkData) return err } func handleUploadComplete(c echo.Context) error { uploadId := c.FormValue("uploadId") chunkCount, err := strconv.Atoi(c.FormValue("chunkCount")) if err != nil { return handleError(c, fmt.Errorf("invalid chunk count: %v", err), http.StatusBadRequest) } fileName := c.FormValue("fileName") key, err := generateRandomKey() if err != nil { return handleError(c, fmt.Errorf("error generating encryption key: %v", err), http.StatusInternalServerError) } id := generateID() for i := 0; i < chunkCount; i++ { chunkData, err := getChunkFromDB(c.Request().Context(), uploadId, i) if err != nil { return handleError(c, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving chunk data: %v", err), http.StatusInternalServerError) } encryptedData, err := encryptFile(bytes.NewReader(chunkData), key) if err != nil { return handleError(c, fmt.Errorf("error encrypting chunk: %v", err), http.StatusInternalServerError) } if err := storeChunkInFilesTable(c.Request().Context(), id, fileName, i, encryptedData); err != nil { return handleError(c, fmt.Errorf("error storing chunk in database: %v", err), http.StatusInternalServerError) } } encodedKey := hex.EncodeToString(key) response := struct { ID string `json:"id"` Key string `json:"key"` }{ ID: id, Key: encodedKey, } return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, response) } func storeChunkInFilesTable(ctx context.Context, id, fileName string, chunkIndex int, encryptedData []byte) error { _, err := db.ExecContext(ctx, "INSERT INTO files (id, name, chunk_index, chunk_data, created_at) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, NOW())", id, fileName, chunkIndex, encryptedData) return err } func getChunkFromDB(ctx context.Context, uploadId string, chunkIndex int) ([]byte, error) { var chunkData []byte err := db.QueryRowContext(ctx, "SELECT chunk_data FROM chunks WHERE upload_id = $1 AND chunk_index = $2", uploadId, chunkIndex).Scan(&chunkData) return chunkData, err } func handleDownload(c echo.Context) error { id := c.Param("id") keyHex := c.QueryParam("key") key, err := hex.DecodeString(keyHex) if err != nil { return handleError(c, fmt.Errorf("invalid key: %v", err), http.StatusBadRequest) } fileName, err := getFileNameFromDB(c.Request().Context(), id) if err != nil { return handleError(c, fmt.Errorf("error getting file name from database: %v", err), http.StatusInternalServerError) } c.Response().Header().Set("Content-Disposition", fmt.Sprintf(`attachment; filename="%s"`, fileName)) err = decryptAndStreamChunks(c.Response(), id, key) if err != nil { return handleError(c, fmt.Errorf("error decrypting and streaming file: %v", err), http.StatusInternalServerError) } return nil } func getFileNameFromDB(ctx context.Context, id string) (fileName string, err error) { err = db.QueryRowContext(ctx, "SELECT name FROM files WHERE id = $1 LIMIT 1", id).Scan(&fileName) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { return "", errors.New("file not found") } return fileName, err } func decryptAndStreamChunks(w io.Writer, id string, key []byte) error { rows, err := db.Query("SELECT chunk_data FROM files WHERE id = $1 ORDER BY chunk_index", id) if err != nil { return err } defer rows.Close() for rows.Next() { var encryptedData []byte if err := rows.Scan(&encryptedData); err != nil { return err } plaintext, err := decryptFile(encryptedData, key) if err != nil { return err } _, err = w.Write(plaintext) if err != nil { return err } } return rows.Err() } func handleGetFileInfo(c echo.Context) error { id := c.Param("id") keyHex := c.QueryParam("key") key, err := hex.DecodeString(keyHex) if err != nil { return handleError(c, fmt.Errorf("invalid key: %v", err), http.StatusBadRequest) } fileName, err := getFileNameFromDB(c.Request().Context(), id) if err != nil { return handleError(c, fmt.Errorf("error getting file name from database: %v", err), http.StatusInternalServerError) } fileSize, err := getTotalFileSize(id, key) if err != nil { return handleError(c, fmt.Errorf("error getting file size: %v", err), http.StatusInternalServerError) } fileInfo := struct { FileName string `json:"fileName"` FileSize string `json:"fileSize"` }{ FileName: fileName, FileSize: fileSize, } return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, fileInfo) } func getTotalFileSize(id string, key []byte) (string, error) { var totalSize int64 rows, err := db.Query("SELECT chunk_data FROM files WHERE id = $1 ORDER BY chunk_index", id) if err != nil { return "", err } defer rows.Close() for rows.Next() { var encryptedData []byte if err := rows.Scan(&encryptedData); err != nil { return "", err } plaintext, err := decryptFile(encryptedData, key) if err != nil { return "", err } totalSize += int64(len(plaintext)) } var fileSize string if totalSize >= 1024*1024 { fileSize = fmt.Sprintf("%.2f MB", float64(totalSize)/(1024*1024)) } else { fileSize = fmt.Sprintf("%.2f KB", float64(totalSize)/1024) } return fileSize, rows.Err() } func handleError(c echo.Context, err error, status int) error { fmt.Printf("error: %v\n", err) return c.JSON(status, map[string]string{"error": err.Error()}) } func generateRandomKey() ([]byte, error) { key := make([]byte, keySize) _, err := rand.Read(key) return key, err } func generateID() string { b := make([]byte, 16) rand.Read(b) return hex.EncodeToString(b) } func encryptFile(plaintext io.Reader, key []byte) ([]byte, error) { block, err := aes.NewCipher(key) if err != nil { return nil, err } nonce := make([]byte, nonceSize) if _, err := rand.Read(nonce); err != nil { return nil, err } aesgcm, err := cipher.NewGCM(block) if err != nil { return nil, err } plaintextBytes, err := io.ReadAll(plaintext) if err != nil { return nil, err } ciphertext := aesgcm.Seal(nonce, nonce, plaintextBytes, nil) return ciphertext, nil } func decryptFile(ciphertext, key []byte) ([]byte, error) { block, err := aes.NewCipher(key) if err != nil { return nil, err } if len(ciphertext) < nonceSize { return nil, errors.New("ciphertext too short") } nonce, ciphertext := ciphertext[:nonceSize], ciphertext[nonceSize:] aesgcm, err := cipher.NewGCM(block) if err != nil { return nil, err } plaintext, err := aesgcm.Open(nil, nonce, ciphertext, nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } return plaintext, nil } func startCleanupScheduler() { ticker := time.NewTicker(24 * time.Hour) go func() { for range ticker.C { cleanupChunks() cleanupOldFiles() } }() } func cleanupChunks() { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 1*time.Minute) defer cancel() _, err := db.ExecContext(ctx, "DELETE FROM chunks WHERE created_at < NOW() - INTERVAL '1 day'") if err != nil { fmt.Printf("error cleaning up chunks: %v\n", err) } } func cleanupOldFiles() { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 1*time.Minute) defer cancel() _, err := db.ExecContext(ctx, "DELETE FROM files WHERE created_at < NOW() - INTERVAL '1 day'") if err != nil { fmt.Printf("error cleaning up old files: %v\n", err) } }