/* * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "Hardware.h" namespace aidl { namespace android { namespace hardware { namespace vibrator { using ::testing::Test; using ::testing::TestParamInfo; using ::testing::ValuesIn; using ::testing::WithParamInterface; class HwApiTest : public Test { private: static constexpr const char *FILE_NAMES[]{ "calibration/f0_stored", "default/f0_offset", "calibration/redc_stored", "calibration/q_stored", "default/f0_comp_enable", "default/redc_comp_enable", "default/owt_free_space", "default/num_waves", "default/delay_before_stop_playback_us", }; public: void SetUp() override { std::string prefix; for (auto n : FILE_NAMES) { auto name = std::filesystem::path(n); auto path = std::filesystem::path(mFilesDir.path) / name; fs_mkdirs(path.c_str(), S_IRWXU); std::ofstream touch{path}; mFileMap[name] = path; } prefix = std::filesystem::path(mFilesDir.path) / ""; setenv("HWAPI_PATH_PREFIX", prefix.c_str(), true); mHwApi = std::make_unique(); for (auto n : FILE_NAMES) { auto name = std::filesystem::path(n); auto path = std::filesystem::path(mEmptyDir.path) / name; } prefix = std::filesystem::path(mEmptyDir.path) / ""; setenv("HWAPI_PATH_PREFIX", prefix.c_str(), true); mNoApi = std::make_unique(); } void TearDown() override { verifyContents(); } static auto ParamNameFixup(std::string str) { std::replace(str.begin(), str.end(), '/', '_'); return str; } protected: // Set expected file content for a test. template void expectContent(const std::string &name, const T &value) { mExpectedContent[name] << value << std::endl; } // Set actual file content for an input test. template void updateContent(const std::string &name, const T &value) { std::ofstream(mFileMap[name]) << value << std::endl; } template void expectAndUpdateContent(const std::string &name, const T &value) { expectContent(name, value); updateContent(name, value); } // Compare all file contents against expected contents. void verifyContents() { for (auto &a : mFileMap) { std::ifstream file{a.second}; std::string expect = mExpectedContent[a.first].str(); std::string actual = std::string(std::istreambuf_iterator(file), std::istreambuf_iterator()); EXPECT_EQ(expect, actual) << a.first; } } protected: std::unique_ptr mHwApi; std::unique_ptr mNoApi; std::map mFileMap; TemporaryDir mFilesDir; TemporaryDir mEmptyDir; std::map mExpectedContent; }; template class HwApiTypedTest : public HwApiTest, public WithParamInterface>> { public: static auto PrintParam(const TestParamInfo &info) { return ParamNameFixup(std::get<0>(info.param)); } static auto MakeParam(std::string name, std::function func) { return std::make_tuple(name, func); } }; using HasTest = HwApiTypedTest; TEST_P(HasTest, success_returnsTrue) { auto param = GetParam(); auto func = std::get<1>(param); EXPECT_TRUE(func(*mHwApi)); } TEST_P(HasTest, success_returnsFalse) { auto param = GetParam(); auto func = std::get<1>(param); EXPECT_FALSE(func(*mNoApi)); } INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(HwApiTests, HasTest, ValuesIn({ HasTest::MakeParam("default/owt_free_space", &Vibrator::HwApi::hasOwtFreeSpace), }), HasTest::PrintParam); using GetUint32Test = HwApiTypedTest; TEST_P(GetUint32Test, success) { auto param = GetParam(); auto name = std::get<0>(param); auto func = std::get<1>(param); uint32_t expect = std::rand(); uint32_t actual = ~expect; expectAndUpdateContent(name, expect); EXPECT_TRUE(func(*mHwApi, &actual)); EXPECT_EQ(expect, actual); } TEST_P(GetUint32Test, failure) { auto param = GetParam(); auto func = std::get<1>(param); uint32_t value; EXPECT_FALSE(func(*mNoApi, &value)); } INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(HwApiTests, GetUint32Test, ValuesIn({ GetUint32Test::MakeParam("default/num_waves", &Vibrator::HwApi::getEffectCount), GetUint32Test::MakeParam("default/owt_free_space", &Vibrator::HwApi::getOwtFreeSpace), }), GetUint32Test::PrintParam); using SetBoolTest = HwApiTypedTest; TEST_P(SetBoolTest, success_returnsTrue) { auto param = GetParam(); auto name = std::get<0>(param); auto func = std::get<1>(param); expectContent(name, "1"); EXPECT_TRUE(func(*mHwApi, true)); } TEST_P(SetBoolTest, success_returnsFalse) { auto param = GetParam(); auto name = std::get<0>(param); auto func = std::get<1>(param); expectContent(name, "0"); EXPECT_TRUE(func(*mHwApi, false)); } TEST_P(SetBoolTest, failure) { auto param = GetParam(); auto func = std::get<1>(param); EXPECT_FALSE(func(*mNoApi, true)); EXPECT_FALSE(func(*mNoApi, false)); } INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(HwApiTests, SetBoolTest, ValuesIn({ SetBoolTest::MakeParam("default/f0_comp_enable", &Vibrator::HwApi::setF0CompEnable), SetBoolTest::MakeParam("default/redc_comp_enable", &Vibrator::HwApi::setRedcCompEnable), }), SetBoolTest::PrintParam); using SetUint32Test = HwApiTypedTest; TEST_P(SetUint32Test, success) { auto param = GetParam(); auto name = std::get<0>(param); auto func = std::get<1>(param); uint32_t value = std::rand(); expectContent(name, value); EXPECT_TRUE(func(*mHwApi, value)); } TEST_P(SetUint32Test, failure) { auto param = GetParam(); auto func = std::get<1>(param); uint32_t value = std::rand(); EXPECT_FALSE(func(*mNoApi, value)); } INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(HwApiTests, SetUint32Test, ValuesIn({ SetUint32Test::MakeParam("default/f0_offset", &Vibrator::HwApi::setF0Offset), SetUint32Test::MakeParam("default/delay_before_stop_playback_us", &Vibrator::HwApi::setMinOnOffInterval), }), SetUint32Test::PrintParam); using SetStringTest = HwApiTypedTest; TEST_P(SetStringTest, success) { auto param = GetParam(); auto name = std::get<0>(param); auto func = std::get<1>(param); std::string value = TemporaryFile().path; expectContent(name, value); EXPECT_TRUE(func(*mHwApi, value)); } TEST_P(SetStringTest, failure) { auto param = GetParam(); auto func = std::get<1>(param); std::string value = TemporaryFile().path; EXPECT_FALSE(func(*mNoApi, value)); } INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P( HwApiTests, SetStringTest, ValuesIn({ SetStringTest::MakeParam("calibration/f0_stored", &Vibrator::HwApi::setF0), SetStringTest::MakeParam("calibration/redc_stored", &Vibrator::HwApi::setRedc), SetStringTest::MakeParam("calibration/q_stored", &Vibrator::HwApi::setQ), }), SetStringTest::PrintParam); } // namespace vibrator } // namespace hardware } // namespace android } // namespace aidl